Sword Art Online Alicization

Project Overview
I have created an alternate timeline of exactly how the Alicezation arc of Sword Art Online would play out had Eugeo been taken instead of Alice. Going all the way from the beginning until the end. I need voice actors to play the roles of Kirito, Alice and other major characters from the series. This project will be a lot of fun and I can't wait to work with everyone.
Requirements :
- We'll be using the .mp3 or .wav format.
- Don't send your first read-through. Give it a couple of goes first until you have a take you are happy with :)
- Make sure to use a good microphone when auditioning! I want to make this as professional as possible. (No background noise, no buzzing, and no clipping/peaking)
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Kirito is a 17-year-old young adult. He has a mischievous nature and can even often rub those he meets the wrong way initially. However, he has a kind heart and is determined to help Alice with her goals and escape the Underworld.
I'm looking for someone with a lowish tone of voice. Passion for the series is a bonus.
[You just arrived late to a Pie bakery for a meet up you had planned with your closest friend, Alice. You're late because you got distracted by encountering your valet (apprentice) on the way to the bakery. Alice is visibly annoyed at you for your tardiness, demanding an explanation.]
“Ahaha, sorry, I ran into this little one on my way here. Come to think of it, you guys haven't had a chance to meet yet. This is my velat, Ronie. She has become addicted to the pies of this bakery ever since I brought them back for her to try one day. She was on her way here on her rest day to indulge herself until her stomach could take no more."[Your closest friend, Alice, just discovered a horrible truth about something that has haunted her since childhood. She believes herself to be the cause of horror and is now the most depressed you have ever seen her. You can relate to how she is feeling and as such, try to comfort her.]
“...It’s okay Alice. I… I know how you feel. I also know what kind of person you are. So many people’s lives have been altered for the better because of you being around. It may be difficult right now, but, you… have the right to think of those you have saved… Let’s… obey his instructions for now. If we enter the Central Cathedral, even as criminals, we should be able to understand the situation a little more.”[You're trying to convince an enemy that what you are doing isn't merely a criminal act. That you're actually fighting for a better world for all the citizens of the Underworld to live in.]
"Abominable huh. This is senseless, what the church is doing is wrong. I know you can’t see that. But I'm fighting to overthrow the church and highest minister, to enable humans like you to love and live normally. To save the citizens of this world from annihilation, where the Pontifex is more interested in purely controlling them.”
Alice is a 17-year-old young adult from a small town out in the countryside. Despite being from a small town, she is incredibly smart and diligent in what she applies herself to. Regarded as a genius and prodigy by everyone around her. In theme with that, she mostly speaks elegantly and tries to conduct herself as such. However, she also has a mischievous side to her. Never shying away from banter and stooping to Kirito's level.
I'm looking for someone with a relatively low voice, similar to Saber (Artoria) from the Fate series if you are familiar with that. Passion for the series is a bonus.
[You are shocked at Kirito's naive idea of how entering the Master Arms academy works. So you take it upon yourself to explain to him how the entry process works (in somewhat a haughty/smug fashion).]
“That’s right, you’re going to have to first win a Sword Arts tournament, or at the very least look at extremely good while placing top 3 I suppose. Then you will be able to join the City’s guards. Once there, you’re also going to have to outshine all the guards there in order to gain a recommendation letter. Once you have THAT, then and ONLY THEN, will you be able to take the ENTRANCE exam for the Academy.”[You finally meet with your long lost friend, Eugeo, once again. However, he is now a brainwashed knight who has come to arrest you for your crimes. You believe yourself to be the cause for his life taking such a horrible turn. As such you feel incredibly guilty and overtaken by despair. Saying what you thought about telling him for years if you ever met again.]
“That flaxen hair… there is no mistaking it. Oh Eugeo, I’m so sorry. I… I never meant for that to happen, there hasn’t been a night that goes by without that day being in my thoughts. It should have been me, If… only I had listened… I…I would have given anything to undo that moment. I tried my absolute best in my studies. Countless sleepless nights…searching… praying… to find a way to go back and avert that tragedy. To think we would meet again like this, fate truly is twisted.”[After travelling with your closest friend, Kirito, for a long time. You now are finally sleeping in different locations for the first time in a long time. He banters with you, making a remark about how he won't miss your snoring. You banter back by commenting about how the only thing you'll miss about him is waking him up with cruel pranks every morning.]
“How would you know?! You’re the one who’s out like a candle almost immediately every night, practically like clockwork. In fact, the only thing I’m going to miss about sharing a room with you is getting to wake you up every morning. I do hope you won’t sleep through your duties without me.”
Asuna is a very kind-hearted, caring, warm person. She can be equally fierce and relentless however if the situation calls for it. There is no harder worker than her and her abilities are renowned amount all who know her.
