STAR WARS Edge of the Empire: Life & Death on the Rim (Season 1) 2
Project Overview
Experience the galaxy of STAR WARS in a whole new way..
A Star Wars story told from the perspective of Killik Faz, a young Corellian pilot who grew up just like his hero, Han Solo, now thrust into a life of bounty hunting, choosing sides, and escaping "old friends", as he finds himself part of a mercenary crew.
This is an episodic adventure that will take you places you've never been, as well as revisit some familiar places and faces. Strap in, don't touch that lever, and welcome to Life & Death on the Rim...
May the Force be with you always,
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Looking for voice actors with German accents to fill the role of Hector Silberwolf immediately.
Deadline for auditions has been pushed back
The deadline has been pushed back to the 22nd to allow people to submit auditions for the remainder of today. Thank you, and May the Force be with you..always
Hector Silberwolf is an ex shock trooper for the planet of Waldwelt. He is quite adept with any sort of ranged weaponry as well as hand-to-hand combat, but he really loves his big guns. Having served in the military for quite some time, he is a human-encyclopedia when it comes to knowledge on weapons, tactics, and military strategy. His confidence is seemingly unhindered by any challenge, and he's been around the galaxy for longer than most who have been in his position. Having been betrayed by his own government, causing him a loss he can never forgive nor forget, Hector has kept a small list of names: a hitlist. His mission is to cross these names off or die trying, but for the moment he's busy getting together the resources before going after his personal bounties.
He's a bit grizzled with age, he enjoys smoking cigarros when given the chance, and he's not to be kriffin' messed with.
This is one of the main four characters making up the mercenary group aboard the Scarlet Estoc. For this role I need someone who is in love with Star Wars or voice acting and willing to sacrifice some time and effort to give a great performance for a podcast that is at-the-moment non-profit. We currently are finishing up the first season as far as re-writing script to make it more engaging and with more dialogue between the main characters, and there will be a second season for Hector as well, which is yet-to-be written, but the plot is already written. I also would like to do some extra work with Hector during the second season so that fans can get to know his character better, and I think a spinoff season where Hector goes off and takes care of his hit-list might be a great idea as well.
If this sounds like fun to you, and you are ready and willing to give your best effort for the long haul, then we'd love to have you aboard, Hector.
“Killik! Get your head on straight kid, or you’ll get us all killed.”
“I wouldn’t get too excited just yet. Two twin-laser turrets versus a light-ion cannon, they could blow us out of the sky.”
“Much, thank you, and the next time it happens you’ll find yourself having to manage piloting without one of your favorite fingers. You know damn well I’m not a shock trooper anymore, and furthermore-”
This character is a male Zabrakian warrior born on Iridonia. He is a trained warrior who is also force-sensitive. He prefers close combat with weapons or fists to using blasters or ships. He is confident, disciplined, and when he sees injustice, he can't help but step in to set things right. He's not much of the political type, as you might guess, and therefore not the best to have around in all situations, but as far as teammates go, you'll be hard-pressed to find a fiercer friend. He is somewhat young still, and I imagine the character to be in his 20's - 30's, still in his physical prime.
This character Aegeon is one of the main four characters of the group of mercenaries aboard the Scarlet Estoc, a light-freighter which the group may or may not have stolen in their escape off the planet Tattooine after being double-crossed by a Hutt Lord. For those interested in the role, keep in mind that at this time the podcast is a non-profit work, and the script is under re-writing currently to create more dialogue between the main four characters. The character Aegeon will be needed for the first two seasons of the podcast. The first season is being worked on currently, and the second season has yet to be written, however the plot is already finalized.
In short, I'm in need of someone who loves Star Wars, or at least voice acting, is willing to sacrifice some time to be at virtual table reads as well as spend time on their own doing final takes of their lines, and is willing to be in this for the long haul. If this is you, please don't hesitate to send your audition.
