The Wanderer's Journey - 65 roles needing to be filled (extended till 31st!)

The Wanderer's Journey - 65 roles needing to be filled (extended till 31st!)

Project Overview

The Wanderer's Journey is an Audiodrama about 2 survivors of a massacure Valcory Flyware and Freddy Windstorm who must go across the land of Starock to find a new home. Series does both happy and scary/sad episodes both covers off as a world building type series for a novel I am trying to write. Series will focus on interacting and observing many animals and plants that inhabit the world, learning of the culture, and facing of enemies like slavers.

Series has some swearing in it (mostly made up swearing though), themes of slavery and light torture, some gore scenes and implied adult themes. While the series is going to try and stay PG with some darker moments here and there. 

As well as of currently this series can not compencate for roles. In the future this MIGHT change but as of now it is a non paying role.


Important note is that characters from many different backgrounds, sexual orientations, likes and dislikes, as well as weeknesses and strengths will be featured. Even the 2 main leads are bisexual for the female and gay for the male. I will not tolerate any discrimination or hate given to other cast memebers and anyone else who joins, and ask anyone who is uncomfortable auditioning for a character who is of a different background and sexual orientation then they are to please not audtion. We have had this problem in the past and lost us time due to delays and people leaving the production for this reason


For this section of casting we will be looking for 65+ people for a large scene and later episodes we still have a large time until we get there but I need this out of the way now. 

Most roles avalible in this section are background or minor roles, but we still need good quality in them. Also if you try out for a Lupinear/winged wolf, please read the important section as it will explain about what key things these VA's will be doing at times

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Anne

Voice type: Young adult voice and nothing specific to this voice. As this is a background character, she will not have many lines and therefore play around with the voice in whatever sound you’d prefer.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Commanding: Call Philip! Runners spotted on the south side!

  • Malicious = HAHAHA! It’s pen time ya'll! Little slave girl’s going in!

  • Mad = Hey, I thought I heard an intruder!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 253 (25.3)

Voice type: Empathetic, nurturing and kind. But if a slave is being too scared or frantic does have a powerful strong voice to her

Important: Tiana was a slave, so she is very sensitive and sympathetic to all slaves.


Additional Lines

In thought = Ruby and I scouted the area with Daisy and Sapphire. We found 3 slaves, including that squirming fellow over there, but didn’t see any more tracks out that way.

Affectionate = There’s my genius healer! How you doing hun? Topaz being civil?

  • Happy = Come on Ruby! Let’s track those Mangy, flea bitten slavers down!

  • Scared above…Uhhh Jenny…you and Diamond Dust might want to come take a look at this...

  • Mad = Would you settle down already! I’m not going to hurt you, so stop squirming!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 218 (21.8)

Voice type: soft, shy, gentle and sweet. Rarely if ever gets mad and if anything will most likely be scared in confrontation situations. VA should sound like a person who can do no wrong

Important: This character only gets loud when they win a fight against the slavers which only happens twice. She is not so quiet you can barely hear her, but she does have a voice that sounds very shy.


Additional Lines

In thought = If you give me till sun down I could write them up some border crossing papers, and they will cross over like the wind, if I still got the old touch

Affectionate = I’m fine Jenny, Sweetie, I was just worried about you out there.

  • Happy = *laughs* Jenny I’ll be fine. Just a quick look into the south side, nothing me and pearl can’t handle.

  • Lovey-Dovey = Come on Sweetie, I think we got a little time to relax with a good cuddle

  • Scared/hurt = H-hey J-jenny…s-sorry about g-getting hurt…C-can we talk about it l-later though…I…I feel really t-tired…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Background Slaves

Voice type: any

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change. We need many for this number so the audition is more to check microphone quality and voice ability

  • Fearful= sorry, sorry, sorry (Repeated)

  • Sad = of course...

  • Excited = Freedom!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Iris

Voice type: Teen voice with a certain amount of power in it. This is a character that has more of a role then the other background characters, but still has no set voice or accent for the role.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Commanding: Get the new lot unloaded from the carts, now!

  • Neutral = Sir, all slaves are accounted for and shackled to the rocks. After that little incident yesterday our total is now 50. I don’t think we should take on anymore though. Word is the rangers are trying to get the total slave count law down to only 10 now. And with how our spaces are now I don’t think we will be able t-

  • Scared = N-No sir. I would never Question you. I-I just was suggesting we migh-

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Side Slave 217

Voice type: any

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Fearful= You don’t think they’ll sell us to a fighting ring, do you? Or a mine?!

  • Angry = Rock head is going to get us killed! Best to ignore that one.

  • Excited = I’m free! Free as the wind!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Airi

Voice type: Airi has a young voice, but nothing too specific of her voice. As this is a background character, she will not have many lines and therefore play around with the voice in whatever sound you’d prefer.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Commanding = Get on now!

  • Malicious = Welcome to your new home slave!

  • Mad = Keep that beast in check! Don’t let it break through the pen!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Side Slave 430

Voice type: Any

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Fearful= please don’t let me go to the mines, please don’t let me go to the mines, please don’t let me go to the mines.... (Repeated)

  • Sad = Poor dear…so young to be put in the pen...

  • Excited = Freedom!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slave 169

Voice type: Any

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Fearful= Y-Yes master

  • Sad = hello

  • Excited = Free! Free! We're free!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
slave 498 (Name: Sally

Voice type: Sally’s character is to be very innocent and sweet, like Polly. Although she is little, she loves to be around people and even sometimes can convince slavers, like Delilah, to be nicer to her and the others. This voice should be young and pretty optimistic.

