Plot: "The Knight and the Princess" is a short film about a princess named Dahlia who has recently finished her classic fairy tale of being imprisoned by a wicked enchantress and rescued by a noble prince by the name of Alfonso. But when she tells her feelings to Alfonso, she finds herself rejected by him only due to him being attracted to males. Feeling bad for Dahlia, Alfonso introduces her to his best friend, Sir Raymond.
What I Need: There are various things going into this project. The biggest being passion. But I can't do everything myself. I'll need help. I will need:
Talented Voice Actors: I need voice actors to bring the few characters in this animation to life.
Character Designers: I need character designers to design the characters I have in mind.
Storyboard Artists: I need some storyboard artists to storyboard the short film.
Background Artists: I need background artists to draw beautiful vibrant backgrounds for the animation.
Animators: I need various animators for various animator positions.
Musical Composer: I need a musical composer to compose the score for the short film!
Foley Artist: I need a foley artist to create the different sounds of stuff like magic, footsteps, and other sound effects!
The Scope of the Project: The length of the project is in between 10-15 minutes long and will be posted on my YouTube channel.
-MUST have Discord!
-MUST have prior experience in whatever field you are applying for!
-MUST be nice to other people on the project!