Super Mario Bros DX Episode 1 Fandub
Lauritonas for Kammy Koopa

Kammy is the old crone that tends to bowsers wishes, a crabby old bat who acts as his advisor and second in command. She may be old but she is as evil as the koopa king himself. Her voice should be more elderly and somewhat raspy as she looks like she is a century old.
"Yes, very good. But thats not important right now. How well exactly do you take intruders my lord?"
She speaks in response to powers inquiries about her trip to gelato beach, asking how her vacation was. In which she also brings news of intruders.
"I found a pair of moustaches with legs, sneaking around."
The moustaches with legs she speaks of is Wario and Waluigi.
"What shall we do with them? my lord"
Kammy wishes to know what bowsers intentions are with the intrusive Wario Brothers.

Discord : Laura#8077

I like the voice, it suits the character. You got a strong chance