The 3 Little Princesses - 10 Year Anniversary Comic Dub!

Project Overview
Howdy, folks! :D
This is a comic I've wanted to dub for literally YEARS, but unfortunately, I could never find actresses who would be willing to take a trip down the rabbit hole with me. :( But since the author of this comic decided to celebrate its 10th anniversary by writing a sequel, I decided it was high time to recruit some actors and have some fun!
In case you need a little backstory: "The 3 Little Princesses" is a 2008 Mario fan comic written by Yves Bourgelas, a French-Canadian comic artist known primarily for his original French-language comic "Supercrash." But before that, he wrote this hilarious comic that parodies the relationship between Super Mario's three leading ladies: Peach, Daisy and Rosalina. Here's the best synopsis that I could come up with for the story:
"In this universe, Princess Peach encourages her BFF (Best Frenemy Forever) Princess Daisy to be a freeloading asshole and live at her castle in the Mushroom Kingdom. They live a wonderful carefree life of debauchery while perpetuating the lie that they actually know how to “adult”, and everything is hunky-dory...that is, until a mysterious space ship crashes in their backyard one day, piloted by the reality show-loving stick-in-the-mud Princess Rosalina. Recognizing that she is just a quiet, shy space nomad who wants nothing more than peace and happiness for all in the cosmos, Peach and Daisy decide to do the noble thing and kidnap her, subjecting her to a torturous night of painful makeovers, deadly baking disasters, and a horrible '80s cartoon that pushes her to the brink of insanity. But hey, she'll be fine...after all, that's what Super Smash Bros. 4 is for." case you haven't guessed, this project shouldn't be taken TOO seriously. XD
Most of the people in this comic have only one or two lines, but I also need some ̶c̶r̶a̶z̶y̶ ̶n̶u̶t̶j̶o̶b̶s̶ talented gals to play the three leading ladies, so here are my rules for auditioning!
1. You MUST have a decent mic, preferably a Blue Yeti or better. If your recording contains a lot of pops, peaking and/or background noise, I will be far less likely to consider it.
2. This project is short and relatively laid-back, but I still need y'all to be committed to it! PLEASE don't audition if you don't intend to follow through.
3. Don't be afraid to go bonkers with your audition! These ladies are insane (yes, even sweet li'l punkin Rosie), so there's no need to play it like a straight role! But of course, try not to make "insane" the only character trait that gets conveyed...they're all different, so make 'em sound distinct!
4. If you are cast, I will alert you in the comments and ask you to send me your email address so we can communicate, so be ready for that!
5. HAVE FUN!! You have three weeks to audition, so have a good time! :D
OH, ONE MORE THING: If you want to read the comic for yourselves, it can be found here:
It's hilarious, I guarantee you'll enjoy it! :D
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Peach, a.k.a. “Miss Stockholm Syndrome,” is the Princess of the Mushroom Kingdom, a place that really should consider staging a coupe and advocating for democracy at this point. A confident and self-assured leader, Peach likes to promote herself as a competent, inspirational role model who helps those less fortunate and strives to make the universe a better place. But in reality, she's just a classic teenage queen bee, obsessed with fashion, makeup, sweets, and reckless drug abuse. She tries to come off as a sugary-sweet girly girl with only benevolent intentions, but she demonstrates that she clearly has violent tendencies and a terrifying temper...seriously, someone should have called an exorcist quite a while ago. But hey, at the end of the day, Peach does seem to have good intentions and strives to do the right long as that “right thing” ends up giving her good PR.
I'd like her voice to be high-pitched and girly, but please do NOT try to imitate the voice that she has in the games; that voice is way too grating and annoying for me. Think ditzy teenage airhead who tries to put on a bright, sunshiny voice to make herself seem better than she actually is. And don't forget to add snark!
Let's greet them in the most diplomatic manner, like the royal ladies that we are! (in a loud, lilting voice) Hellllloooooo~! Unknown person~! I believe we haven't been introduced yet! (clears her throat formally) Let me present to you my friend, Princess Daisy of Sarasaland! As for me, I am Prince- (caught off-guard) Er...come again?
(dramatically struck with grief) My poor knife! 3 generations of cutting services without any sign of wear, and KO'd today by a single hit!
(drunkenly chanting a la Charlie the Unicorn) HEY ROOOOOSIIIIE!! LET'S GO TO CANDY MOUNTAIN, ROOOOOSIIIIE!!