Accent: Romani

Important Information to Note: This character has the smallest role of the numbered slaves, and repeats a lot of her words when excited.

  • Happy: Polly! Polly! There’s new friends here looky, looky!

  • Scared: Lily, what does he mean test? What is he going to do?

  • Curious: What’s that shiny thing?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Shadiya

Voice type: Young Adult voice, no specifics or Accents thought of for this character. As this is a background character, she will not have many lines and therefore play around with the voice in whatever sound you’d prefer.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Commanding: Get Philip! The Flyware is off the chain!

  • Bored to Suspicious: All Quiet, Lennard. Nothing out there at all…Wait…Did that star just blink out there?

  • Mad = Gah! My leg!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 253 (25.3)

Voice type: light hearted and comforting to others she calls friends. She can be a very loud motor mouth though when she gets excited.

Accent: Romani

Important: As stated she is a motor mouth when excited.


Additional Lines

In thought = hmmmm I could go with Pearl and Angel down to the Southern Quadrant, let them know the Slavers might be heading down that way. Might be able to make a surprise attack for them

Affectionate = Awww is my Betsy not happy she didn’t get any aerial fighting this time with stupid, old, Philip? Come on I bet a massage from yours truly might help you feel better.

  • Happy = That a girl Sapphire! Let’s show them how fast you can go!

  • Scared = Damn. This is not good. N-nope, nope, definitely not good.

  • Mad = Ruby! You have 25 heart beats to give me back my message bag or Altar forbid I’m going to make you into a fur coat!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 382 (38.2)

Voice type: wise and knowledgeable, this character is often the voice of reason for serious situations.

Accent: Canadian

Important: this character is one of the winged wolves, Lupinears, and will growl. The Voice actor will need to do a growl in their voice sometimes when their angry.


Additional  Lines:

In thought = hmmm wind currents feel pretty good, but I sense a wind storm coming soon. It might throw off the Slaves trails so we’ll need to be quick for sure.

Affectionate = hehehehe, ohh come on Dusty you know I always think before I let Betsy do anything. But if it will make you feel better love I got time for a good cuddle while Betsy does a weapons cleaning

  • Happy = *laughing* Come on then Betsy! Let’s do number 15!

  • Annoyed = ohhhhhh just had to hit the weapons didn’t you Ruby. Could have jumped over them, but no you ran right into them *calling out* duck and cover everyone.

  • Mad =*growl* ohhhhh when I find that Philip, he’ll wish he was never born!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 420 (42)

Voice type: Jade gets excited when cooking but bored doing anything else.

Important: this character is one of the winged wolves, Lupinears, and will growl. The Voice actor will need to do a growl in their voice sometimes when their angry.


Additional Lines

In thought = Ground Thumpers are tender, but Crystal Backs do give more food

Affectionate thank you kindly my dear, here. I save a bit of the roasted heart for you to snack on while the meal’s getting prepped. Go on and dig in.

  • Happy = I think cooking geniuses, like us, can come up with a new food in our short time frame. Just don’t over do it!

  • Sad = aww I was hoping to have fried rainbow jumper tonight

  • Mad = CORAL!! You get back here this instant, you cooking disaster with paws!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slave 394 (Name: Lily)

Voice type: Must be wise and understanding. If Matilda is like the mother of the slaves/kids, Lily is like the grandmother almost. Her voice must be comforting and soothing for anyone she speaks with. Almost enough to open up the hardest of shells and let the person talk it out.

Accent: African or South African, but I pictured it more Xhosa African

Important Information to Note: This character has an opportunity to possibly come back later in the series as, again, a somewhat major role

  • Happy: My friend, it is good to see you! You gave us quite the scare, you did. We thought you were dead.

  • Sad: Ahhbasi my friend, you don’t understand! I come here in chains, dragged by my hair from my family! I stay alive to protect my new family! Polly was family, but if I fight back, I go in there and no one be here for them!

  • Mad: chaaahi! You sit down right now! We don’t need two people with death wishes!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Side Slave 638

Voice type: any

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Fearful= I-I hope not… Fates sake I hope not...

  • Mad = Humph! She’s a Flyware alright, high and mighty like she owns us!

  • Excited = Freedom! Sweet Freedom!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slave 280

Voice type: any

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Fearful= Momma! Please help Momma!

  • Sad = I’m hungry Momma….

  • Excited = We’re free momma!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Hermes

Voice type: Older voice and no real accents.  As this is a background character, he will not have many lines and therefore play around with the voice in whatever sound you’d prefer.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Commanding: Move it, you filthy slave!

  • Malicious = Best enjoy the next six sunrises you lot! It'll be your last, until your new home!

  • Mad = Runner! Runner by the south side!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Side Slave 215

Voice type: any

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Sad = *sigh* that’s the fourth one in the last five sun cycles… Fates sake this is madness!

  • Mad = Would you shut that baby up! Some of us need sleep!

  • Excited = Free! We’re free! We’re finally free!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Steven

Voice type: Adult voice, and has a harsh gruff sound to him. As this is a background character, he will not have many lines and therefore play around with the voice in whatever sound you’d prefer.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Commanding: Ahh Philip good to see you. Here to check on the old beasty?

  • Malicious = Hmmmm... seems that one hasn't broken yet. Why don’t you give her to me, I think a beating or two might get her to change her mind...

  • Mad = Hey! Quiet you stupid Beast! Don’t make me get the club!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Alina

Voice Types: Adult voice, nurturing and stern voice. As this is a background character, she will not have many lines.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Tired = Hi my name is Alina and I will be your medical supervisor. If you have any injuries and/or conditions, we will get you looked over as soon as we have time.