*When auditioning for lines, we're looking for someone without an English accent, a bit more North American but up for interpretation, which is why the accent is unspecified at the moment, and we're looking for someone with a deeper voice, a bit gravelly if possible, but not too serious of a tone. This character is a trained warrior who also is a bit of a fun character. For reference, think of Drax from Guardians of the galaxy We don't need to try to emulate Drax, but just use that as a sort of inspiration. Most importantly, have fun (:
“Nothing personal..but Zeb’s got the experience, fair flying or not.”
"Don't kriffin' mess with me right now, okay? Next time, you'll be the one out here on this stupid cord in this smelly suit."
“Same. If it’s not close-quarters striking, I’m just not interested. Did you know there’s a Dathomirian school for combat...way off the beaten path, doesn’t even have a sign, like it’s just a building, and it’s supposed to be really good. Best of the best.”
They are affected by the influence of the Force, making them sound entranced when responding. Reference: "These are not the droids we're looking for."
"There's nothing here. We've been sent to the wrong building."
Pirate Thugs; murmuring and grunting as they work on shipping and receiving dock; also those who say "Bounty Hunters!" loudly in gruff tone
“We got Bounty Hunters!”
“Bounty Hunters!”
“Get ‘em!”
Trandoshan slaver; grunting and making guttural ugly sounds
Grunting, "ssss" sounds (as the character is reptilian), "Aaaagh!" (dying sounds)
25-45; unspecified species; making dying noises as they fall from automated enemy turret.
“Aaagh!!” sounds like you are dying from laser fire.
25-55; Mandalorian; make sounds as they are hit by grenade.
“Aaagh!!” sounds like you’ve just been hit by a grenade’s blast. We will edit to sound vocoded.
Murmuring citizens in grav-train, not caring about the propaganda they see daily as it doesn't affect them really; citizens at Victory Enforcement Center waiting in line; citizens in streets walking
(Talking in whatever voice/language you prefer as long as it sounds like Star-Wars. Needs to sound like a Star Wars language, for example Basic, Chuteese, Shryiiwook, etc. Low-Volume.)
Age 25-45; Stormtroopers; yelling as they take fire and get into cover
“Take Cover!”
Verpine; making chittering noises in native tongue as the group walks through the small fortress The Hive is contained beyond
chittering noises - should sound like you are speaking to other members of your species (think of imitating a squirrel or similar creature)
Robotic, low voices; staccato; not the same sound as regular battle droids, a bit lower and more powerful.
“Blast ‘em.”
“This way.”
Female; bothan; speaking Basic; asks us why we're there; becomes increasingly suspicious as conversation goes on. Should sound official and cold.
Male; 25-35; Sith; human; yelling at Mandalorian Protector Ranking Official, then fights Scarlet's group; speech should be cold, burning with hatred and need for control. Imagine how Kylo Ren yells "More!!!" in Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. This character Tord shares the same Sith rage that burns within him, and has been honed and conditioned as what he goes to in times of need.
“The intruders!! You’ve let them in!!! You’ve led them here!”
“NOO!! The Sith will reign..” (This is powerful, the strongest line of the season as far as volume and intensity; spoken when the Sith Tord will not accept the defeat that is upon him)
Female; bothan; speaks basic; asks Killik what he wants to buy. Should sound like someone who's actually police/military but is trying to sound like a black-market operator. She actually wants to catch bigger perpetrators than someone just asking for some standard weapon reloads (known as energy cells, but referred to by Killik in the story as "..reloads for [his] Variable Holdout"), but since he is so cocky, she preps a raid on him and Aegeon anyway.
“It’s just me. What are you looking for?” - Spoken confidently; cool. She's hoping for a criminal to come along asking for something illegal so she can trigger a raid.
“We don't sell that here." - Spoken sternly, almost warningly, as she doesn't care to trigger a raid and possibly blow her cover over someone asking for a energy cell, although they are technically still illegal.
“Sure.." (she pauses) “One moment please.” -after the main character Killik blatently tells her he's looking for an illegal item, then tries to be clever with her after she sternly tells him she doesn't have that, she instead decides to go into the next room to trigger the raid.
