The Divine Speaker - Additional VAs Needed
senabryer for Leos

Leos comes from Aurelia Cavella, like Raen. He works as a hired mercenary/assassin. He likes to be alone most of the time.
He's very snarky, sarcastic and full of himself. His voice will be lower than Raen's and Fawn's, but have a sarcastic tone to it sometimes. Very witty.
English Voice Lines:
Is this where you usually spend your time bumping into people, or do you have a few favorite spots?
(Snarky, confident but rude.)
Wait a second. I know something about the markings on your arm.
Fine. I’m feeling fine. Tired, and a little sore, but it's not the worst injury I’ve ever had.
(A little in pain but acting like he isn't)
You’re telling me we’re following you around because a bunch of animals told you this was the right way?
(Kind of in disbelief, but sarcastic too)
(Serious, while hiding)
Japanese Voice Lines:
黙って/ Damatte! (shut up/be quiet)
(Serious, while hiding)
頼む、急いでくれ/ Tanomu, isoide kure. (Hurry up already)
(Serious, giving an order)
なんて すばらしい!!/ Nante subarashii! (How wonderful!)