Daisy, a.k.a. “Less Annoying Peach,” is the tomboy Princess of Sarasaland (suh-RASS-uh-land), a fictional kingdom that she clearly invented to cover up a vast money-laundering scheme. Daisy is supposedly Peach's best friend, but Peach treats her more like a “project,” as she is frustrated and embarrassed by Daisy's less-than-stellar behavior as a princess. Unlike calm and demure Peach, Daisy is a sloppy, hickish country bumpkin with poor grammar skills and loud, aggressive mannerisms. She is easily irritated, hot-tempered and quick to hold a grudge, and she doesn't even try to mask her wicked side...which, at the end of the day, makes her a far more honest individual than Peach. Even though she's overall the more level-headed and intelligent of the two (yes, I'm serious), Peach's shining influence has left her with a crippling inferiority complex...but it's a sacrifice she's willing to make for a friend who gives her an outlet for her more “girly” hobbies.
Her voice should be medium-pitch and evoke the kind of mild Midwestern drawl you'd hear in Oklahoma; it would also help if you dropped the g's from the "ing" verbs. I don't want her to sound like a stereotypical southern hillbilly, but rather a rough-and-tumble tomboy you might find on a rural farm somewhere in Oklahoma. And her tone should sound blunter and harsher than Peach's.
(protesting loudly) Gimme a break! It ain't my fault if I don't know the kidnapping business as much as you do! You're bein' abducted every Thursday or so...
(angrily) Oh, ha ha! You're so darn funny! And while we're at it, you must be the one behind the “raccoon leaves in my underwear” case as well! A lot of them undies got wasted because of the tail rippin' 'em apart!
(very drunk) Whuz the matter, Dearee? Y-Ye has a problems d-duh-rinking the Whacka juices?

Rosalina, a.k.a. “Luigi's Bastard Child,” is a mysterious drifter who wanders the universe in an elaborate observatory/spaceship, with only a trashy reality show and the occasional megalomaniacal Koopa king to keep her from dying of boredom. For some reason, despite being the most independent and bad-ass female the mainstream Mario series has seen yet, she has developed an unfortunate reputation as a fragile little cinnamon roll who needs to be protected at all costs...and boy, has that done a number on her psyche. With the gentle soothing voice of an angel and the PR of a viral Youtube video about purring kittens, Rosalina is a ticking time-bomb of rage that is barely masked by her persona as a shy, socially awkward nerd who prefers peace and quiet, hates confrontation, and secretly revels in being “that guy” at all the fun parties that she attends. All she really wants out of life is for people to take her seriously...but that clearly ain't happening today, so grab a helmet and brace for impact.
I'm looking for a soft, soothing medium-low voice that can vacillate between polite and formal conversation, shy and awkward stuttering, and rage-induced rampages. She should sound more cultured than both Peach and Daisy, but also more like a timid stick-in-the-mud.
(sounds as if she's impatiently reciting a boring list of facts she's had to recite a hundred times before) Princess Peach Toadstool, ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom, daughter of the Mushroom King, and one of the original Star Babies....yes, I know all that. (pauses, then switches to quieter, more mysterious tone) I helped Mario in his quest to rescue you when you were kidnapped by Bowser and taken into outer space.
(mumbling discontentedly to herself) On second thought, maybe one night without my night light wouldn't have been so bad...
Don't you EVER call me Rosie again, you poor, ridiculous imitation of a princess! Not only are you the most shallow and obnoxious being I have ever met, but you CLEARLY don't have what it takes to be an adequate leader of a kingdom, let alone a good host for a SLEEPOVER!! (turning to Daisy) And YOU... (pausing her rampage momentarily) Eh....what's your name again?

Good ol' Mario gets one line in this twisted romp. Thankfully, he gets to escape the mayhem at the castle...all he has to deal with is his brother's horrible jokes.
He should sound like the Mario we know and love~
(grumbling to himself) Uuuugh...what a I want someone to be kidnapped!

Poor Luigi...he can't be cool, no matter how hard he tries.
He should sound like good ol' Weegee~
(chuckling obnoxiously at his own story) And-And then she said the funniest thing ever: “You won't find ADOBE here in NAIROBI!” (laughs hysterically)
(rambling, oblivious to Mario's annoyance) G-Get it, bro? Because adobe isn't used as a building material in Kenya! Oh! And they also rhyme! Even better, right?!

This Toad has seen some sh*t...
Unlike the typical Toad, who has a high-pitched gravelly voice, I want him to sound like a regular guy with a medium-low voice.
(in a grave voice) It's happening, Swee T...
(as if dramatically announcing that the apocalypse has arrived) They found have a sleepover with...

That's right, shield your child from the horrors, Swee T...hopefully they'll come out of this with only a few emotional scars.
Her voice should sound like that of a typical mother.
(with a hint of fear) What's happening?
(gasps, horrified) Good heavens! May the stars protect the poor soul...

Remember that love-struck mob guy from Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door? Well, his minions are even bigger dumb-asses than even we thought.
He should sound like the stereotypical New York Italian-American mob boss.
(irritated) Tony! Vinny! Stop eatin' da concrete shoes!

Y'know guys, if you were to patent these concrete shoes, you could quit organized crime and really turn your lives around. Food for thought.
Both guys will have the same voice, so I'm counting them as one audition. They should sound like stereotypical New York Italian-American mobsters.
(nomming noisily) But Boss! Dey too good!
(nomming happily) Dey have dat sweet flavor normal concrete ain' got!

No wonder Nintendo felt compelled to make Pauline the mayor of her own city...that pillow fight still haunts her nightmares to this very day.
Her voice should sound deep, husky and sultry.
(smirks) Heh...since you want it so badly, Toadstool! And for the last time, the name's Pauline! If you can't remember it on your own, I'll help you out! Take this!
(wails as she sails into the stratosphere) WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!

Oh, this seriously the legacy that you're going to leave us?
Try to make him sound as much like Link from the 1980's cartoon as possible.
Well, EXCUUUUUSE me, Princess!!
Public Submissions