The Legend of Korra: Book 1

The Legend of Korra: Book 1

Project Overview

Hello peoples. I am looking for some awesome voice actors to fandub Avatar: The Legend of Korra. This project means a lot to me and I want it to be great! That means I require you awesome voice actors!

I have heard some amazing people submit their work on this website and I know that this show has an large following. That's why I am sure that many of you will be as excited to make this project as great as I do. I finished watching the whole Avatar series a while ago and loved it. It has inspired me in many ways and I wish that the show never ended. This project will be covering the second series, based on Korra, the avatar succeeding Aang. This sequel is more mature and the characters are older than those in ATLA.

Please if you want to audition be sure that you are available to get lines in on time and if there are any issues please add me on skype or email me. You must fill these requirements, for the quality I want:

1. Be able to show great emotion and make extra cool kung fu noises! HU HA!

2. You must have a good quality microphone. Now I'm not looking for studio quality, but no laptop mics. I would say a blue snowball minimum really.

3. You must be fast at delivering lines and be flexible to re do lines (I get very picky when I want something right! XD)

4. MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! You must have fun! :p

I think that's all the information, if I missed anything you need to know, please don't hesitate to email me or add me on skype. If I cast you early, it's cause I think you were perfect. I will try hard to give everyone good feedback as I get annoyed when I don't get any on other projects. My exams are just about over so there is nothing stopping me from sinking my time into a project like this.

If things go well I will continue onto book 2 and onward!

Good Luck!

Contact me via email: [redacted]

or skype: TechV.A

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
General Iroh

Supporting Character

Youngest general in United Forces history. Commander of the navy's First Division. Grandson to Zuko and named after Zuko's uncle. Powerful fire bender and intelligent leader.

VoiceType: Zuko

  • "[Do whatever lines you feel would be best to show your talent and range as a voice actor in playing this character.]"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Male Extras

Any extra characters that have one or two lines throughout the show. Large voice range needed.

  • "[Do whatever lines you feel would be best to show your talent and range as a voice actor.]"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Female Extras

Any extra characters that have one or two lines throughout the show. Large voice range needed.

  • "[Do whatever lines you feel would be best to show your talent and range as a voice actor.]"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Supporting Character

Chairman of the United Republic Council, last representative of the Northern Water Tribe. Has deep rooted rivalry with Tenzin and will go to extreme lengths to get what he thinks is best. Leads a task force to battle the equalists. Manipulates Korra's feelings to get his way. Not a nice guy.

Voice Type: Medium Male. Any accent. Confident, manipulative, nasty, sharp commanding.

  • "I appreciate your naive idealism, but you're ignoring the reality of the situation. [pause] I'm sorry, but our decision has been made. This meeting is adjourned. [gasp]"

  • "It is hard to argue with Chief Beifong's track record. If she is confident that her elite officers can protect the arena, then she has my support."

  • "That's what I admire about you, Korra. Your willingness to go to extremes in order to get what you want. It is a quality we both share."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Main Character

Fire bender, brother to Bolin, one third of the Fire Ferrets pro bending team. Quite isolated from others, doesn't show his emotions easily, quite straight forward. Grew up on the streets as an orphan with his brother, does his best to keep his brother out of trouble.

Voice Type: Medium Male. Any accent. Straight forward and unemotional. Cautious.

  • [Do whatever lines you feel would be best to show your talent and range as a voice actor in playing this character.]

  • *Psst* Bolin. I told you, you have to stop bringing your crazy fan girls in here before the matches. Get her out of here. [pause] You're the Avatar, and I'm an idiot. *sigh*

  • How could you not see me? I mean I was ju..juu....uh I was..I..I.Wow. *Ahem* That was *ahem* [pause] Don't worry, I'm fine. My brother hits me harder than that everyday in practice. [pause] Yeah, that's me.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lin Beifong

Supporting Character

Earth and metal bender, daughter of Toph from team avatar. Chief of police in Republic City. Tough personality, very strict and formal. Believes in having order and control. Hides her real feelings by a cold hard outer shell.

Voice Type: Medium-low Female. Any Accent. Mature, older. Direct, orders people around a lot. (like toph)

  • "Let's see. Multiple counts of destruction of private and city property. Not to mention resisting arrest. You're in a whole mess of trouble young lady. [pause] CAN IT! You should have called the police and stayed out of the way."

  • "Cut the garbage Tenzin. Why is the Avatar in Republic City? I thought you were supposed to be moving to the South Pole to train her."

  • "(injured) My metal benders are on their way to Amon, and it's all my fault. Tarrlok's right, I failed as chief, first thing tomorrow, I'm handing in my resignation. [pause] I'm not giving up. I'm gunna find my officers and take Amon down. But I'm going to do it my way, outside the law."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Supporting Character

Air bender, eldest child of Tenzin & Pema. More mature than her two siblings. Very spiritual, helps Korra later in the series with the spiritual world.

Voice Type: Medium-high. Any accent. Young teen, speaks proper, caring for others.

