Torii: Beyond the Red Gate

Project Overview
About the Project
- Torii: Beyond the Red Gate is an upcoming, free, fantastical horror visual novel.
- Plot synopsis: A boy and his friends look for his missing twin sister, and discover a doll in the woods beyond a torii gate that looks exactly like her.
- It's a long term project with an estimated final release the year 2025. Demo versions will be released prior to that deadline.
- For screenshots of the project, check out this link.
- Torii has heavy subjects such as self-harm, violence & gore, vague implications of childhood trauma and abuse, LGBTQ+ themes.
- Torii avoids anything too sexually explicit, such as nudity, but has sexual themes such as dirty jokes, as well as suggestive collectible art pieces.
- Please be aware of this before auditioning, as some characters may have heavier dialogue than others.
Important Things to Note
- Credit will be given with your name and a link to whatever you'd like.
- Your voice may be used in trailers and promotional material.
- I can only pay with PayPal.
- This is a long term project, so it may take a couple of months for me to cast some roles.
- This also has to do with budget reasons, as I can't finance all roles at once in a single month.
If there are any questions, send me a message. I'm open to answering.
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Latest Updates
We've cast majority of the roles now, but our main character, Ichiro, is still open for auditions. It's our most expensive role, but also our most time consuming, as payments will be split over a couple of months. I've also reopened the News Reporter role, as I think I cast it too early, giving fewer people chance to audition. I love the audition I did cast, but since I have given the other roles much more time, I'd like to do the same for that role.
All roles are now open!
We have decided to open auditions for all the roles left. But please keep in mind that the lead roles will be cast last, and it may take a few months before they are cast. -
Deadline pushed back to September
I want to give more people the chance to audition, and since most of the roles are paid, I prefer to have more time to cast. I like to focus on individuals and pay them as I cast them, or at the very least be financially read to do so when I cast. This means that my most expensive roles will be cast last. I'd like to reassure everybody that has auditioned that just because I haven't cast you yet, doesn't mean I haven't found the voice I want. I'm simply giving as many as possible a chance, while also being realistic with my budget. Timing is everything.
By auditioning, you agree to have your voice used for this role in the final product. You will be credited by your CCC username, or if you prefer something else, please comment it.
This is a role which will be given to multiple people, in order to make up a "group" sound.
- english
[Context: Your classmate, Ichiro, has been away from school for a month, and the class is welcoming him back.]
"Good morning, Sensei!"
[Cheer, like you've just been told school has been cancelled]
[Sigh or whine in disappointment. You thought you could go home but turns out you have to stay longer at school. Improvise. Examples: "Awww..." "Damn it..." "Laaamee"]
[After class is dismissed] "Thank you very much!"

The audition lines are all the lines for this role.
- english
"A month has passed since Hinako Yamazaki, a local resident, was last seen. Authorities are considering her a runaway, and today announced that they will cease further investigation."
"Yamazaki's family disagrees, claiming it's no mere coincidence."
"Another child in their neighborhood, Yasu Iwasaki, went missing three months ago. Authorities have declined to comment on possible connections between the two cases."

