Super Mario Bros DX Episode 1 Fandub

Super Mario Bros DX Episode 1 Fandub

Project Overview

Super Mario Bros DX is a youtube series animated by a youtuber by the name of Smashinity. The series is a sprite animated action adventure series that takes inspiration from Anime in terms of how its animated, as well as adapting several mario and sonic the hedgehog characters into the story. The story is as follows: Mario after competing in a fighting tourney finds it interrupted by his age old nemesis bowser. With the help of the blue blur, Mario takes down his nemisis only to find out a much more villainous plot is in the works when Sonic and his friend Tails warn the mushroom kingdom of the threat Mecha Sonic who followed them to this universe to collect the scattered gems, the Chaos Emeralds. Now Mario, his brother, Sonic and Tails embark on their quest to collect these emeralds before they can fall into the clutches of this mecha menace.

This is a complete fandub of the 1st episode and hopefully the rest of the series as more episodes come out.

The original Video is here:

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: CalbDoesStuff

Bowser is the King of the Koopa's, and Mario's age old nemesis. He is bruting and is willing to stomp down anyone who gets in his way. His malice for the red hatted plumber knows no bounds. In terms of a voice for this character, looking for something deeper and monstrous. He is a villain after all.

  • "Is that all?! Why should we care about what Mario is up to? My goal is to kidnap Princess Peach, not to babysit that pesky little plumber!"

    When saying these lines bare in mind that Bowser is quite angry as Kamek brought him news regarding Mario rather than the princess.

  • "So, he doesn't even bother to invite me to his little Mario Party?! This is the last time he makes my blood boil like bone soup in a hot pot."

    Bowser is even angrier to know Mario is hosting a fighting tournament and didn't even consider to invite him. 

  • "Face me plumber! This wont be like last time! I've lost to you more times than I can count, but not this time! Let's settle this once and for all!"

    Bowser is struck with confidence as if he strongly believes that this time he will triumph over the plumber.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mecha Sonic
Role assigned to: Bill Callas

Mecha sonic is the primary antagonist of this series, his goals are unknown but one thing is for certain he will kill and crush anyone who dares to get in his way of getting the 7 chaos emeralds. Cold and confident, his steel-made heart is as cold as his metallic exterior and his code is malicious and murderous.

  • "I feel my power level rising. Only six emeralds left and i will be an unstoppable force!"

    Mecha is cold and brutal with his words as he plans to use this power to eliminate the trash littered around him

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kammy Koopa
Role assigned to: Lauritonas

Kammy is the old crone that tends to bowsers wishes, a crabby old bat who acts as his advisor and second in command. She may be old but she is as evil as the koopa king himself. Her voice should be more elderly and somewhat raspy as she looks like she is a century old.

  • "Yes, very good. But thats not important right now. How well exactly do you take intruders my lord?"

    She speaks in response to powers inquiries about her trip to gelato beach, asking how her vacation was. In which she also brings news of intruders.

  • "I found a pair of moustaches with legs, sneaking around."

    The moustaches with legs she speaks of is Wario and Waluigi.

  • "What shall we do with them? my lord"

    Kammy wishes to know what bowsers intentions are with the intrusive Wario Brothers.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Bowser Junior

Bowser Junior is the spoiled son of the koopa king. A mischief loving koopa kid with a passion for trouble. He is a bratty, silly character who always does what it takes to get what he wants even if it means he has a few blips along the way. The voice im looking for is more childish and energetic with a sense of wonder and cockiness.

  • "Boy, these toys dad gave me are starting to get boring. There should be something around here."

    He is going to sound bored and sick of these said toys

  • "Its been like forever since i used my magic brush. The last time i used it was on that island vacation. Now, where is my clown car?"

    Bowser JR seems nostalgic about his brush thinking back on all those "fun" memories of vandalism, but is quick to change his attention to find his clown car.

  • "Can you fix my clown car? You see all the wires are burnt up"

    He really wants it to be fixed and is somewhat disappointed all the wires are burnt up.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rawk Hawk
Role assigned to: Big Boy Buff Boy

This avian show boat is Rawk Hawk, the reining champion of the Glitz Pit in Rogueport. He is a cocky, overconfident man who has the strength to back it up. The mans like a Hurcule from dragon ball only he actually has the power to back up his boasting. 

  • "Oh yeah! Thats right! I am the champ! Give it up for me, Rawk Hawk!"

    Rawk is confident and cocky, a big ol show boat.

  • "Hey Gonzales! It has been a while, old friend. Last time i saw you in the flesh was when you the beat ever living tar out of me back in Glitzville"

    Nostalgic for their fight he seems to look forward to doing battle with the plumber once again.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Berry {Blue Toad Companion}

Barry is a minor companion character within the first few episodes. He acts as a commentary character with a wild personality.

  • "Yoshi, You know Rawk Hawk?"

    A more puzzled tone when saying this line

  • "They sure are going all out on eachother"

    Berry is in awe by the fight before him


    He screams out with a terrifying amount of enthusiasm 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
MC Ballyhoo
Role assigned to: BonesMcgee

MC Ballyhoo is the announcer for the fighting tournament, giving extraordinary commentary as fights progress onwards. His personality is that of a zany announcer, always bringing life to the commentary he brings forth.

  • "Wow! Truly remarkable! Could the curtains be falling for our Mushroom Kingdoms hero?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ColinAshworthVA

Kamek is one of the right hands to Bowser. He is a nerdier character in terms of how he sounds, like a stereotypical cartoon scientist. He is nervous but loyal to his king.

  • "Well you see my lord. He is at the Mushroom Tournament, currently brawling with a pink puff ball."

    An informative yet nervous tone of voice

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Three Goomba's

The three goomba's are a goomba, a spiked goomba and a paragoomba that squabble at the beginning of the episode. They are misfit extra's. If you are going to attempt to do all 3, change up the voices a bit for each one so they sound more distinct from one another.

  • "Looks like some kind of jewel. Let's go on Gbay and see how much its worth!" - Paragoomba

  • "No way! I'm posting it on my Ginder profile to attract all the ladies" - Goomba

  • "What makes you think you can take it?" - Spiked Goomba

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Toad child and Toadette

The Toad Child and Toadette are extras that are a mother and son pair. They kind of perish within the first 2 minutes of the episode so they are not a long term character by any means. The mother is caring while the son is energetic.

  • "Look mommy! Yoshi's" - Toad Child

  • "He sure is." - Toadette

    She says this in response to the child calling one of the Yoshi's cute

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Koopa Striker

The koopa striker is a ball kicking koopa who isn't afraid of anything.

  • "You don't know what you're up against, friend. C'mon you oversized garbage can!"


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