The Divine Speaker - Additional VAs Needed

Project Overview
We have opened up TWO new roles, so please feel free to audition away! Please note the game is 18+, but these roles are not.
Hi everyone!
My name's Gabmag, from Two and a Half Studios. We're working to create our debut Visual Novel, The Divine Speaker.
This is a commercial product, thus is a paid gig! Please note, this is an 18+ GAME so there may be 18+ lines (This only applies to the main cast).
Check us out on twitter here:
Our expectations are:
- For delivery to be timely
- Files must be delivered in .WAV format
- A good quality mic, no background noise
- Script to be cleaned/recorded separately/files named
- Have fun!
Feel free to audition for as many characters as you want!
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Raen is the main protagonist of The Divine Speaker. His voice isn't too low or too high. His name is pronounced rain :)
He comes from the town of Aurelia Cavella, where he's spent his childhood being brought up in a local orphanage. He's kind and friendly, and has trouble dealing with liars anD difficult people.
You may audition in Japanese or English, or both!
English Audition Lines:
Listen, I’m sorry for jumping on you like that. I’m not trying to hurt you, but you’re the only person I’ve seen... alive, out here.
(Desperate, but not too frantic)
You can call me Raen.
(Imagine him smiling while saying this.)
I'll protect you.
(With confidence)
I’m not sure. One minute I was in a crowd of people, completely fine, then I was suddenly in so much pain… I blacked out. When I woke up, it was there.
(A little confused, normal tone of voice)
Japanese Audition Lines:
がんばります/Ganbarimasu (I'll try my best!)
(With enthusiasm, imagine him smiling while saying this!)
僕はRaenです/ Boku wa Raen desu.
(Happy, but not over the top)
仕方がない/ Shikata ga nai (Well, nothing we can do about it now...)
(A little bit fed up, you could add a sigh to it.)
絶対に守る/ Zettai ni mamoru (I'll protect you.)
(With confidence)
行くぞ!/Ikuzo! (Let's go!)
(Let's go!)
やめて!/Yamete! (stop it!)
(Shouting, but not too loudly)
良かった/Yokatta....(thank goodness)
(As if you were saying thank goodness/phew)
ちょっと待って!/Chotto matte(Wait a second)
(Confused, telling someone to wait)

Fawn lives in the forest outside of Aurelia Cavella, alone. He's not very used to being around people, so he can be very shy. He's softspoken, and has a high, cute but soft voice. He can be a little "quirky", and sometimes get very excited. He gets embarrassed easily.
English Voice Lines:
Um.. my name is Fawn...
The forest around here is dangerous but… it can be beautiful, too.
(A little shy, but sweet)
I’ve never….. shared a bed with anyone before...
(Shy and embarrassed)
Do you want to see my collection?!
(Cute and excited)
I'll protect you.
I believe in you.
(Happy, confident)
Japanese Voice Lines:
僕は…Fawnです/ Boku wa.... Fawn desu.
信じている/ Shinjite iru (I believe in you.)
(Happy, confident)
誰よりも私が一番残念に思っている/Dare yori mo watashi ga ichiban zannen ni omotteiru (No one regrets more than I do)
(Sad, sullen)

Leos comes from Aurelia Cavella, like Raen. He works as a hired mercenary/assassin. He likes to be alone most of the time.
He's very snarky, sarcastic and full of himself. His voice will be lower than Raen's and Fawn's, but have a sarcastic tone to it sometimes. Very witty.
English Voice Lines:
Is this where you usually spend your time bumping into people, or do you have a few favorite spots?
(Snarky, confident but rude.)
Wait a second. I know something about the markings on your arm.
Fine. I’m feeling fine. Tired, and a little sore, but it's not the worst injury I’ve ever had.
(A little in pain but acting like he isn't)
You’re telling me we’re following you around because a bunch of animals told you this was the right way?
(Kind of in disbelief, but sarcastic too)
(Serious, while hiding)
Japanese Voice Lines:
黙って/ Damatte! (shut up/be quiet)
(Serious, while hiding)
頼む、急いでくれ/ Tanomu, isoide kure. (Hurry up already)
(Serious, giving an order)
なんて すばらしい!!/ Nante subarashii! (How wonderful!)