I'm looking for someone with a voice on the higher side. Passion for the series is a bonus.
[You are in the midst of a long, gruelling slog of a battle. Your limits were reached long ago and now the only thing keeping you standing is sheer willpower alone. In order to keep yourself going you tell yourself this.]
"My body will give out when my mind does. And that means I stay standing forever."[Sinon and Asuna are best friends, so when Sinon enters the underworld and meets up with Asuna. Asuna is very pleased to see her. In Sinon's explanation, she mentions that Leafa came as well. But Leafa is not here with her, leading you to ask the following question.]
“Hey, Sinonon, you mentioned Leafa came to the Underworld with you right? So… where is she?”
Ronie is a 16-year-old teen. She is a very sweet girl with a strong sense of justice and is a bit meek. She is enrolled in the Master Arms academy with the hopes of becoming an Integrity Knight to raise her families status in society.
I'm looking for someone with a relatively high voice. Passion for the series is a bonus.
[You are being tutored by Alice in the ways of the sacred arts. After a long study session, you finally make a breakthrough in a subject that had you stuck for a while thanks to her teaching.]
“AH, I SEE IT NOW. I can’t believe it was so simple, now I feel like an idiot for worrying about this ahahaha. Thank you so much Miss Alice.”[You and Alice find your mentor, Kirito, sleeping on the couch during the study session. This greatly amuses both of you and you explain why you think this could have happened.]
“Ahaha, Kirito was also practising his ‘Aincrad Style’ today. He is determined to represent the academy at the Four Empires Unity Tournament. I even got some pointers from him. He must be exhausted.”[You are explaining to Alice how your friend has been wronged and is in a very difficult situation. Seeking advice from Alice as to what you can do to help your friend.]
“It’s disgusting. Frenica doesn’t deserve this, she’s such a nice girl and worked so hard to earn a valet position. I want to help her but I just don’t know what to do. So, umm, Kirito told me that throughout your travels to the capital, you seemingly always knew what to do. That, if he was ever unsure, he knew he could turn to you and you would have an answer. I want to help my friend like that. So… if you may, what would you do in my position?”
Quinella is the absolute ruler of the underworld and the most powerful being within it. Being of Noble descent she is incredibly confident, proud, strong-willed, arrogant and has an aura of elegance.
I'm looking for someone who can really capture that aura of superiority, confidence and elegance in her voice. Passion for the series is a bonus.
[After just crushing the enemy army, the enemy commander now appears before you himself. You find his appearance amusing. Speak with an aura of confidence, elegance and just the right hint of arrogance.]
“Hmph, with his army in ruin from my Golems, the enemy commander is actually foolish enough to present himself on a platter for us. How nice of him, we will eliminate him swiftly and put an end to this invasion.”[Simply I just need your best haughty laugh. It should exude an aura of superiority, confidence and arrogance.]
Fanatio is the vice commander of the order of the Integrity Knights. One of the most respected and longest-standing knights in the world. She has a strong sense of justice and is incredibly skilled. She conducts herself with elegance and upper-class.
I'm looking for somebody with a somewhat lower tone of voice, really reflecting that elegance and posh nature in their delivery.
[Kirito just made his plea to you about his reasoning for rebelling against the Axiom Chruch's rule (the organisation you serve). While you acknowledge his intentions, you fundamentally disagree with his opinion. Believing his ideals will bring an end to human civilization. Thus reject his plea and prepare to do battle with him. Try to have an element of elegance/posh nature to your voice.]
“I see that you’re not a minion of darkness as what was told to us. However, child, you are naive. If the church's authority was lost, who knows what sort of hell this world would be thrust into... The army of the Dark Territory strengthens their forces day after day, clamouring beyond the mountain range at the gate that seals them away. You are the one endangering this world. Thus, I must defeat you. Even if I have to disregard my pride as a knight to do so… RELEASE RECOLLECTION!”[You have intercepted Kirito's rebellion against the Axiom Church. Speak with authority. Try to have an element of elegance/posh nature to your voice.]
“I see one of you is a Sacred Arts user. As much as it pains me to partake in an unfair fight, unfortunately for you, we have been strictly ordered to erase both of you using all means available should you make it to this point. So, this is as far as you will go.”
Gabriel is utterly devoid of anything remotely resembling empathy, as exemplified by the murder of his childhood friend, in order to witness the nature of the soul, or his experiments on animals for the exact same cause.
Looking for somebody with an authoritative voice. Passion for the series is a bonus.
[You have just killed two Integrity Knights and are enjoying consuming their souls. All the while excited for how your next target, the leader of the Axiom Church, will taste."]
“Mhmmm, the older one’s soul tastes like a fine rich whine. A bit much for me personally on its own. However together with the sweetness of the younger one’s soul to balance it. Together they create a taste that is not at all displeasing to me. A worthy starter. I wonder what you’ll taste like”.[You just arrived in the basecamp of the enemy. Looking around, you are judging their set-up while looking for your target. Speaking in a dismissive authoritative manner.]