  • Sympathetic = (Stage Whisper) I’m sorry, really I am. If I could do more I would, but healing you and give you this little bit extra food for you lot is the best I can do. Keep your chin up, maybe…maybe you’ll be bought to kind slave owners

  • Frustrated = Philip, you’re going to end up with ½ of these slaves dead if you move them so soon and don’t give them more food and water! I'd like to see you try covering that up from the Rangers. What was the penalty for mistreatment of slaves? Oh yeah that’s right death, not just you, but every one of us here!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Background/Side Slavers

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Commanding: Move out!

  • Malicious = New load, coming in!

  • Neutral = Slave 394 check, Slave 498 check, Slave 520 check...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Diamond Dust

Age: 300 (30)

Voice type: Diamond Dust has an incredibly deep voice, the best comparison I can say with him is of the actor Sam Elliott. He does indeed have a Western accent, and it’s a very heavy Western accent at that.

Accent: Western Accent, very heavy

Important Information to Note: Reason I bring Sam Elliot up a lot is because when I was making this character that is who I was listening to from the movie “Barnyard”. If you aren’t able to reach that deep I understand but it is as deep as you can get it would be appreciated. The character is also the one to growl the most of the Lupinears and there for it can be tricky.


Additional Lines

Calming/Happy = take a load off boy, we've done our deed, now it’s time for rest. Y’all go over and rest in the shade, and when you’ve gone and cooled off, come talk to us again.

Angry = Don’t push it boy! I know what you’ve been doing with them slaves and I know how bad they’re treated! If it ain’t cause of that stupid “proof needed” rule to lock ya’ll in a cell, I’d have stopped you by now. However, if y’all think were gonna leave this be, then you got rocks shoved so far through your head it’s knocked your brain clean out.

Sad: Must’ve been 10-20 slaves that went into this thing... Judging from the shackles and that list…most of those poor slaves were kids … They didn’t even stand a chance.

  • Leader Like = Alright listen up y’all. We’re gonna be covering a lot of land so we can find those slaves, rope’em up and bring ‘em home. Dust Devil, William, Betsy, Cobalt go on to the eastern quadrant. Tiana, Ruby, Daisy, Sapphire, y’all head to Western quadrant. Jerry, Emerald, Angel, and Pearl, y’all head to the northern quadrant. Sharpshooter, Charlie, you two come with us and we’ll check the southern quadrant. Burhan, Moissanite, Jameel, Coral, ya'll will be our eyes in the skies this time, make sure that if you spot a slave to either alert one us. Finally Quartz, Sam, Amelia, Topaz, Zainab, Jet, Basira, Citrine, Yasir, Jade, Fatima and Garnet; set up a medical base for our return. Remember once these slaves are cleared and given the best care we can, we ship them to the city. Hopefully we aren’t too late to save at least a few of them. *shout/call* Rangers move out!

  • Angry = Don’t push it boy! I know what you’ve been doing with them slaves and I know how bad they’re treated! If it ain’t cause of that stupid “proof needed” rule to lock ya’ll in a cell, I’d have stopped you by now. However, if y’all think were gonna leave this be, then you got rocks shoved so far through your head it’s knocked your brain clean out.

  • Affectionate = Now, now darling, don’t get all ruffled up. I wouldn’t want to see my pretty Pearl with a frown on her face.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 280 (28)

Voice type: Sam has a voice that is lively and fun. Not cheerful and giddy, but enough to get people excited to party. He is often hollwering and cheering and getting everyone excited.

Accent: Western Accent, somewhat heavy

Important Information to Note: Sam’s character is a navigator and often times will be explaining land locations and technical terms for distance and such.


Additional Lines

angry = say that to my face, you low down, rotten, Belly crawling slaver!

  • happy = I got some good news y’all! Seems them slavers left a good easy trail for us to follow. I reckon if we go off fast and hold the old canyon path, we’d be there by nightfall.

  • in thought = now how in the name of altar himself did a bunch of slavers take that many slaves out from under our noses, in just under three wagons. It just ain’t possible, we would have head something.

  • confused = now I could be wrong, but do any of y’all see that strange bit of sand moving out there? Cause that don’t exactly look normal to me.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 540 (54)

Voice type: Generally the mothering kind as she is one of the eldest of the group.

Accent: Western

Important: this character is one of the winged wolves, Lupinears, and will growl. The Voice actor will need to do a growl in their voice sometimes when their angry.


Additional lines

In thought = at how fast the suns setting, and from the formation of those rocks, I’d say we're close to the Sapphire Dragon by now.

Affectionate = awwwwww, is my big and strong Ranger not feeling so well? I bet a good cuddle would cheer you right up.

  • Happy = well, ain’t you just a cutie pie! Hey Sam! Ain’t he just the prettiest thing you ever seen?!

  • Sad = Diamond Dust… I…. I got some bad news…. More like horrible news actually…Pearl…Pearl’s hurt real bad…So is Angel, Daisy, Sapphire…The Slavers jumped them…over near the start of the southern quadrant

  • Mad = when I get my claws and fangs on those slavers, I’m gonna rip them apart faster than Diamond Dust can crush a diamond. Then I’m going to shove my claws right up their-!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 180 (18)

Voice type: A cut loose and battle ready character, needs a VA of the same kind. Her can go from cheering on comrades, to scaring the daylights out of her foes.

Important: Amelia does have a lot of fighting scenes, and sparing practices, so the VA will be doing grunting and fighting noises and times.


Additional lines

Sarcastic = Hilarious. Let’s see you talk like that when I face you in the ring, huh, hotshot?

