Sword Art Online Alicization
BlueBoi for Kirito
Kirito is a 17-year-old young adult. He has a mischievous nature and can even often rub those he meets the wrong way initially. However, he has a kind heart and is determined to help Alice with her goals and escape the Underworld.
I'm looking for someone with a lowish tone of voice. Passion for the series is a bonus.
[You just arrived late to a Pie bakery for a meet up you had planned with your closest friend, Alice. You're late because you got distracted by encountering your valet (apprentice) on the way to the bakery. Alice is visibly annoyed at you for your tardiness, demanding an explanation.]
“Ahaha, sorry, I ran into this little one on my way here. Come to think of it, you guys haven't had a chance to meet yet. This is my velat, Ronie. She has become addicted to the pies of this bakery ever since I brought them back for her to try one day. She was on her way here on her rest day to indulge herself until her stomach could take no more."[Your closest friend, Alice, just discovered a horrible truth about something that has haunted her since childhood. She believes herself to be the cause of horror and is now the most depressed you have ever seen her. You can relate to how she is feeling and as such, try to comfort her.]
“...It’s okay Alice. I… I know how you feel. I also know what kind of person you are. So many people’s lives have been altered for the better because of you being around. It may be difficult right now, but, you… have the right to think of those you have saved… Let’s… obey his instructions for now. If we enter the Central Cathedral, even as criminals, we should be able to understand the situation a little more.”[You're trying to convince an enemy that what you are doing isn't merely a criminal act. That you're actually fighting for a better world for all the citizens of the Underworld to live in.]
"Abominable huh. This is senseless, what the church is doing is wrong. I know you can’t see that. But I'm fighting to overthrow the church and highest minister, to enable humans like you to love and live normally. To save the citizens of this world from annihilation, where the Pontifex is more interested in purely controlling them.”