Noah C Welch

Noah C Welch

Aspiring Character-driven voice  over artist.Taught by Wes Jhonson, The voice of the Daedric Prince of Madness Sheogorath and various other madmen across the art form of acting.

Joined Aug 2024 4 Following0 Followers
About Noah C Welch

As stated in my bio, I was taught by my Teacher and friend Wes Jhonson, whom I met through my mother's connection and TheatreLabsDC. He inspired me to pursue some kind of career in character-driven voice acting. Through his course, I grew fond and very much enjoyed the iterative acting that This medium provides along with audio engineering. Also gave me an appreciation for the iteration that goes into movie scenes. Attempting theatre acting in college right now, but am going to hate its production process. Going to try to primarily stick to voice overs and movies in the future.

TheatreLabDC - 2022

Theatre labs How to be a voice actor

Instructed by Wes Jhonson

A course that really delves into what it actually financially and creatively takes to make money off of being a voiceover artist.


If its for videos, 25-30 dollars a video. For longer character-driven stuff with multiple sessions we can discuss pricing above 25 dollars.

What Noah C Welch is looking for

I want to do character-driven  Voiceover work. I have the microphone and the program knowledge to do so. Other voice-over topics are fine as well.