Affectionate/Comforting = Awww Jerry, I’m fine, I promise. See, look. Will patched me right up as rain. I promise I’ll be fine.

  • Happy = Alright let’s go crack some skulls! Hey Betsy, bet you 5 stones I can bring down more Slavers than you!

  • Sad = We couldn’t get to them in time…poor things must have run all night to try and get away…by the time we got there, the death fliers were picking at their legs.

  • Mad = DAMNIT! Slaver got me right in my leg! Gah! SOMEONE GET ME SOME ALTAR DAMN MEDICAL CARE OVER HERE!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 300 (30)

Voice type: A kind and open voice with a gentle, fatherly nature. When angry though voice can get to aggressive and condescending, as well when sad sound worn down and tired.

Accent: Arabic

Important: this character is one of the winged wolves, Lupinears, and will growl. The Voice actor will need to do a growl in their voice sometimes when their angry.


Additional lines

In thought = hmmm you have a good set of legs Flyware...You might be able to learn a few combat skills to aid you

Affectionate = Aww hun, I’m alright, it's gonna take more than an arrow to take me out. I promise, I’m alright, just gonna be limping is all.

  • Happy = Well look at that! You finally woke up! Guess I owe Quartz a gem. How you doing ma'am?

  • Sad = *sigh* 15….15 of those 50 slaves we lost, and it hasn’t even been high sun…I hope that Altar smiles upon them. Let no more die

  • Mad = Gah! I told you, Amelia to get behind me didn’t I? But NNNOOO, you had to be some Altar Damn hot shot and now we both got a hole in our legs!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 300 (30)

Voice type: cocky at times and confident. When talking to Sapphire gentle, loving and caring.

Important: this character is one of the winged wolves, Lupinears, and will growl. The Voice actor will need to do a growl in their voice sometimes when their angry. Also she gets incredibly aggressive to anyone who insults Sapphire, Daisy, or Tiana and to ANY slave.

Additional Lines

In thought = hmmm scent’s fresh, hasn't travelled to far from here.

Concerned = Sapphire! You’re okay! Thank Altar’s wings! I was so worried about you Saph! I thought you were-!

  • Happy = Come on Sapphire! Let’s have some fun!

  • Scared = I-Is she going to be okay?! William, Dust Devil, please tell me she’s going to be alright!

  • Mad = What you say about my Sapphire, you Slaver scum?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 170 (17)

Voice type: Serious and often stick in the mud kind of behaviour. He is not monotone but he is often trying to not seem childish or silly. He only gets overly excited around Amelia or Emerald, and on the rare occasion he is able to save a large number of slaves without one of them dying or getting too hurt.

Important: Jerry is often the one people will go to for advice, so this character may have longer speeches then others


Additional Lines

In thought = Ruby is right, they're fresh. But why would they run off north? There’s no water out that way for days. It’s suicide if they’re on foot

Affectionate = Oh thank fates and Altar you’re alright. Are you in pain? Do you need anything? Did William make sure to not get this infected? If it gets infected I swear to Altar I’m-

  • Happy = Hahaha, Looky what we rescued! 10 slaves with minor injuries! Their practically good to go right now!

  • Sad = *sigh* poor lot. Must have been scared you lot were just going to lock’em to the chain again.

  • Mad = AMELIA! *little growl* Okay which one of you low lifes shot my girl!?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dust devil

Age: 284 (28.4)

Voice type: Goofy and happy unless healing a patient in a tricky surgery or condition.

Important: this character is one of the winged wolves, Lupinears, and will growl. The Voice actor will need to do a growl in their voice sometimes when their angry.


Additional Lines

In thought = I could give him some additional tonics for pain relief to allow him to sleep more. Might help the healing process

Affectionate = There’s my big, strong, handsome Cobalt. Saw your flying tricks with Betsy on my break, they looked great. Still made my stomach drop faster than a rock in a lake but it was nice to see you two having fun.

  • Happy = Hello Mrs.Flyware, it’s an honor to be aiding you today. My name is Dust devil and I’ll be your healer for today.

  • Concerned = William please take a break. I don’t have to be your partner to see something is wrong. You look pale, you’re panting, and you look like you’re going to drop. I’ll handle the rest of the Slaves. Go to Yasir and get some food and water.

  • Mad = You rock head, sit down! You are in no position to move unless you want your blood all over the sand!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 300 (30)

Voice type: often grumpy, short tempered and snippy.

Accent: American (New Yorker)

Important: He is only grumpy when he is tired and since he has insomnia he often is tired and sleepy. He perks right up when Sam is around though


Additional Lines

In thought = Alright 50 desert blooms, 30 canteens, 40 fire fangs if anyone is brave enough to eat them, 10 tree walkers, 20 ground thumpers, 12 crystal backs and 5 crystal rammers to eat.

Affectionate = Hey Sam, glad to see you make it back, love! I saved you a lunch share! Want some?

  • Happy = Hey Yasir! How’s the food coming? You made sure to not go over again, did you?

  • Worried = Diamond Dust, I checked inventory over with Sharpshooter, if were going to take these Slaves back to the city we need to get more food, immediately

  • Mad = Would you lot keep it down!? I’m trying to sleep!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 550 (55)

Voice type: he is often a guy who likes to make his own path and cares little for authority. The VA should have that confidence in their voice.

Accent: American (New Yorker)

Important: this character is one of the winged wolves, Lupinears, and will growl. The Voice actor will need to do a growl in their voice sometimes when their angry. This character would also do anything for quartz so be prepared to act all lovey-dovey when Quartz’s character is around


Additional Lines

Relaxed = Trust me kid, if you ever become a rider, and you get to my age, you learn to appreciate the down time. Besides, your friend there can’t move too well and you got a bad infection in your arm from old Copper Tail’s bite. Just sleep and relax for once. Citrine and Basira will warn you if something happens.

