Sword Art Online Alicization
Melanie Rose for Alice Zuberg
Alice is a 17-year-old young adult from a small town out in the countryside. Despite being from a small town, she is incredibly smart and diligent in what she applies herself to. Regarded as a genius and prodigy by everyone around her. In theme with that, she mostly speaks elegantly and tries to conduct herself as such. However, she also has a mischievous side to her. Never shying away from banter and stooping to Kirito's level.
I'm looking for someone with a relatively low voice, similar to Saber (Artoria) from the Fate series if you are familiar with that. Passion for the series is a bonus.
[You are shocked at Kirito's naive idea of how entering the Master Arms academy works. So you take it upon yourself to explain to him how the entry process works (in somewhat a haughty/smug fashion).]
“That’s right, you’re going to have to first win a Sword Arts tournament, or at the very least look at extremely good while placing top 3 I suppose. Then you will be able to join the City’s guards. Once there, you’re also going to have to outshine all the guards there in order to gain a recommendation letter. Once you have THAT, then and ONLY THEN, will you be able to take the ENTRANCE exam for the Academy.”[You finally meet with your long lost friend, Eugeo, once again. However, he is now a brainwashed knight who has come to arrest you for your crimes. You believe yourself to be the cause for his life taking such a horrible turn. As such you feel incredibly guilty and overtaken by despair. Saying what you thought about telling him for years if you ever met again.]
“That flaxen hair… there is no mistaking it. Oh Eugeo, I’m so sorry. I… I never meant for that to happen, there hasn’t been a night that goes by without that day being in my thoughts. It should have been me, If… only I had listened… I…I would have given anything to undo that moment. I tried my absolute best in my studies. Countless sleepless nights…searching… praying… to find a way to go back and avert that tragedy. To think we would meet again like this, fate truly is twisted.”[After travelling with your closest friend, Kirito, for a long time. You now are finally sleeping in different locations for the first time in a long time. He banters with you, making a remark about how he won't miss your snoring. You banter back by commenting about how the only thing you'll miss about him is waking him up with cruel pranks every morning.]
“How would you know?! You’re the one who’s out like a candle almost immediately every night, practically like clockwork. In fact, the only thing I’m going to miss about sharing a room with you is getting to wake you up every morning. I do hope you won’t sleep through your duties without me.”