Cyne comes from a good background, and dresses to show it. He's a wild, energetic, charismatic guy who is friends with everyone. He always gets what he wants, and has a habit of lying and cheating to keep it that way.
He has a fun, high voice, like Ramuda from Hypmic or Kokichi from NDRV3!
English Voice Lines:
If you come in to the back room with me, I can show you what I mean.
(Seductive, cheeky)
Wh... what are you doing?!?
You can call me Cyne.
(Cheeky, winking while saying this.)
You're no different to anyone else.
(Serious, hint of sadness)
Japanese Voice Lines:
愛 が 全て では ない よ/ ai ga subete dewa nai yo (Love isn't everything)
二人だけの秘密だよ/ Futari dake no himitsu da yo (This is just between us/this is our secret)
(Teasing, seductive, cute)
嘘だよ/Uso da yo (That's a lie/I'm lying)

The Divine Speaker communicates with the God's to protect the land that everyone lives in. He's kind, but a little mysterious. He's eloquent, and has a gentle way of speaking, but is still commanding.
He's has a very heavenly, beautiful voice. Lower than the rest of the cast. Almost ethereal, but a handsome voice.
English Voice Lines:
The Beings Above sing praise for the contributions you have given to our humble home. Likewise, They implore you to continue giving your lives over to Them, for They provide you with protection from the evils lurking inside the forest.
(Making a speech, serious)
Excuse me? Having the archives open?
This might seem unfair. It’d be best for you to learn just how unfair this world can be, though.
You look just like your father did.
Japanese Voice Lines:
ひどい 間違い を おかした/Hidoi machigai o okashita (I made a terrible mistake)
(Upset, solemn)
神々があなたを見守る/ Kamigami ga anata o mimamoru (The gods will watch over you)
やり直せたらいいのに/Yarinaosetara ii no ni
やり直せたらいいのに/Yarinaosetara ii no ni (I wish I could do it over again/I wish I could change it)
(Serious with a hint of sad.)
Miah is a little girl from Aurelia Cavella! She's got a soft, cute voice, and is around 10.
She only has five lines, but we may get you back later for more!
We promise to be back before it gets dark!
(A little girl that wants to go out to play, trying to be convincing)
But why? That’s not fair!
(Pouting, upset)
Tobias is a little boy from Aurelia Cavella! He has a young voice, and he's around 10.
He only has three lines, but we may get you back later for more!
Yaaay! Thank you Raen! We promise we won’t!
(An excited little boy, just told he can go outside to play! Yay!)
Because the Divine Beings don’t protect the outside land.
(In a normal voice!)
The Matron is a tough, but very kind and loving lady. She's raised dozens of children, and everyone listens to what she has to say,
Raen, may I speak with you for a moment?
This is for you. Happy Birthday. Go and get yourself something nice.
For this role, we're looking for a female voice! Not too high pitched. This is only for 1 7 lines, with the majority being three words long.
The idea for this role is to sound godly and ethereal. Feel free to try out a few different ideas!
This role is continuing! We'll have more work for you in the game, which you will be paid extra for.
The birth of a child heralds many things – change, adaption, confusion, but most importantly…
You must…. protect….
The voice of a village lord! Feel free to give us your takes on this one. Fancy, English, American, young, old, whatever you think! This is only two lines, but we may need you back in at a later date for additional pay.
Now wait there just a minute, Speaker.
We’re not equipped to suddenly have a public execution, Sir Speaker. We haven’t needed one in years. In this case, I think it would be best to exile him. Being out there in the forest is a death sentence, anyway.
Public Submissions