Affectionate = Hey Quartz! Look what I found for you. A nice, juicy, opal for my beautiful, gorgeous mate.

  • Happy = aww Diamond Dust can shout all he wants, I found it along my route, when I was looking for the slaves. Go ahead and eat up hun. I know Opals are your favorite

  • Scared = QUARTZ! BEHIND YOU!

  • Mad = Quartz, I swear to Altar himself if you get up from that spot I am going to tie you down!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 400 (40)

Voice Type: much like her rider speaks as if she was a sage or master of knowledge. He is more knowledgeable and wise in the ways of the riders and elements and anyone in the group.

Accent: Arabic

Important: this character is one of the winged wolves, Lupinears, and will growl. The Voice actor will need to do a growl in their voice sometimes when their angry. This character does talk A LOT about the riders and elements and will be the biggest in letting the listeners know about what a Lupinear is.


Additional Lines

Calm = Much like the ground we walk on, each of us must learn to move and adjust to all changes that our journey may hold.

Affectionate = And you, my beautiful love, got a gift for cooking too. Can’t wait to get a taste.

  • Happy = ahhhha, bright young mind, so refreshing to meet. Come and listen to a lesson or two and learn of a world you have never seen before

  • Sad = The poor things…may Altar watch over them, where ever they wander

  • Mad = I would advise, ma'am, that you take your hand off me now…less you want that hand removed...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 200 (20)

Voice type: Kid like and playful. Jameel will often try and make a game out of anything and will flirt a lot with Fatima.

Accent: Arabic

Important: Jameel I kind of like those slick “cool” guy character with a good heart. If you tell him to back off he will get the message and leave you be.

Additional Lines

In thought you feel that Coral, airs getting heavy and my elbows in a bit of pain…heavy rainstorm on it’s way

Affectionate = awwww hun, you know I tease you because I love to see your incredible blush.

  • Happy = There’s a water hole! Come on Coral let’s go for a swim!

  • Worried = ohhhh no no no no no no! not a sandstorm! Ohhhhh Coral get to cover now!

  • Teasing = Ohhhh Fatima, I got a cuddle in mind with your name on it and a long massage after my swim. Think you’re up for it?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 240 (24)

Voice type: Child-like and innocent as well, she is not a “baby” but she does often look at the bright side of everything. When she gets near water she gets incredibly excited.

Accent: Arabic

Important: this character is one of the winged wolves, Lupinears, and will growl. The Voice actor will need to do a growl in their voice sometimes when their angry. In this case if someone upsets Coral, almost everyone gets upset with them


Additional Lines

Calm = You know there’s nothing better then being in the water. You two should try it sometime

Affectionate = Garnet, sweet heart, you're back! Ohhhhh I missed you so, so much!

  • Happy = *laughing* alright! I haven’t had a good swim in a long, long time!

  • Sad = I-I’m sorry. I..I just wanted to know if you wanted me to clean your locket...      

  • Teasing = Ohh come on Garnet, just because I’m the only one who can swim without screaming in pain, doesn’t mean I need to stay quiet, cutie pie. Helps me feel nice and relaxed too, might do you some good to loosen up. Maybe a good cuddle will loosen you right up.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Voice type: silent and not too talkative unless at night. He is not the “moody” or “broody” type but more the silent and thoughtful as well as observant of his surrondings

Age: 420 (42)

Accent: Arabic

Important: this character will often just grunt of humph in response to people unless angry. These lines bellow are from sections Valcory and Freddy talk with him at night otherwise the character stays relatively quiet.

Additional Lines

Calm/slightly amused = ahhh you see that set of stars? It’s call the rider and the Lupinear, said it can be seen in the sky from every corner of Starock. And over there, that star in the center of the sky? That’s called the eye of Altar. Said it can help lead any rider to where they need to go, no matter where it is.

Affectionate Basira, shimmering just as beautiful as night sky I see.

  • Happy = Ahhhhh night time, the most beautiful time to be active. The Moon, the stars, the quiet, everything is just so much better at night.

  • Mad = Nocturnal over here! Trying to rest!

  • Sad = you two aren’t the only ones effected by these attacks…long ago, I too was a part of one

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 500 (50)

Voice type: calm and collected. Like his riding partner unless at night he is usually quiet and often sleeps. If he is woken up early he gets VERY aggressive.

Accent: Arabic

Important: this character is one of the winged wolves, Lupinears, and will growl. The Voice actor will need to do a growl in their voice sometimes when their angry.


Additional Lines

In thought = hmmmmm high moon and not a soul around…something seems off...

Affectionate = There’s my dear Citrine, as stunning as always. Think you might be able to cuddle in the shade with me at some point?

  • Happy = We may not have gotten them all, but better than before. Remember when those poor slaves were lost in the sand storm. None of them came out of that.

  • Sad = *sigh* Even as a guardian of the night, and seeing its beauty can calm the soul…but not even that could make the image of that horrible pen and bloodied shackles calm from my mind

  • Mad = One more noise and I am going to rips someones ears off!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 443 (44.3)

Voice type: cheerful, kind, and positive during the day, at night can get sleepy, tired, and groggy. Not angry if awoken but kind just out of it look and voice wise

Accent: Arabic

Important: This Character chatters a lot during the day but starts to act groggy by sundown


Additional Lines

In thought , at half way to sun high. Better go now.

Affectionate = Hello Zainab dear, glowing as bright as the sun I see.

