The Cursed Bride

Project Overview

The Cursed Bride is an anime, fantasy, romance, Sims 4 Machinima Series. It follows the story of Sol, a girl who pleaded for her sister's life and now bears an evil curse. The only way to break the curse and save her life is to marry a broken prince who hates her.

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Sol (Female Lead) [Young Adult & Child]
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Sol is the lead character. She bears a cruel curse and a sad past. She is very solemn, and full of sorrow. 

Throughout the series she has flashbacks of being younger, you don't need to audition for both [her as an adult and as a child] but you can if you'd like ! 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • animation
  • anime
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • Solemn
  • calm
  • youthful
  • There is a story about a girl made of clay. She was so fragile she couldn't even cry.

  • I didn't know death could have purple hair and blue eyes... How could life be so cruel...

  • [Kid] Well... If you really are the moon, then I don't mind being the sun.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Atlas (Male Lead) [Young Adult & child]
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Atlas is another lead character. He is a prince with a darkness. He struggles to fight his inner corruption. He is reserved, moody and carries around a deep sadness. Throughout the series he has flashbacks of being younger, you don't need to audition for both [him as an adult and as a child] but you can if you'd like ! 

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation
  • male child
  • male young adult
  • animation/character
  • anime
  • male teen
  • Reserved
  • Moody
  • My mother fell ill when I was a child. My father tells me to visit her, but I can never make it past the door.

  • There are worse fates than death.

  • [Kid] I do not wish to take you as my bride. I do not wish to care for you. I hate you.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Saga (Female Lead) [Child]
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Saga is Sol's sister. She's very energetic, positive and full of life. She is loud and happy. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • animation
  • anime
  • animation/character
  • happy
  • fun
  • Excited
  • I had a dream I was the moon!

  • Do you miss it? I don't really know... I guess the way things used to be.

  • Hey ! Stop acting like everything is all your fault! It's not!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Cyrus (Male Support) [Adult]
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Cyrus is Atlas' Father. He is the King. He's wise, well spoken and kind. He had a difficult relationship with his father but he swore to never be like him. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • anime
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • animation
  • Husky
  • deep
  • wise
  • Son, inside each of us there is a battle going on, much like a battle between two wolves.

  • To live is to overcome.

  • I'm sorry, my love. I know you wished to hold him in your arms a little longer.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Eden (Female Support) [ Young Adult]
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Eden is a breath of fresh air. She's upbeat, joyful and full of life. She's quite childish and playful and loves to talk to Minerva. But behind her antics is wisdom and gloom. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • Playful
  • animation/character
  • animation
  • female child
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • anime
  • happy
  • warm
  • energetic
  • funny
  • He didn't say hi to me! He's busy standing in the corner, sulking.

  • I think you should either say exactly what you feel, or nothing at all!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Minerva (Female Support) [Young Adult]
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Minerva is very proud and mysterious. She's sultry and mature. She finds Eden's behaviour bothersome but they are the unlikely duo. She has a soft spot for Eden.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • animation/character
  • animation
  • anime
  • serious
  • sultry
  • proud
  • I would rather perish than have a cursed wife.

  • You can't jump on me like that. People may think we're closer than we actually are.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Pandora (Female Support) [Adult]
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Pandora is the Queen, she's Cyrus' wife and Atlas' mother. She's determined and headstrong. She's passionate and believes in the good in people.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • anime
  • warm
  • upbeat
  • Determined
  • I want you to listen to me. You are nothing like him. You are good... you are a good man.

  • You'll be a great father. Our son will be beautiful, I promise.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Zenith (Female Support) [Adult]
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Zenith is Sol's and Saga's mother. Her past has made her very soft spoken and meek. She's rarely emotionally present and always seems to be trapped in her head.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • anime
  • animation
  • female adult
  • Weak
  • Sad
  • How unhappy is he who cannot forgive himself.

  • I understand. I just cannot bear to look at you. I'm sorry.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Genesis (Female Support) [Young Adult]
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Genesis is Kore's sister and a maid. She became sick when she was a child and the sickness stole her soul. She now has no emotions. She's patient and serious. Her voice is hollow and slightly haunting. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • female adult
  • anime
  • patient
  • calm
  • Forgive me, I do not mean to disturb you your ladyship.

  • Yes. Your wish is my command.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kore (Male Recurring) [Young Adult]
Deferred: Agreed Amount

Kore is Genesis' brother and a maid too. He also became sick when he was a child. He has no emotions.  

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • animation
  • anime
  • male young adult
  • Proper
  • As you wish.


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