The Owlet Guild | SIMS 2 SERIES PILOT

Project Overview


The Owlet's Guild is a series stylized as a mockumentary (a la Abbott Elementary, The Office, Modern Family), using the Sims 2. The show revolves around a specific club at Danford West Community College, the Owlet's Guild—a club specifically for playing Dungeons & Dragons. We follow the six main members of the club as they navigate their lives and learn about both each other and themselves in community college.

This project is for the pilot of the series, so depending on the reception and my feelings after this first episode is released, I may or may not continue the series. If that is the case, please be prepared for a long term commitment, approximately 1.5 years working on the series.


  • You must be 18+ to audition for these roles. There is nothing NSFW about this project, but it is only limited to adults.

  • Please have a clear microphone. USB/XLR are preferred, but I'm mostly checking for no background noise or peaking.

  • Be prepared for a long term commitment on the project, but also be punctual. I will have deadlines for the project, and I ask that you follow them, or at least communicative about not meeting deadlines so we can reschedule.

  • Do not alter your audio. Doing some noise removal is totally fine, but for the best evaluation (and for editing purposes) I'd much prefer no additional editing or compression.

  • Do 2-3 takes, formatting it as ABCABC (doing all 3 lines, then doing them again, as opposed to doing line A multiple times, then line B).

  • For your first take, please do the lines verbatim and as written, however for your other takes, feel free to ad-lib or play around with the lines! Bring out emotion in your lines.

  • Please note all the characters play Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), a game where you roleplay other characters, often in a fantasy setting. This means some characters will have multiple distinct voices to represent the characters they roleplay.

  • The Owlet's Guild is a series with multiple LGBTQ+ themes, and feature characters that are as such, as well as multiple people of color. I will not hire anyone that is bigoted.

  • Casting will be color blind, as in I will not be considering your race nor sexuality when overseeing your auditions. However, I would love if people got roles they felt like they could represent!

  • Please have a Discord account. This will be the mode of communication in which I will send the script and you can send lines!

Please note that there are only 8 roles in this current casting call, but if the series were to continue, there will be a multitude of other extras. I may ask you to double up on roles, voice extras, or cast someone who wasn't casted as the main characters into an extras role.

Thank you for showing interest in this project, and good luck on your auditions!

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Project Roles: Minnie Aki Daniela Rowan Mal Axel
Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Role: Major

Pronouns: She/Her

Age: 18 years old.

Voice: High

The newest member of The Owlet's Guild, Minnie is uptight, very strict with deadlines, and extremely shy. She joined the club on accident, but she's stayed, mostly motivated by impressing one of the members, Aki. This is her first year at Danford and she's a general education major

Her D&D character is Bianca (she/her), a level 2 Elven sorcerer. She does not know much about the game, so Bianca's voice remains the same as Minnie's regular speaking voice.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • warm
  • light
  • female teen
  • high pitched
  • Any Accent
  • Soft Spoken
  • Why did I stay? Well... [trails off, then giggles before stopping abruptly and clearing her throat] One extracurricular on a resume looks better than no extracurriculars.

  • [masking disappointment] Oh...! Right... you want the whole club to be there, not just the two of us.

  • A-and then I say... uh... [as Bianca, but still unsure] Hold it right there—!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Role: Main

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 19 years old

Voice: Ranges from a soft medium to a resonant medium-low.

Aki has been a member of the Owlet's Guild for about a year now. He's taken up the responsibility of most board roles. He's the secretary, the treasurer, the social media manager, the... everything else. He often takes the spot as a person who guides newcomers. He's extremely friendly and horribly sleep deprived. He is a music major. 

His D&D character is Artem (he/him), a level 3 tiefling rogue. Artem has a medium-low ranged voice. He is charismatic and awfully flirtatious.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Medium-Medium low
  • warm
  • male young adult
  • Resonant
  • The new members are... [trying to find his words] colorful. Club meetings will be a bit more exciting, at the very least!