  • Happy = It’s Morning! Wahoo! Sun is up, sky is clear, It’s going to be a beautiful day!

  • Sad Shhhhhh Zainab…it was just a nightmare…just…just try and rest...

  • Sing song = Sunshine, bright! What a sight! Sending away all the fright!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 510 (51)

Voice type: cheerful, kind, and positive during the day, at night can get sleepy, tired, and groggy. Not angry if awoken but kind just out of it look and voice wise

Important: this character is one of the winged wolves, Lupinears, and will growl. The Voice actor will need to do a growl in their voice sometimes when their angry.

Additonal Lines

In thought = Hmmm if we don’t find those slaves before High sun they are going to be in trouble

Affectionate = Not sure sweetie, but I will do my best to take a break to rest with you. But you should really get a good day’s rest, my shining star, you look tired. Go rest up Jet, I will join you when I can.

  • Happy = *yawn* Morning already?! Yes! Glorious, glorious light!

  • Groggy = aww sundown…worst time of the day

  • Mad = *growl* hun please keep it down…I am not a Starell Lupinear and do not do good at night

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Voice type: Yasir needs a youthful adult voice. He is not a kid or teen by any means, but he is youthful as adults go and often is brimming with passion and creativity for his cooking. If someone ruins his meal though be prepared for a whole bomb of anger

Accent: Arabic

Important: Is a cook not really a fighter, he helps William with healing when there is a fight going on

Additional Lines

In thought = hmmmmm Ground Thumper or Crystal Back? Ground Thumper or Crystal Back?

Affectionate = hmmm glad to see you think so cutie, think I got a sweet treat for you to taste if you’d like something that will rock those taste buds.

  • Happy = hmmmmmmm what kind of recipe would be good here? Or maybe a new creation! Oohhhhh Jade, you think we got time?

  • Sad = ohhhhhhh, out of rainbow jumpers, shoot! There goes that recipe.


Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 180 (18)

Voice type: serious and stern, but does have her let loose moments. Much like Zoe from Firefly in voice and personality, Fatima is serious when it comes to being the Beta of the rangers.

Important: As Beta she has a lot of responsibility so it is VERY hard for her to relax and have some fun. Only Jameel can make her relax and even flit a bit.


Additional Lines

In thought = A beta’s life is hard, that is true. It is tiring, extinguishing and stressful…and I wouldn’t trade it for the job.

Affectionate = Quite a charmer aren’t you Jameel, though from someone as dashing as you, it’s pretty hard not to blush

  • Happy = Happy to serve, Diamond Dust, you know me and Garnet are loyal to the end

  • Sympathetic = *sigh* we did all we could Jenny, you know that. A ranger chief’s job is hard and no one expects you and diamond dust to get it right every time. We just expect you to do your best, like we all know you both do every time.

  • Mad = Show some respect to the chief or face me, Slaver!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 270 (27)

Voice type: Obiedient and loyal to the rangers, Garnet is also a lot like Zoe from Firefly in voice and such. She respects Diamond Dust and is his loyalist friend and team mate.

Important: this character is one of the winged wolves, Lupinears, and will growl. The Voice actor will need to do a growl in their voice sometimes when their angry.


Additional Lines

In thought = As your Beta, I say we could ignore it. But as your friend I can truthfully say that this whole thing seems rather suspicious and we are going into deep trouble if we just leave this be.

Affectionate = Come here my cutie pie Coral. Garnets in the mood to give some sweetie a massage and cuddle.

  • Happy = By Altar’s wing, it is true. Loyal to the end, to you and Jenny.

  • Sympathetic = Diamond, I know this is hard for you but we have a job to do. If we leave now we might be able to grab one of those disgusting slavers before they get too far. Come on, put that furry where it should go, not to where it will cause more trouble.

  • Mad = *growl* My, my, someone has a death wish…Permission to teach this low life a lesson, Diamond Dust?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Side Slave 326

Voice type: any

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Scared = shhhhh shhhh.... Please be quiet baby. Please, please settle...

  • Terrified = Fates, not again!

  • Excited = Free! Free! Free!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Doris

Voice type: Young adult voice, no real specifics to the voice. As this is a background character, she will not have many lines and therefore play around with the voice in whatever sound you’d prefer.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Commanding: All females go to the left! All males to the right!

  • Malicious = Why ain’t you a pretty one. Philip really found a good one here!

  • Mad = Ow she bit me! The disgusting slave bit me!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Side Slave 329

Voice type: Any

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Fearful= Please! Don’t take my baby!

  • Sad = I know baby…I know...

  • Excited = Yes baby, let’s go!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 334 (33.4)

Voice type: Although young, Burhan speaks as if he is a sage. He is more knowledgeable and wise in the ways of the riders and elements and anyone in the group.

Important: this character does talk A LOT about the riders and elements and will be the biggest in letting the listeners know about what a rider is


Additional Lines

Concentrated …Breath in…Breath out…let go of all thoughts and feelings…and be one with the ground around you.

Affectionate = Mmmmmmmm Smells amazing love! Though anything from you is going to be incredible, without a doubt.

  • Happy = Of course I wouldn’t mind giving any young one the knowledge of our people. Would you like to join us Ma'am?

  • Sad = Altar forbid… what kind of rider would do these horrible things…

  • Mad = Sapphire! Ruby! Could you please Quiet down! I can hear you all the way over here!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Adela

Voice type: Adult voice, no specifics or Accents thought of for this character. As this is a background character, she will not have many lines and therefore play around with the voice in whatever sound you’d prefer.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Commanding: You two! Show some respect and look at me when I'm talking to you!

  • Mad = Why you insolent little beast! Come here!