“Hmph, a rather crude set-up. I presume you are who they call the leader of the Axiom Church?”
Eugeo is a 17-year-old knight from the order of the Integrity Knights. He is stoic in nature and is reknown for his sturdiness/durablity. Earning him the nickname of "Shield of Anxiom Church".
I'm looking for someone relatively mid-tone voice. Passion for the series is a bonus.
[You have come to arrest Alice and Kirito for committing a grave criminal act, the likes of which has never been seen before in human history. However Alice has broken down in front of you, it is your duty to reign them in and bring them in to face judgement. Speak with authority.]
“Compose yourself prisoner! I have the authority to deprive the both of you of seventy percent of your Lives. Cease the theatrics and step forth in an orderly manner. I would prefer not to have to drag you kicking and screaming.”[A new enemy army has emerged and now your allies on the ground are severally outnumbered. You are flying far above the battlefield on the back of a dragon, heading towards the worlds end alter as ordered by Quinella. With you are Asuna and Kirito, Asuna just asked if it's really okay to leave your allies to fight at such a disadvantage.]
“We have no choice, the Pontifex instructed me to go with you two to the World's End Alter. Besides, in our initial strategy meeting, it was mentioned that Pontifex had an ace of her own that she could not put into play until the Dark Arts guild was dealt with. In an earlier attack, the Vice Commander of the integrity knights managed to vanquish them. So with the Pontifex now at the frontline, I believe this ace will be revealed and turn the tide back in our favour. Have faith in our leader.”
Frenica is a very sweet 16-year-old teen. She is a very shy and reserved girl, but is, even more, meek than usual currently due to her current circumstances.
I'm looking for someone with a high warm voice. Passion for the series is a bonus.
[You are surprised that Alice knows of the abusive situation you're in. However, you quickly realise that this Alice is the mentor your best friend, Ronie, speaks about in glowing terms very often. Due to fearing that Ronie has gotten herself in trouble trying to help you, you feel incredibly anxious at this moment.]
“You… know? Oh, you must be Alice. Of course, I should have known. It’s as Ronie said, you truly do have blindingly beautiful hair, like the sun.”
Humbert is a 17-year-old noble aristocrat. His upbringing has made him incredibly arrogant and overbearing.
I'm looking for somebody with a lower voice who sounds extremely posh/upper-class.
[You are sitting back enjoying luxury whine with your friend in your luxurious dorm room. Alice enters the room and you offer her a glass. Speak in a smug arrogant posh tone.]
“This really is an excellent wine. Fifty years old from the western empire. How about taking a seat and enjoying a glass with us? This isn’t something even those of lower nobility can access easily, you know.”[You are lecturing Alice about the expectations of Nobels. Speak in a smug arrogant posh tone.]
“Tch, it really is a shame. A commoner entrusted with the duty of guiding a noble, though it’s true she is of the lowest class. If she had better guidance, maybe she would have known not to treat me, firstborn of a fourth class nobility family, with such disrespect.”
Raios is a 17-year-old noble aristocrat. His upbringing has made him incredibly arrogant and overbearing.
I'm looking for somebody with a lower voice who sounds extremely posh/upper-class.
[You are annoyed with Alice's insistence of avoiding your hospitality and getting straight to business. But you do so nonetheless, lecturing her about Ronie's poor conduct and establishing your pride as Noble. Speak in a posh-arrogant fashion.]
“Tsk, straight to business then. She certainly was a brave novice trainee, to suddenly request for a meeting with the head as well as the second-ranked elite swordsmen-in-training who stand above all of the students. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised by the behaviour of a valet belonging to a peasant. However, she should really take care. That assertiveness could be impolite at times, and disrespectful at others. Don't you think so too, sorry… I didn’t catch your name?”
Bercouli is the oldest and most respected knight in the order of the Integrity Knights. He is a veteran of the battlefield and the most powerful Integrity Knight. He is very stoic in nature and never seems flustered.
I'm looking for someone with a deep voice.
[You are disgusted by the atrocities the enemy army commander has committed. Impassioned, you make a declaration to him.]
"You will know the weight of all the lives that perished on the battlefield."[Give me your best battle-cry]
Calm and cool are two words that best describe Sinon's personality. In battle and most of the time in the game, she keeps a cool head. It is actually said that Kirito is the first one to make her extremely angry. Despite all this, Sinon, while perhaps hard to approach, is generally a friendly person and does not mind helping others.
Looking for someone with a voice on the deeper side. Passion for the series is a bonus.
[You are telling off your teammate for being cowardly. Speak with assertiveness.]
"If it's just a game, at least be brave enough to run towards the guns and die".
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