  • [being woken up] Hm...? Oh- god, sorry. I just, uh... didn't get much sleep last night.

  • [as Artem] Darling, I don't know if you're new to this or anything, but we can't just walk through the front door. I, for one, *much* prefer the back door.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Role: Main

Age: 25 years old

Pronouns: She/Her

Voice: Medium high.

Daniela is a new member of the Owlet's Guild. She's a musical theater major and is super into the roleplaying aspect of Dungeons & Dragons despite being relatively new at it. She's like Minnie's older sister at college.

Her D&D character is Aisling (she/they), a level 3 fairy barbarian. Aisling is a very sweet fairy, with a bit of an anger management issue. 

Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Sweet
  • energetic
  • female young adult
  • Any Accent
  • [being interviewed, with pep] So I think I'm the oldest person here. Which is always fun! I had a lot of siblings growing up, I'm sure this'll be no different!

  • [comforting] Oh, baby, I'm sorry things didn't work out. I know how excited you were for tonight. Oh, come here... It'll be okay.

  • [as Aisling, sweetly] Well, there's always a solution to moments like this! Time to break some skulls!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Role: Main

Age: 22 years old

Pronouns: He/They

Voice: Medium-High, Medium-Low

One of the newer members in the Owlet's Guild. Rowan quickly makes friends with everyone whom he meets. they're a fine arts major and is the kind of person to always bring Minnie back to reality. He's very big on social media and got into D&D due to its growth in popularity. 

Rowan's D&D character is Kya (they/them), a level 2 human fighter. Kya is a "act first, think later" type of person and tends to dive into things head first. Kya's voice is the same as Rowan's speaking voice.

This role is open to all genders! 

Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • any
  • warm
  • Medium
  • Remember, everything that happens at that table is acting. It's like that hot guy from "Bridgerton" having amazing chemistry with his female costar even though he's gay.

  • [being interviewed] I think everyone in this club has genuinely lost their mind.

  • [as Kya] Alright! Breaking down the door in 3... 2... 1...!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Role: Major

Age: 23 years old 

Pronouns: She/They

Voice:Regular speaking is medium-high. Her storytelling voice is very articulate. They have different ranges/accents for different characters. Play around with your voice for any lines where she roleplays!

The president of the Owlet's Guild. She's been playing D&D since she was a kid and has been a Game Master for 6 years. They are the designated GM in the clubThey have a very enigmatic and vibrant personality. She founded the club with her friend Tim. This is her 5th semester at Danford and she majors in Radiology.

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • Variety
  • Any Accent
  • bright
  • female adult
  • Multiple Accents
  • [friendly, welcoming] Okay! Now that we have some new members, how about we go around, say your name, your major, and... a fun fact about yourself! [a beat] Oh, come on! Don't complain!

  • [being interviewed] Do I have anything prepared? Ha! I have a singular document that says: "Moth Balls."

  • [narrating] Just as you're about to knock on the door, it swings open. Inside there's a hazy silhouette of a person. You can't see much of them except the hunch of their back as they call out: [in a different voice] "Who goes there?!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Role: Major

Age: 21 years old


Voice; Medium or Medium-Low.

Axel is an accounting major at Danford and the vice president of The Owlet's Guild. He's been in the club since it's inception and has recently started to take his place in the club a little more seriously due to the threat of abolishment. He's a bit quiet, but often keeps Mal together.

Axel's D&D character is Carter (he/him), a levbel 3 half-orc cleric. Carter has a nerdy voice, is very no-nonsense, and is the party's moral compass. Or at least, he tries to be.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • Any Accent
  • medium-low
  • nerdy
  • mellow
  • Medium
  • Dude. Chill. Have you done those breathing exercises I talked about? Alright, in for 4, out for 8. Ready? One--

  • [being interviewed] I don't think Mal can keep it together at this point, but don't tell them I said that.

  • [as Carter] Ah, actually, the probability of a god being amongst us disguised as a mortal is a lot more likely than you may think!


Public Submissions

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