The Divine Speaker - Additional VAs Needed
kibathekute for Fawn

Fawn lives in the forest outside of Aurelia Cavella, alone. He's not very used to being around people, so he can be very shy. He's softspoken, and has a high, cute but soft voice. He can be a little "quirky", and sometimes get very excited. He gets embarrassed easily.
English Voice Lines:
Um.. my name is Fawn...
The forest around here is dangerous but… it can be beautiful, too.
(A little shy, but sweet)
I’ve never….. shared a bed with anyone before...
(Shy and embarrassed)
Do you want to see my collection?!
(Cute and excited)
I'll protect you.
I believe in you.
(Happy, confident)
Japanese Voice Lines:
僕は…Fawnです/ Boku wa.... Fawn desu.
信じている/ Shinjite iru (I believe in you.)
(Happy, confident)
誰よりも私が一番残念に思っている/Dare yori mo watashi ga ichiban zannen ni omotteiru (No one regrets more than I do)
(Sad, sullen)

Thank you for allowing me to portray this cute cupcake! I'm super stoked. :)


Nice job Kiba! You really got that innocent tone down!

oh my god i love this

This is why sometimes I wish I had a male voice XD

Hey would you want to try out for my new project, your voice is amazing!