Bloodline Repair- A podcast series [Canceled]

Bloodline Repair- A podcast series  [Canceled]

Project Overview


This is a story where a girl goes back in time against her will to find and kill her grandma. Was she informed of this task? Nope! Does she know who her relatives are? Definitely not! (This is supposed to start off cringy dw!)

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Latest Updates

  • Vincent's change

    I realized the lines I chose we're just filler



  • Why is there two?

    It's easier to manage with all the people needed

  • Producer needed

    So I've been informed the school I got my laptop from won't let me put the episodes on anything. Other than Podbean (If you don't know what that is that proves my point). TvT

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
VA for Fausto Lambardi
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Theodore Krupa

I know the description of "Son of the Don" Sounds like a cringy Wattpad story. Let me tell you that that's the point. It's supposed to be like that until the drama starts. He is an Italian man it the 1920's Italian Mafia. 50% of the time people see him before Marcella get's taken back he's just observing not talking. let's just hope you're good at voice shifts. Usually from thirst trap boy to YELLING. Majority of the time it's anger but the other half is him being terrified of an old woman.

  • english
Voice description:
  • podcast
  • male young adult
  • italian american
Other info:
  • aggresive yelling
  • scared
  • Will you be my spy? *Pause for a no* WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO!?

  • You said you have no fighting experience! You snapped our best assassin's arm in half!!

  • *Fear* Yes Nona Carmella, please don't stab me again.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
VA for Marcella Bianci (Lead Role)
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Lain

Marcella is the leading role. She is aloof and calm until she's around the right people. Professor and her friends? Cheerful and carefree. With Fausto? Sarcastic and spiteful. With Nona? You'll have to see. Personality changes will have to be both sudden and drastic.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • english (american)
  • podcast
Other info:
  • different voices and some impersonations
  • Oi ogre man! Stop following me!

  • I *Pause* I thought I could trust you.

  • I've been fighting over a guy, WITH MY GRANDMA!!??

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
VA Nona Carmella
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: i.wannabe.m.e.

I'm sorry for major spoilers. But she becomes super evil. This woman is more fit than majority of us despite being 72. FEAR HER. She starts with a sweet and loving voice but once she gets caught she becomes incredibly threatening.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female senior
  • podcast
  • sicilian
Other info:
  • range from manic to grim/young to old
  • Have fun messing with fate! I'll be too dead to see you fade into dust.

  • When people say marry rich. That is not what they meant.

  • Don't mind her rambling dear. She's a little loony and we don't have the heart to send her away.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
VA Angela Rizzo
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Jardon M.

She is the most athletic and protective one of the girl group. She spends her time counting her friends and stressing over what they put in their mouth this time. She yells when she needs to but she rather observe and listen

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • american
  • podcast
  • If you start a fight with him after I said no I'm going to laugh at your corpse.

  • You know he just asked to marry you right? *Pause for Marcella's line* THAT IS NOT A AN AW MOMENT! He's had three wives and they all died, you wanna be next!? *Pause for Marcella* You're going to get killed.

  • Your Chemistry Love? You're messing with me aren't you?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
VA Vincent Conti
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Night_Guyy

He is anxious all the time, but manages to slip in a lot of sarcasm. He always jokes about his friends hating him, even though they forced him into the friend group.

Voice claim: Ash from Fantastic Mr. Fox

  • english
Voice description:
  • podcast
  • male young adult
  • The world scares me. And I'm too worried about dying to scare it back.

  • In a mostly boys school. I managed to get outnumbered by the only group of girls.

  • I just hope he doesn’t rough me up again.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
VA Amilia Esposito
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: writerhalo

She is Angela's back up and emotional support. Need something? She has it. She also tells people to "Wait for Angela" before doing dumb things

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • podcast
  • italian american
Other info:
  • unsettling
  • soft
  • Girls if she wants to die a painful death because she saw muscles and a pretty face. You can't stop her

  • Angela, yell at them for me. I have Vincent to care for.

  • (Swears will be bleeped out) Here's *struggle* two bucks. Now you can f##k off! :D

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
VA Nona Marina
Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite


She was traumatized by Carmella so much she has gone insane. Especially because no one believes her. She talks about "The Wolf' a lot.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female senior
  • italian american
  • podcast
Other info:
  • crazy
  • *Singing* The wolf comes back. The wolf comes back. The wolf comes back. The wolf comes back. The wolf comes back. The wolf comes back.

  • *Marcella asks "what happened to your husband?" He lost a war that didn't exist. *Giggle* Bye bye little puppy. *Sniffles back tears* Bye.....bye *Soft crying*

  • Isabella will return. But she wont. She's beautiful. But she's dead.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
VA Don Antonio
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Michael Suggs

This is Fausto's dad. He's supposed to be a jerk that the fans love because of that. We do have to remember he'll threaten a child for crying tho.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • podcast
  • italian mobster
Other info:
  • aggresive yelling
  • First an arm, now a chair. What's next? My son's neck?

  • Of course I'm a very gentle man. IF YOU DON"T PUT THAT PAINTING BACK I'LL DROWN YOUR WIVES

  • I know the exact day my dreams died. July 8th, 1904. *Fausto stares in "That's my birthday!"

Audio Engineer
Audio Engineer
Sound designer
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: SoundSculptStudios

You will combine the audio and get it ready for the podcast. I'f you need help I'll send out a new role don't worry. It's up to the VAs to give you the audio tho. If they don't reach out to me

  • english
Other info:
  • audio editing (basic)
  • audio mixing/editing
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: marcy

You will read the script and fix up mistakes

  • english
Other info:
  • google docs
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
VA Olympas
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Kent

This character is re occuring but not often. He is supposed to sound big and scary. Like he'd be the odd one out in a party.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • podcast
Other info:
  • military
  • Listen here! *Pause for the other character to tell him to calm down* Listen up.... friends. I need Marcella Bianci!!

  • Your presence in not requested it's required.

  • You're telling me they sent you a little more than a century away, and they didn't tell you why!?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
VA Otis
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: PepsiColaa

Yes him and his work partner's (Olympas) names were inspired by Odd Squad. He was definitely pulled from HR. He keeps Olympas from scaring the life out of Marcella. He is re-occuring but not used often

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • surfer dude
  • podcast
  • Dude, chill out {Whispers} We're trying to get her to follow us. If you scare her she'll get suspicious.

  • Woah woah, chill out! This is important. Please just do as you're supposed to.

  • No, you can't send her back! we already know what's going to happen!

Deferred: Profit Share
cast offsite

As my update says I can't post my podcast. Your job would be posting it but also give due credit. I prefer it being on things like YT and Spotify because those are things people know well but I ain't picky.

  • english
  • *Say something you think would fit*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
VA Ghoststrike
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Hedge T Haiden Seth Calogero

An assassin who doesn't speak often because his voice is messed up. Most of his lines are in his head. We'll need a second person for the real voice (hard to understand and growly) and his normal voice

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (real voice) "OW! Holy hell kid!" (In his head) "She snapped my arm with one hit. I greatly underestimated her."

  • (In his head) "Don't make me babysit please." (Real voice) "Alright Boss"

  • (In his head) "I didn't like her much, but I will miss her." (Real voice) "DON'T DIE!" *coughing*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
VA Background
Deferred: Profit Share
Role assigned to: Callumo21

I'm the only one currently and we need more. All voices are welcome here.

  • *Say something you think would fit*


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