Yuuto is the protagonist's best friend. He's perverted, naive and always cheerful. Deep down, he's dealing with a lot of mental health issues due to childhood trauma.
Yuuto has a soft, youthful voice. Think "dumb but lovable anime best friend". Voice cracks in intense dialogue are welcomed! Teen vibes.
[This is a role that will have to be paid and recorded in at least 3 parts over the course of at least 3 months due to it having 382 lines. Time can be extended and is flexible.]
[This character talks about heavy subjects such as self harm, physical abuse, and has minor LGBTQ+ themes.]
- english
- male teen
[Context: Main Character goes to school for the first time in months. Yuuto is his best friend.]
Yuuto (happy): "Look who finally showed up!" or "So glad you finally decided to join us!"
Yuuto (happy): "You could've texted me once in a while, y'know?"
Yuuto (happy): "Whatever. I'm just glad you're here!"
Yuuto (sad): "You're not happy to see me? I thought we were bros!"
Yuuto (happy): "I'm just kidding. Lighten up, will ya?"
[Mood: Traumatized... Verge of tears. He just saved his best friend from an assailant, but may have killed the assailant by accident. He broke a vase over his head. Please only read Yuuto's lines.]
Yuuto (muttering to self, calm tone): "I had to do it… I— I think I fucking killed him."
Yuuto (verge of tears, calm tone) : "What the fuck do we do now?"
Yuuto (verge of tears, calm tone): "...What about the blood?"
Yuuto: (verge of tears, calm tone) "Y-You should go unlock the door—make it look like a home invasion or something... I‘ll clean this up."
I shake my head.
Ichiro: "I'll… help."
Yuuto: (verge of tears, calm tone) "Help? We‘re {i|beyond{/i} fucked!"
[Mood: Terrified. Cowardly.]
(The ouija board spells out "Hi")
Yuuto (panic, high energy): "Holy shit! Did you guys see that!?"
(The ouija board spells out it's name.)
Yuuto: (panic, high energy) "No fucking way!"
Yuuto: (panic, high energy) "How do we know this isn't some demon messing with us?"
(The ouija board spells out "Monster")
Yuuto: (panic, high energy) "Nonononono! No monsters!"

Yuna is a supporting character. After her brother is murdered, and her best friend disappears, she teams up with the protagonist to solve the case.
Yuna is very interested in the occult, and detective work. She's typically icy, and an introvert.
[This role's lines will be spread over a couple of months, in order to make things easier to budget, as well as to record, due to there being 162 lines.]
- english
- female teen
[Please only read Yuna's lines.]
Yuna: "Ichiro!"
Yuna is sitting on the steps—but when she notices me, she stands up and runs over.
Yuna: "It {i}is{/i} you! I'm glad you’re back."
Ichiro: "...You are?"
Ichiro: "W-Wait… you {i}are{/i} talking to me, right?"
Yuna: "Do you see anyone else named Ichiro around?"
Ichiro: "Ah. Heh, well… I'm glad to see you too…?"
Yuna: "Good!"
Yuna: "I know we didn't talk much before, but I thought you could use a friend that understands what you're going through."
Yuna: "Sooooooo… Are you free after school today?"
Ichiro: "N-No, sorry… I have a lot of homework to catch up on after, y'know, being away for a month."
Yuna: "Oh yeah... Well, can I at least walk you home?"
Yuna: "Great!"
Yuna: "We should probably get to class."
Yuna: "I'll meet you here after school, though!"
[Please only read Yuna's lines.]
Yuna: "Ichiro... didn‘t you see the torii on the way here?"
Ichiro: "You mean the red one?"
Yuna: "Yes, the torii gate. It lets things pass from the profane world into the sacred one."
Yuna: "By walking through it, you could say we've entered the gods' realm."
Ichiro: "Wow. How long have you known that kind of stuff?"
Yuna: "Ichiro, I'm serious…"
Yuna: "That doll could belong to a spirit, so I don't think you should take it."

Ichiro is the protagonist. He's a bit gloomy and introverted. He's been dealing with depression after his sister went missing, and he's trying to move on with his life, but it feels impossible...
[This role's lines will be spread over a couple of months, in order to make things easier to budget, as well as to record, due to there being 544 lines.]
- english
- male teen
[Please only read Ichiro's lines.]
Yuuto: "You could've texted me once in a while, y'know?"
Ichiro(sad): "I'm sorry, Yuuto. I didn't mean to push you away like that."
Yuuto: "Whatever. I'm just glad you're here!"
Ichiro(sad) : "That makes one of us..."
Yuuto: "You're not happy to see me? I thought we were bros!"
Ichiro(panic): "What? Of course we are. Y-You know that's not what I meant!"
Yuuto "..."
Ichiro(defensive) : "I was talking about school, I swear!"
Yuuto "I'm just kidding. Lighten up, will ya?"
Ichiro(annoyed): "You haven't changed a bit..."
Yuuto: "Can't say the same for you."
[Please only read Ichiro's lines.]
Yuna: "Ichiro... didn‘t you see the torii on the way here?"
Ichiro: "You mean the red one?"
Yuna: "Yes, the torii gate. It lets things pass from the profane world into the sacred one."
Ichiro: "Wow. How long have you known that kind of stuff?"
Yuna: "Ichiro, I'm serious…"
Yuna: "That doll could belong to a spirit, so I don't think you should take it."
Ichiro(angry): "So I'm just supposed to {i}ignore{/i} the fact that it looks exactly like Hina—the only thing that might give me some closure!?"
Ichiro(angry): "Fuck that!"

