Torii: Beyond the Red Gate
Kscahill for Yuna

Yuna is a supporting character. After her brother is murdered, and her best friend disappears, she teams up with the protagonist to solve the case.
Yuna is very interested in the occult, and detective work. She's typically icy, and an introvert.
[This role's lines will be spread over a couple of months, in order to make things easier to budget, as well as to record, due to there being 162 lines.]
- english
- female teen
[Please only read Yuna's lines.]
Yuna: "Ichiro!"
Yuna is sitting on the steps—but when she notices me, she stands up and runs over.
Yuna: "It {i}is{/i} you! I'm glad you’re back."
Ichiro: "...You are?"
Ichiro: "W-Wait… you {i}are{/i} talking to me, right?"
Yuna: "Do you see anyone else named Ichiro around?"
Ichiro: "Ah. Heh, well… I'm glad to see you too…?"
Yuna: "Good!"
Yuna: "I know we didn't talk much before, but I thought you could use a friend that understands what you're going through."
Yuna: "Sooooooo… Are you free after school today?"
Ichiro: "N-No, sorry… I have a lot of homework to catch up on after, y'know, being away for a month."
Yuna: "Oh yeah... Well, can I at least walk you home?"
Yuna: "Great!"
Yuna: "We should probably get to class."
Yuna: "I'll meet you here after school, though!"
[Please only read Yuna's lines.]
Yuna: "Ichiro... didn‘t you see the torii on the way here?"
Ichiro: "You mean the red one?"
Yuna: "Yes, the torii gate. It lets things pass from the profane world into the sacred one."
Yuna: "By walking through it, you could say we've entered the gods' realm."
Ichiro: "Wow. How long have you known that kind of stuff?"
Yuna: "Ichiro, I'm serious…"
Yuna: "That doll could belong to a spirit, so I don't think you should take it."