  • Scared = Oh you mean she’s-. Ohh sweat fates! I-I’s sorry Philip. I-I swear on the fates above, I-I had no idea she was-. I mean I was just trying to-.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Jan

Voice type: Young voice, nothing specific to the character and how they sound. As this is a background character, he will not have many lines and therefore play around with the voice in whatever sound you’d prefer.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Commanding: I see them! Get the Thunder Hooves! We’ll run them down!

  • Malicious = Ha! Did you see her run! She actually thought she had a chance!

  • Mad = I told you to watch those two, Anne!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 240 (24)

Voice type: excitable, loud, and often child-like, Emerald is pretty much a pup in an adult body voice wise.

Important: this character is one of the winged wolves, Lupinears, and will growl. The Voice actor will need to do a growl in their voice sometimes when their angry.


Additional Lines

In thought = I think I saw some Ground Thumpers out on the western Quadrant when looking for slaves. I could try getting Jerry to help me get them and bring them over for Yasir and Jade to cook up.

Affectionate = Topaz, I was so worried about you! Let me see your leg right now mister!

  • Happy = *chuckles* Looks like Ruby is at it again. I swear those two are just big puppies with how they act.

  • Annoyed = For the love of-! Diamond Dust! Shouting at William is not going to help them get fixed up, so could you please, just shut up!

  • Mad =*growl* Take that back, you pathetic Slaver!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 229 (22.9)

Voice type: You average doctor kind of voice, welcoming but stern at times and quite intelligent.

Important: If he fails in healing someone, or has had to take on healing large numbers, he has a layer of exhaustion in his voice


Additional Lines

In thought = I am not sure moving them immediately is a good idea. The Flyware might be fine to travel now, but definitely not the Windstorm. He needs at least 7 sunrises to rest and fix his leg.

Affectionate = Topaz is being as civil as a pup with a thorn in its foot. It has been a disaster here…but it is wonderful to see you, love, and even better to see you safe and sound

  • Happy = Alright Mr.Windstorm, that cast will keep your leg nice and secure. And with a little bit of rest and some of Dust Devil’s tonic’s you’ll be right as a diamond.

  • Sad = *sigh* This is all I can do. You may all go in and lie besides them but be quiet. They need rest, you hear?

  • Mad = Fate’s sake, give us a moment! We’re working as hard as we can!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slave 520 (Name: Reginald)

Voice type: This voice type needs to be angry and strong. This must be almost like that of an English Butler. Proper and prim, and with an elegant flair to it, but at the same time, can go gruff.

Accent: English accent, but can also work with a Scottish accent.

Important Information to Note: this character will not be returning but does make a very long speech, like many other named slaves. However unlike the others, his is not only the longest but also involves huffs and grunts in between words and lines. Best thing I can say is to listen to how old English butlers speak.

  • Happy = I say! Good shot there, good shot indeed.

  • Mad = Cut out that foolishness right now young miss. Less you think it proper for a lady of your sorts to want to get herself killed.

  • Sad = I had 2 little girls, Zoey and Carly. They looked just like you. We were taken from our home and lived on the chain for a while, scraping by, and going from one slaver to the next. My

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Walter

Voice type: Young adult voice with a whiny sound to it. He often complains and tries to pick fights with others. This is a character that has more of a role then the other background characters.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Angry = What?! How did you end up with nine slaves while I only found five?! I went out to sector 8, right by the river, and only found scrounging kids! How did you manage to get a full wagon!?

  • Strategic = Hmmmmmmmm, Wetstone's been mighty picky if you ask me. Should we teach him a little lesson?

  • Surprised = A Flyware? Out here? Fates above, you can’t be serious.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Wayna

Voice type: Young adult voice, no specifics or Accents thought of for this character. As this is a background character, he will not have many lines and therefore play around with the voice in whatever sound you’d prefer.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Commanding = Alright now, step lively, and single file now!

  • Excited = hahaha! Pay day, always love that time of the operation!

  • Bored = ehhh, looks like these six looks like it is going to be sent to a mind on the far south side just load him up on th-

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Jamey

Voice type: Young Adult voice, no specifics or Accents thought of for this character. As this is a background character, he will not have many lines and therefore play around with the voice in whatever sound you’d prefer.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Commanding = You heard him! Move it!

  • Malicious = Aww, don’t be shy young lady! We won’t bite!

  • Mad = Great Tony messed up on the whole no injured rule again. Fates sake! Marleen get over here right now!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Marleen

Voice type: Teen voice, nurturing and stern voice. As this is a background character, she will not have many lines.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Annoyed = I’m coming, I’m coming! Hold on for a few seconds would you!?

  • Mad = This better be good Jamey! I have a Slave over their with a

  • Disgusted = Fates sake, why doesn’t Philip reign in Tony more!? Those two need to stay in the healing zone for a few days alone, thanks to him!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Vladimir

Voice type: Adult sounding voice and a thick Scottish accent often a jolly sound to his voice, but also can go intimidating. This is a character that has more of a role then the other background characters.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Happy = Ahhh my friend Regina, showing Walter who the better Slaver is I see. What did I tell you Philip, my student is prize for the team

  • Curious = Philip, that glint in your eye... I only see it when you have a prize the size of a mountain. What did you find?

  • Threatening = Walter, you better keep your words in check, else I might slice that tongue off!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Lennard

Voice type: Teen voice, no specifics or Accents thought of for this character. As this is a background character, he will not have many lines and therefore play around with the voice in whatever sound you’d prefer.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Commanding: Check that the chains are secure before bed, you hear? Can't have another runner incident like before, now can we.