  • "GranGran! I've been reading all about your old adventures. I've been dying to ask you, what happened to Zuko's mom?"

  • "That is a fire ferret. An arboreal mammal, common to the bamboo forests of the centeral earth kingdom."

  • "Yaaay!! (collective with Meelo and Ikki)"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Supporting Character

Air bender, the youngest (not counting Rohan as he is not born at ep 1) of Tenzin's kids. A real trouble maker. Devious little kid who loves to play the "man" and take charge despite his young age. Excitable child, always jumping around and can make extreme farts with his air bending.

Voice Type: Medium-High Child. Any Accent. Very childish, playful and excitable.

  • "Yeah let's do it! [pause] What are we doing?"

  • "Be the leaf... // Who is this? It's 6 in the morning, this better be important!"

  • "Yaaay!! (collective with Meelo and Ikki)"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Supporting Character

Air Bender, the middle child. At that hyperactive age, often blurting out stuff and rambling on for ages.

Voice Type: High-medium Child. Any Accent. Annoying, child always in your ear.

  • "GranGran! You're old! How old are you? And why is it so cold in the South Pole? Can we make a campfire and all huddle around it and tell scary stories and make snowmen? And then can you make the snowmen move with waterbending and chase us? Wouldn't that be fun? huh? Wouldn't it?!"

  • "Daddy, can I have some leechy juice too?"

  • "Yaaay!! (collective with Meelo and Ikki)"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Extra Role (meaning he is barely in it early on)

Water bender, chief of the Southern Water Tribe, Father to Korra. A tough but loving chief who lives with his wife: Senna. Contacted the White Lotus after finding out that his daughter was the Avatar.

Voice Type: Low - Medium. Strong, commanding.

  • "[Do whatever lines you feel would be best to show your talent and range as a voice actor in playing this character.]"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hiroshi Sato

Extra Character

Not a bender. CEO of Future Industries, the biggest technology company in the United Republic. Father to Asami Sato. Lost his wife to a home robbery. Created the Satomobile (car).

Voice Type: Medium-low Male. Any accent. Posh, hearty, confident.

  • "Please call me Hiroshi! So, I understand you're dirt poor."

  • "Young man it is nothing to be ashamed of. I too came from humble beginnings."

  • "Well. I'd say that was a near flawless test run. Load everyone into the transporters and take them to Amon."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Extra Character

Water bender, wife to Tonraq; chief of the Southern Water Tribe. Loving mother to Korra; her only child.

Voice Type: Medium Female. Any accent. Caring, soft, motherly.

  • "Then you should be happy to know, your search has come to an end."

  • "Korra! Please come in here!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Supporting Character

Widow to Aang; the previous avatar. Master water bender. Helps rebuild the Southern Water Tribe at the South Pole.

Voice Type: Medium Senior. Any accent. Caring, wise, kind.

  • "The baby is strong. I see another air bender in your future."

  • "Nice night for an escape, isn't it?"

  • "Aang's time has passed. My brother and many of my friends are gone. It's time for you and your generation to take responsibility in keeping peace and balance in the world. And I think you're going to be a great avatar."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Main character

The Avatar. Master of all the elements. A very kind person who wants to help wherever possible. Learnt 3 of the 4 elements at a very young age and was brought up by the White Lotus in the Sothern Water tribe. Get's agitated easily and tends to rush into things before thinking them through. Can't stay still for long.

Voice Type: Medium Female any accent. Can be very feisty. Get's very emotional at times.

  • [Do whatever lines you feel would be best to show your talent and range as a voice actor in playing this character.]

  • You wanna know why? Because Amon is hiding in the shadows like a coward. Amon. I challenge you to a duel. No task force. No chi blockers. Just the two of us, tonight at midnight on Avatar Aang memorial island. Let's cut to the chase and settle this thing. If you're man enough to face me.

  • [crying] I was so terrified! I felt so helpless. You were right, I've been scared this whole time. I've never felt like this before. Tenzin, I don't know what to do.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Supporting Character

Wife of Tenzin, not a bender. Pregnant at the start of the show, looks after her three air bending children with Tenzin on air bending island. Very caring and soft. Not a massive role, but an important one.

Voice Type: Medium Female. Any accent. Soft, caring and motherly. Nice.

  • "Stop doting on me, I'm not helpless, I'm just pregnant."

  • "All I want is one child like me! A nice non-bender who doesn't blast wind in my face every 5 seconds. [pause] Were Tenzin and his siblings this crazy when they were kids?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Aang (Adult)

Extra Character

Previous Avatar. Assist Korra showing her visions of his past. Powerful, created the United Republic. Husband to Katara, Father to Tenzin.

Voice Type: Medium Male. Any accent. Strong, definite, commanding.

  • "When we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change."

  • "Toph, I'm 40 years old, do you think you could stop with the nicknames?"

  • "I'm taking away your bending. For good!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Shiro Shinobi

Supporting Character

Commentator for the pro-bending matches. Very stereotypical commentator, very lively and invested in the match. Constantly giving input into the match.

Voice Type: Medium-high Male. Any accent. Classic commentator, upbeat and repetetive.

