Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Theoretical Snake Codec Conversations

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Theoretical Snake Codec Conversations

Project Overview

As most of you may know, Snake's codec conversations were not updated in Smash Bros. Ultimate for numerous reasons. But what if we did get newly added conversations for fighters like Mewtwo, Palutena, Ridley, and the other characters who never got one in the first place? The goal of this project is to answer this question with the power of talented voice acting! Of course, Snake (played by me, City) will have these conversations with the same supporting cast he had in Brawl, Col. Campbell, Mei Ling, and Otacon. That's where you guys come in!

What will the video look like? Well unfortunately, I don't have the proper equipment to record my own gameplay video to try and give the illusion of Snake giving a call to someone about a character in the Shadow Moses Island stage. However, elements such as the opening and closing of the codec call will be present and emulated in something similar the classic MGS1 codec screen. This editing choice may differ from the final video, but if you'd like an example for how that would look, take a look here.

If you'd like to help me out and be a part of this project, I'd be more than thankful for your contributions!


1. You MUST have a clear microphone with good mic quality.
The basic first rule, if you have a good quality recording of your audition with little to no background noise, you have a better chance of getting the role than those who don't. Make sure not to have any forms of background noises like outside noises, heaters/air conditioners, etc. in the recording.

2. Although the characters that are up for audition are established characters with recognizable voices, remember that doing a simple impression of them is not enough. This is called Voice ACTING for a reason. Even if your audition for a character is not a perfect replication of their official voices, you'll do great as long as you can deliver a believable performance.

3. Although not required, it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you have a Discord so I can keep in touch with you easier. Once I have all the roles filled out, I will send you a friend request and send the script that will be used for the video. 

4. PLEASE BE RESPONSIVE TO ANY AND ALL MESSAGES CONCERNING THE PROJECT. It is in poor taste and bad work ethic to be unresponsive in any project like this. If you are not immediately responsive to any messages concerning the project without reasonable excuses (such as personal life obligations and commitments, sickness, etc.), there is a chance that someone else can take your role. 

5. Stay calm and collected and try your best! As long as you give nothing less than 100%, I know you'll do a great job!

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Latest Updates

  • Role and Discord updates!

    Hello again! I want to thank those who have sent in their auditions; You've all done great jobs so far! I have selected 3 people to take on the roles of Otacon, Deepthroat, and Magnus. The roles for the Colonel and Mei Ling are being kept open for a while longer so there is still a chance for you if you haven't sent in an audition yet! As for the Discord, it is already created and ready to go but I wanted to make some clarifications that I didn't cover in the original description. The discord will be made for those who have bigger roles in the project (Colonel, Otacon, and Mei Ling) as they have more than one codec call in the script. Those who have be casted for the roles of Deepthroat and Magnus will not be added to the Discord, as I personally see it a bit redundant to add someone who will only have one scene that can easily take one short recording session to work on. If you still wish to work with me on a private session, don't hesitate to message me and we can work something out. And finally, here is a bonus treat for the people following the project! It is a small test of what the video may look like in the final cut. Let me know what you think about it! Thank you for the support! Keep sending in those auditions and good luck!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Colonel Roy Campbell

One of Snake's main supports during Metal Gear Solid. He's a disciplined commander, but when the going gets tough, will do what he can to help the people he cares about. He is one of the few people that Snake considers a true friend and they have great respect for one another, despite the differences they've shared in the past.

Voice Reference:

  • (About Mewtwo) “No matter what you might think, or what your origins are, neither you or Mewtwo are just Machines of War. You’re your own people. Don’t lose sight of that.”

  • (About Wii Fit Trainer) “Never underestimate that kind of mental fortitude, Snake. The Wii Fit Trainer is in this battle to make themself stronger. The unorthodox fighting techniques they’ve developed aren’t made to defeat their opponents, but to strengthen their own bodies as much as possible.”

  • (About Ridley) “Ridley is also extremely durable. No matter how many times he’s been blasted, burned, or destroyed, he always hangs on to torment the galaxy a little bit more, whether it be via cybernetic implants or clones created by people who wanted to harness his strength.”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hal "Otacon" Emmerich
cast offsite

Snake's right hand man during Metal Gear Solid 2 and 4. He's a scientist who is a coward by nature, but is willing to help Snake in anyway he can. Despite being a genius, he wears his heart on his sleeve and is a bit of a dork, making him a bit of a character foil to cool and collected Snake.

Voice Reference:

  • (About Dr. Mario) “Don’t underestimate him, Snake! He’s stronger and tougher than Mario is by a mile, and his special medicine can hurt more than just viruses!”

  • (About Greninja) “Okay… Well, this Greninja seems to have formed a special bond of friendship with its trainer. That bond might allow it to transform, and unleash a powerful attack. If you start to see it change its appearance, get out of there fast!”

  • (About Richter Belmont) “I won’t deny that it’ll be a tough battle, but don’t think you’re out of it yet. Richter is strong, but he’s still just a man, like you or me. Get your hits in where you can, and I know you’ll be able to pull through!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mei Ling

The woman in charge of keeping track of Snake's Saves in Metal Gear Solid 1. She is a Chinese-American data analyst who offers Snake advice in the form of famous quotes and Chinese proverbs. Even though she does not share a connection with Snake as strong as Otacon and the Colonel, she still plays a vital role in his mission.

Voice Reference:

NOTE: Mei Ling's voice actress changed after MGS2 to a more American-sounding accent. It is up to you whether or not you would like to give her a Chinese accent. 

  • (About Pichu) “Maybe, but you still have to be careful, Snake. Pichu may be weaker than Pikachu, but it’s aware of its weakness, so it’ll fight you with every ounce of energy it has to make up the difference!”

  • (About Rosalina & Luma)  “I’m not sure, Snake, but what’s for certain is that Rosalina and her Lumas have a bond that is nothing to mess with! The way they work together and cooperate, their synchronicity - it’s something that can only be accomplished with a bond of family.”

  • (About Inkling)  “Their aiming, tactics, and battle sense are probably going to be a bit more advanced than what you would think, so don’t let it get you caught off guard! Stay safe out there, and don’t get splatted, Snake!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

A character from Kid Icarus: Uprising. He serves as the special support for Snake for his codec call about Palutena. He's a battle-hardened human who has little care for what others think, especially for godly beings such as Palutena or even the angel, Pit.

Voice Reference:

  • "The names Magnus. I’m a warrior, and I’ve dealt with your opponent before.”

  •  “That little Goddess over there has been feeding information on every fighter here to her little angel pal, so I figured I’d even the playing field a bit for us mortals.”

  • “Now that’s the kind of thing I like to hear! Get out there, and show that prissy little God what it means to be a Human!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

A mysterious voice who calls Snake during his conversation about Ken. Any players of the MGS series will know that the true identity of this man is Grey Fox, Snake's oldest friend who was thought to be dead before returning as a cyborg ninja.

Voice References:
MGS: Twin Snakes:

NOTE: Grey Fox's voice was changed as well. Once again, it is up to you whether you want to portray his PS1 version or his Twin Snakes version.

  • “Snake! Watch out! Ken Master’s fire will burn you alive!”

  • “I’m like you. I have no name. If you don’t focus on the fight, you’re not going to last, Snake. Avoid Ken’s shoryuken; on top of being strong, it’ll light you on fire. Keep your distance.”

  •  “I’m close, Snake… Very close… I’m coming to find you, Snake...”


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