  • Bored = Shadiya, seen anything on your end or is it just more of the usual?

  • Mad = Get back on the chain now! You hear me Slave?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Patricia

Voice type: Young adult sounding voice with some aggressive outburst now and then. Patricia is often the first to throw, so the VA should be ready to do many “shouting matches with others”. This is a character that has more of a role then the other background characters.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Proud = Hey, just doing what you taught me Colene!

  • Angry = Why I ought to snap your neck, you red headed limping reject!

  • Taunting = My, my, my, big words coming from a pretty worthless slave. Look at you. What good are you anyway? Except to be a walking, talking, punching bag?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Regina

Voice type: Teen voice with a perky and snarky sound to it. This is a character that has more of a role then the other background characters.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Happy = Philip, sir, good to see that Ranger didn’t pull you in. Here are my count lines, I am sure they meet your desires. Ohh and here, Mr. Wetstone sends his regards and that he has a message for you …right…here in this scroll.

  • Cocky: Slaves were easy to wrangle up this time now that it's Blazing Season. Caught a family of 5. Half-starved sure, but the man’s got a good set of legs and arms. Fetch a good price in the mines.

  • Confused = Is something wrong with the note, Sir?       

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slaver Colene

Voice type: Adult voice which sounds mature and professional. This is a character that has more of a role then the other background characters.

Important = I may ask some individuals to do their own lines, or say a paragraph, so those who audition must be flexible to change

  • Commanding = Shut it Walter! Show some respect for both Vladimer and Regina. You could learn a thing or two from them, apprentice.

  • Annoyed = Those Fate forsaken Rangers almost got me. That stupid blue streaked one, Sapphire, and her rider Daisy came after me. They're catching on, I tell you, no one knows about my secret path but me and my students. Fates, if it weren’t for Patricia over here and that barrel trick they might have caught up.

  • In thought = The heir to the Flyware mines…I don’t even think I can imagine the bounty on her head

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slave 345 (Name: Matilda)

Voice type: Needs a voice that is fun loving and sweet. While this character does not have many lines, her role is to care for the younger slaves or ill ones and to protect the young ones as best as she can. The voice should be motherly and comforting, yet still filled with energy and life even after all that has happened.

Accent: A western Accent is required. Not hillbilly/Redneck Western, but more Texas modern-day. If this is not possible, another form of country accent is acceptable.

Important Information to Note: This character is one of the more prominent of the slaves, and therefore, in the episode, will interact more with Valcory or Freddy.


Additional line

Comforting: Hush now little one, it’s just a big old night terror bugging you...

  • Sad: Don’t go telling the younglin’ this, but slaves don’t live have happy or long lives. If we’re lucky, some of them will go off into caring in homes and possibly even small end jobs. Other poor fellows will get stuck in the mines, and probably die before they even have a chance to work to their freedom. I ain’t gonna say a word but deep down, I know most of them will probably die before they even reach my age.

  • Happy: *laughs* Now that’s what I call one rip roaring beast! Come on y’all let’s move it! 

  • Fearful: Nononononono! She didn’t say nothin, not a word. I-I swear!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Gender: Female

Age: 310 (31)

Voice type: calm and level, often seeming to talk almost philosophically. Unless talking with ruby, which she then becomes excitable and playful; talking with her rider, which she becomes perky and loving; or if she get mad, which she gets incredibly disturbing in how she talks, to the point of making “blood run cold” if you will.

Important: this character is one of the winged wolves, Lupinears, and will growl. The Voice actor will need to do a growl in their voice sometimes when their angry.


Additional Lines

In thought = Hmmmmm, I don’t think I could run fast enough to get to them in time though. Sure the protection would help but even then we’d have to travel day and night without rest, if we were running. Flying wouldn’t be good for keeping a low profile, but it would be faster.

Affectionate = Ruby! Ru, ru it’s okay. I’m okay. Just really sore and a little pain in my legs is all. I promise, I’m going to be fine. William did a great job patching me up.

  • Happy = *laughing* Ruby! Come back here you silly pup!

  • Calm = Ruby just ignore them, they’re just imbeciles with loud mouths who spew insults to feel stronger.

  • Mad = Okay that’s it! It’s time to die, you piece of disgusting filth!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Age: 250 (25)

Voice type: calm, motherly and loving

Important: this character is one of the winged wolves, Lupinears, and will growl. The Voice actor will need to do a growl in their voice sometimes when their angry. This character does have low self-esteem and does not think herself great. Any compliments make her stutter A LOT.


Additional Lines

In thought = If only Slavers were as easy to work with as border relations…Our job would be 10 times easier

Affectionate = Ahh Darling Diamond…you know just how to make me smile don’t you

  • Happy = *laughing* Okay! Okay! I’m n-not sad anymore! Y-you can s-s-stop ti-tickling me D-D-Darling!

  • Scared/hurt = Gah! I-It’s a Clamper Trap! Sapphire, D-Daisy, take Angel and get out of here, now!

  • Mad Dust, you let me see that wound right now you pebble brain!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Slave 154 (Name: Polly)

Voice type: A young girl, whose very fearful and skittish. This is a very major role in the episode and so will, like Matilda, interact a lot with Valcory.

Accent: Polly needs more of an old London type of accent, but a Scottish accent can work as well.

Important Information to Note: Polly is a very innocent character. She does not have a happy ending, so this role will require crying and screaming, as well as possible choking sounds.

  • Terrified: (Frantic) Pl-please, plea-ease, please no! I-I didn’t mean it, I-I just was so scared! NO!

  • Sleepily: Night night Mati…

  • Hopeful: You think we can make it? Really?


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