This is the school teacher.
- english
Okada-sensei: "Good morning, everyone."
Okada-sensei: "And Yamazaki… Welcome back."
Okada-sensei: "Alright everyone, I have an announcement: the school's administration has decided that we can take a break from studying today..."
Okada-sensei: "Settle down, everyone. How about we start with a game of Hangman?"
Okada-sensei: "Alright. Let's begin!"
Okada-sensei: "Class dismissed. See you Monday."

The Boogeyman is a demon. It presents itself as a beautiful woman. A goddess. Its voice comes off as elegant and beautiful, but loses it's warmth and beauty when it's unhappy.
The Boogeyman has 85 lines in total. The price can be negotiated if it's not satisfactory.
- english
[the Boogeyman is the narrator of the prologue.]
What is "truth"?
Do Man's eyes reveal it—or is the species doomed to see nothing more than mere specters?
Is "reality" like a shadow on the wall, dancing to a flickering flame?
At least it is true that, outside of their own existence, mankind cannot truly {b}prove{/b} anything…
[The tone should be calm and ethereal. Like a Goddess gracing a peasant with her presence.]
???: "Hello, child."
???: "The one you called. My apologies for taking so long."
???: "Me? My name has been lost to time."
???: "My desire? Reverence—and where none can be found… {i}fear.{/i}"
???: "The Devourer of Souls, though some call me 'The Boogeyman.'"
Boogeyman: "I am sometimes benevolent, so I've decided to hear your plea."
[Mood: Desperation, Fear, Rage]
Ichiro: "No! I'll never make a deal with you!"
Boogeyman: "Give them to me!"
Boogeyman: "I need them…"
Boogeyman: "I-I’ll starve without them!"
Ichiro: "Good"
Boogeyman: "You! I'll kill you!"
Ichiro: "Pfft. You can't hurt me. This is just a nightmare."
Boogeyman: "You're wrong!"

Any voice type is allowed to audition. He may be a big boy, but you don't need a deep voice.
Pito is a bully character. He's best friends with Botan. He used to be best friends with Yuuto too, but after an incident in early childhood, their friendship fizzled out, as Yuuto became closer to his new best friend, Ichiro. Pito saw how this affected Botan, and has stood by him ever since. He only bullies those that Botan hates, to show loyalty and support for his best friend.
- english
- male teen
[Flashback scene to when Yuuto is dating Pito's sister. Pito is livid.]
Pito: "Ayame, get the hell away from that psycho!"
Ayame: "P-Pito? What are you doing here?"
Pito: "Someone told me some {i}freak{/i} was creeping on my sister—and I had to see it with my own two eyes."
Ayame: "No. They’re not going to do anything—right, Pito?"
Pito: "The fuck we’re not! She’s only thirteen, you fucking sicko!"
Ayame: "Leave him alone, Pito! My birthday's next week!"
Pito: "What difference does that make? You’re still my little sister, so he should know you’re off limits!"
Pito: "Why him, huh? Can’t you see he’s just using you to get to me!?"
Pito: "...I’m gonna tell our parents about this."
Pito: "You were warned to stay away from me and my family, Hayashi."

Botan is a bully character. He's best friends with Pito. He used to be best friends with Yuuto too, but after an incident in early childhood, their friendship fizzled out, as Yuuto became closer to his new best friend, Ichiro. Botan is driven by jealousy. He has a crush on his bullying target, Yuuto, that just won't seem to go away.
- english
- male teen
[First interaction with the player]
Botan: "What’s it gonna take for you to leave Sunset Village, Yamazaki?"
Botan: "Do I really have to spell it out? Fuck, you’re even dumber than I remember."
Botan: "Pfft. Don’t make me beat sense into you again, Hayashi."
[Confessing his feelings to Yuuto and the protagonist.]
Botan: "I didn’t really care if our parents banned us from being around you. I still wanted to be your friend."
Botan: "Then I saw how you latched onto Yamazaki and started to feel replaced—even though you were justified in that."
Botan: "You’re missing the point! How could you just move on like we never existed? Did we mean nothing to you!?"
Botan: "Whatever. Guess we broke each other's hearts without realizing it."