  • "It's a knockout! What a wingdinger of a hat trick, folks! Mako pulls off the upset of the season, winning the match for the Fire Ferrets!"

  • "[ Any lines from this scene]"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Main Character

Earth bender, brother to Mako, one third of the Fire Ferrets pro bending team. Very sociable and excitable person. Stubborn but lovable. Best friend of Pabu, the Fire Ferret. Kind of a worse version of Sokka. Grew up on the streets with his brother. Tends to get himself into trouble due to his naivety.

Voice Type: Medium-high Male. Any accent. Innocent, a little childlike. Optimist.

  • [Do whatever lines you feel would be best to show your talent and range as a voice actor in playing this character.]

  • Soo. Korra. There they go, here we are, all alone in the gym. Just you and me, two, alone people, together. Alone.

  • Yeah, I could show you the basics. I'm just not sure how my earth bending will translate to your water bending, but we'll figure it out. [pause] I'm sorry! No no, I didn't mean to assume. I was just figuring, with your water tribe get up, that you are, a water tribe, gal. [pause] mmm, mmhmm. I'm very confused right now. [pause] NO. WAY. (Whispering) The. Avatar!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Extra Character

'Captain' of the Wolf Bats, the champions of the pro-bending tournament. Nasty, hated. Devious but still a good bender who wants to win.

Voice Type: Medium-high Male. Any accent. Snake like, hissy, evil, feels superior.

  • "You boys smell something in here? Wait, I know what that is; yeah, that's the scent of losers."

  • "Well well well. If it isn't the Fire Ferrets. Pro-bending's saddest excuse for a team. Tell me how'd a couple 'a' amateurs like you luck your way into the tournament? Especially you. Avatar."

  • "You know, if you'd like to know how a real pro bends, I could give you some private lessons. [pause] Scream (in response to Naga bursting through the window.)"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Supporting Villain

Leader of the Triple Threat Triads; the largest triad in Republic City, extorting citizens for money.

Voice Type: Medium Male. Any accent. Cunning, sarcastic.

  • "Please tell me you have my money, or else I can't guarantee I can protect your fine establishment."

  • "[laughing]Since you're obviously fresh off the boat, let me explain a couple things. You're in Triple Threat Triad territory, and we're about to put you in the hospital."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Main Character

Air bender. Son of Aang; the previous avatar. Father to (4) air bending children, swears to continue his Father's quest to return the air nomads to what they were before the war. Teaches Korra to air bend, and helps her get in touch with her spiritually side. Caring, get's angry (jokingly) with Korra and his kids.

Voice Type: Medium-low Male. Any accent. Very fatherly tone towards Korra.

  • [Do whatever lines you feel would be best to show your talent and range as a voice actor in playing this character.]

  • It's all right. The nightmare is over. [pause] Admitting your fears is the first, and most difficult step, in overcoming them.

  • Korra? Look at you, so big and strong. You've grown into quite the young Avatar. [pause] Yes. Well...ah [pause] uh, I'm afraid not. We're only visiting for the night, then I have to return to Republic City. [pause] I'm sorry Korra. You're air bending training will have to wait.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Asami Sato

Main Character

Not a bender, daughter of Hiroshi Sato; the CEO of Future Industries. Asami was taught self defense after her mother was killed in a robbery. She is very independent and intelligent. Helps Korra in her quests by driving her around among other things.

Voice Type: Medium Female. Any accent. Posh, mature, proper.

  • "I know it sounds weird to say this, but I'm really glad I hit you with my moped. [pause] I forgot to ask, why didn't you accept the new silk scarf I bought for you last week? You didn't like it?"

  • "I have to find out the truth about my father."

  • "Oh no! I'm so sorry! I didn't see you! [pause] Are you ok? Did I hurt you? Ugh I'm such an idiot. [pause] Wait, I recognize you! You're Mako right?! You play for the Fire Ferrets! [pause] I am so embarrassed. My name's Asami, let me make this up to you somehow. Um, how about I treat you to dinner? Tomorrow night. 8 o'clock. Kwong's Cuisine."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Main Villain

Leader of the equalists. Pledges to bring equality to republic city. Extremely cunning, leads a group of terrorists to exterminate benders. Said to have been burned as a child by a fire bender.

Voice Type: Low Male. Any accent. Determined, confident and powerful. Gives speeches.

  • "[Do whatever lines you feel would be best to show your talent and range as a voice actor in playing this character.]"

  • "My quest for equality began long ago. When I was a boy, my family and I lived on a small farm. We weren't rich, and none of us were benders. This made us very easy target's for the fire bender who extorted my Father. One day, my Father confronted this man. But when he did, that fire bender took my family away from me. Then he took my face."

  • "I received your invitation young Avatar. [pause] Our showdown, while inevitable, is premature. Although it would be the simplest thing to take away your bending right now, I won't. You'd only become a martyr. Benders of every nation would rally behind your untimely demise. But I assure you, I have a plan. And I'm saving you for last. Then you'll get your duel. And I will destroy you."


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