

Joined Jan 2015 18 Following3 Followers
About limroto

Hello everyone

I go by 'Limroto' - letters spoken with pondus, just as I speak with great authority with my various voices.
You will hear me do some of the following:

  • The Trailer Voice

  • Menacing villains

  • Crazy, old guy

  • Simple people

  • Flamboyant dudes

  • Stern, authority people

  • Roaring monsters, and screaming soldiers

Most of these are spoken with a deep pitched voice.
If you think the accent is weird, it's because I'm from Denmark.

I do all of this for fun, and because I only undertake roles I find fun to act.
Although I am an amateur voice actor, I will be professionel about the way I write and talk with out, so I expect the same back.

  • @deleted17055

    Limroto has one of the richest, most evil-sounding voices I've ever heard. He's absolutely fantastic in villain roles, but should by no means be confined to them alone.

    Also, Lim's audio quality is professional-caliber.