Rento is the protagonist's step-father. He is ignorant and sometimes misogynistic... but he has a good heart. Just a serious boomer. Even though he has trouble showing it, he really loves his step children.
[This role has 53 lines.]
- english
[Please only read Rento's lines. I left some of Mizuki's lines for context.]
Rento: "Your mother is speaking to you, girl."
Rento: "{i}Ahem!{/i}"
Mizuki: "What's wrong, honey?"
Rento: "Something needs to be done about that child's hair."
Rento: "Oh, please. You know what I'm talking about: it's like a bird’s nest!"
Mizuki: "Then why don't you brush it for her for once in your life?"
Rento: "Because I’m a man—and that’s a woman’s job."
Rento: "Besides, she's {i}your{/i} daughter."
Mizuki: "Hinako, your step-father is a prime example of how a {i}boy{/i} looks and acts."
Rento: "Hold your tongue, Mizuki!"
Having had enough, Hinako pushed away from the table, stood, and sprinted for the front door.
Rento: "Oh, don't be so dramatic."
Rento: "Relax. I didn't say I wouldn't go after her."
[Please only read Rento's lines. I left some of Ichiro's lines for context.]
Ichiro: "What the hell are {i}you{/i} doing here?"
Rento: "Uh, I work here. What are you doing here, son?"
Ichiro: "Since when was I ever that!?"
Rento: "Sometimes I think—"
Rento: "W-What? What on earth are you talking about?"
All the blood drains from his face. It's like he's seen a ghost.
Rento: "I… have no idea what you mean."
Rento: "Ichiro, calm down—or I'll have to escort you out."
Rento: "I need assistance here! Could someone please escort my son out?"

Mizuki is the mother of the protagonist. After her daughter goes missing, Mizuki struggles to keep living.
- english
[Please only read Mizuki's lines.]
I rush downstairs, only to find my mother sobbing on our couch.
Ichiro: "Mom, are you okay?"
Mizuki: "Oh, Ichiro..."
Mizuki: "Everything's fine, darling.”
Mizuki: "*Sniffle* Why are you up so early today?"
Ichiro: "Mom..."
Mizuki: "Yes, dear?"
Ichiro: "It's my first day of school... Did you forget?"
Mizuki: "Apparently!"
I sigh, then change the subject.
Ichiro: "...What was that loud noise earlier?"
Mizuki: "Wha—"
Mizuki: "Oh! That was Rento. He just swung by to grab the rest of his things. "
Mizuki: "Why don't you go make yourself some breakfast?"
Ichiro: "Alright—but take it easy, okay?"
Mizuki: "There's nothing to worry about, Ichi."
[Please only read Mizuki's lines. Context: Takes place during family dinner.]
Rento: "Ahem!"
Mizuki: "What's wrong, honey?"
Rento: "Something needs to be done about that child's hair."
Mizuki: "Not this again..."
Rento: "Oh, please. You know what I'm talking about: it's like a bird’s nest!"
Mizuki: "Then why don't you brush it for her for once in your life?"
Rento: "Because I’m a man—and that’s a woman’s job."
Rento: "Besides, she's your daughter."
Mizuki: "Hinako, your step-father is a prime example of how a boy looks and acts."
Rento: "Hold your tongue, Mizuki!"
Having had enough, Hinako pushed away from the table, stood, and sprinted for the front door.
Mizuki: "Hinako!"
Rento: "Oh, don't be so dramatic."
Mizuki: "How can you be this insensitive!?"

Hinako is a little girl. Her best friend is missing, and it's turned her life upside down.
- english
- female child
[Context: Hinako followed a voice into the woods that sounded an awful lot like her missing best friend. It lead to a creepy glade.]
Hinako: "W-What is this place...?"
Hinako: "This isn’t funny, Yasu!"
Hinako: "Y-Yasu, I’m scared!"
Hinako: "Where are you!?"
Public Submissions