The Chronicles of G: Crimson Tome (World of Warcraft fan animation)

The Chronicles of G: Crimson Tome (World of Warcraft fan animation)

Project Overview

Greetings, traveller!

I'm looking for talented voice actors who could lend their voices to the characters from my World of Warcraft fan animation. It's the second chapter of the series called "The Chronicles of G" showing a story of Death Knights serving the Scourge led by their dark master and tyrant, the Lich King.

For bigger context, you can see the first chapter under this link:

This time I want to raise the bar a bit higher so I have many roles to fill and you're welcome to send your submissions to all of them. While minor roles are unpaid due to them being rather small (usually 1-3 lines of text), each major role has a payment planned according to the size and complexity:

Valdren - 100$

Az'keloth - 100$

Eileen - 50$

Payment is sent via PayPal only!

Professional recording equipment is required (Ex. Rode NT1-a)

Once you're selected for the role, you will receive a script and video materials which you will use to sync your recordings.

When the project is done, you will be credited with name or nickname of your choice.

For any questions, feel free to contact me via PM.

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Latest Updates

  • Role Assignment

    I'm still in a little shock that there are so many submissions for my project and I'm incredibly thankful for that. All of the takes you sent are great and I'm having a tough time picking the ones I like most.

    I can already see potential candidates for the roles among you but I still want to give myself a bit more time to also check the submissions I received outside of CCC and make the final decisions so I will start assigning the roles next week.

    Thank you for showing your interest!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Commander Valdren
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

Valdren is a commander of the Scarlet Crusade - a zealous sect exterminating anything that they deem unworthy of the Light. While his hatred for the undead burns bright, he knows the meaning of compassion and justice what makes him stand out from the rest. He is a wise leader who would give up his life to protect his people but his strong faith in the holy Light sometimes forces him to make questionable decisions.

This role requires a strong, deep voice which is able to shout commands like a true leader and be kind and comforting at the same time. There is some combat included so you would need to record appropriate battle sounds.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation/character
  • strong
  • warm
  • Classic American
  • "They were soldiers, my dear. To live and die by the sword was their duty." - comforting vibe

  • "To arms brothers and sisters!" - shouting a command

  • "Holy Light… give me strength… to punish this heretic." - struggling, like a wound made it hard to talk

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 100 USD

Az'keloth is a charismatic yet scheming Lich hungry for power. He is a talented mage but his preferred weapon of choice is a word which he uses to turn everyone against each other. Step by step he adds another brick to his plan and climbs the hierarchy ladder of the Scourge.

Voice for this role needs to be deep, charismatic and elusive. A silver tongued noble steering his puppets from the shadows is a perfect vibe for this character.

Here's the example of the direction I need:

  • english
Voice description:
  • Elusive
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • charismatic
  • deep
  • Persuasive
  • "You seem distracted lately. I’m almost worried about you."

  • "Accurate observation… In fact, I must admit, I’ve noticed you’re quite a… watchful type."

  • "Yes… you’ve seen it by yourself at the temple… a first crack of loyalty… a seed of mistrust..."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Priestess Eileen
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD

Eileen is a priestess of the Scarlet Crusade and the only survivor who managed to escape from the temple overrun by the Scourge. Constant trauma after losing everyone to the armies of death doesn't let her function properly so she seeks aid of her close friend Valdren.

This role requires a voice that's capable of catching a sad/traumatized vibe. While having less dialogue, there is a lot of expressive play where actress needs to show emotions like fear, sorrow and even scream.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • Classic American
  • animation/character
  • fearful
  • Sad
  • Stressed
  • "They are all dead, Valdren. It all happened so fast..."

  • "I have never seen the Scourge in such rage. I’m so afraid."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Dwarf Blacksmith

This is a minor role for a Dwarf blacksmith of the Scourge army.

It requires a specific dwarven accent which is somthing close to scottish. Please check this link for the example:

Due to being a minor role with only a few lines of dialogue, this role is unpaid.

  • english
Voice description:
  • scottish
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • Sinister
  • calm
  • "May it taste tha living flesh once more. In his name."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Death Knight 1

This is a minor role for a Death Knight.

It requires a deep and calm voice of a soldier giving a "voice of reason" vibe.

Due to being a minor role with only a few lines of dialogue, this role is unpaid.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • calm
  • Reasonable
  • animation/character
  • Classic American
  • "They may be few in numbers but as long as they believe in their cause, they are a force to be reckoned with."

  • "You underestimate their strength."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Death Knight 2

This is a minor role for a Death Knight.

It requires a deep and angry/zealous, even a bit furious voice.

Due to being a minor role with only a few lines of dialogue, this role is unpaid.

  • english
Voice description:
  • Classic American
  • animation/character
  • Zealous
  • female adult
  • Angry
  • "Yes! Let us purge them from your kingdom!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Scarlet Crusade Soldier

This is a minor role for a Scarlet Crusade Soldier.

Voice for this role isn't specified, I'm open to any range as long as it's not too child-like pitched.

Due to being a minor role with only a few lines of dialogue, this role is unpaid.

  • english
Voice description:
  • Classic American
  • animation/character
  • calm
  • male adult
  • "We have lost our hold on the south temple, commander."

Music Composer
Paid: Flat Rate 500 USD
Role assigned to: Michael Picher

I'm looking for a musician who is capable of composing soundtracks in Warcraft style. Most of the music I need is atmospheric but I also need a few more epic character themes.

Payment range is 100-500$ depending on the total length of the tracks used in the final project however I'm up for negotiations for this one.

You're welcome to send your demos in the submissions.

  • *Say something you think would fit*


Public Submissions

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