Unknown species; speaking Basic (English) about family member being taken; screaming as he/she is taken away into another room before being stunned and silenced.
"No! Please! Let gooo!! Let me goo- AAAGH!-"
Male; A 40ish-yr-old Dug (the same species as Sebulba) who is VERY mechanically and computer adept; quite a large part as he is one of the four main group members. Zeb has a sneering, slimy Dug accent, though as Dugs were created to be “bad guys” through Sebulba, this computer/mechanic wiz is actually one of the good ones. He’s been a little further around the Galaxy than most, has somewhat of a mysterious past as he doesn’t talk much about it, and he’s a bit of a leader in the group. He shows experience in areas where Killik is somewhat lacking. All-in-all however, he’s a bit of a loner in the sense that he’s a Dug among two humans and a Zabrak.
"We have to get to cover first, are you crazy? We’re sitting bantha fodder here!"
"She was about to push some red button on the bottom of the desk, nerf-brain.. You sounded like some sort of terrorist."
"Killik. Scanner. Enemies approaching from port."
Male or female; 25-55ish; the Scarlet's point-of-contact for the Assault on Kashyyyk; official, concise. Can have either a North American accent or English accent.
"This is your designated liaison, Advisor Tribunis. The invasion has been halted pending further notice."
"We can certainly arrange that. Take your crew to the Keldabe. You will be escorted to the conference room. I will arrange it personally. Both groups are there currently in heated negotiations."
"Killik? Killik Faz?... Can anyone hear me?? - said quite excitedly, out of the ordinary for the Advisor, as he/she has just received excellent news."
Male or female; human; 25-55; tells Scarlet allies are on their way to assist; assuring, strong tone. An experienced pilot; cool, confident.
"Scarlet, we’re on our way!"
"Yeah, well, next time let us know what you’re doing first. We have to ask for orders." -spoken with a bit of an attitude, as he/she is conveying to the main group of characters that he/she doesn't work as mercenaries like they do, and can't just go flying off into a dog fight on a whim.
Male; Mandalorian; addresses crew and gives them upcoming battle details; listens to what they have to say about their findings on Hypori; exchanges currency for information; is involved in later negotiations.
“Thank you, Sergeant. You may leave. Who is the leader amongst you?”
“Do you have the data?”
“I must get this information to the Ascendants. Thank you for your assistance. I will be back momentarily. Speak with Master Durron if you have further questions.”
Male or female; unspecified species; 25-55; pilot leader; checks in for jump to hyperspace; lines are open for a bit of interpretation, as Blue Leader is part of a somewhat ragtag fleet.
“Check. This is Blue Leader standing by.”
Male or female; comes over holo-vid news feed to spread dystopian gov propaganda about a rival political faction which is growing. Voice needs to sound like a news anchor giving a hot news take.
“A number of attacks have left dozens injured and some even killed, others remain in critical condition, in yet another show of hate and evil from the terrorist group known as The Recreation and Reconciliation Party. Known for their lack of remorse and courage, they continue to indiscriminately slaughter citizens as they wage a futile war against our great nation…”
Male or female; comes over holo-vid news feed to tell about Hutt Cartel Raids continuing. Voice needs to sound like news anchor giving a hot news take.
“Hutt Cartel raids continue in Federation and Confederation space…”
Male or female; comes over holo-vid new feed to tell about Mandos laying siege to Kashyyyk. Should sound like a news anchor giving a hot news take; up for a bit of interpretation.
“Mandalorians have maneuvered to lay siege to the planet and Wookie-homeworld of Kashyyyk. Forces arrived just three standard days ago in force and –”
Male or female; comes over holo-vid to propagate dystopian government agenda as well as give time estimates to next stops on grav-train route; should sound official, sweet, and a bit disturbing; a dystopian sound.
“The ‘True Victory’ Party thanks you for your loyalty…Victory Enforcement Center: two minutes till arrival…Please report any suspicious activity to your nearest Enforcement Officer. Remember: slander is treason, and even first-time offenders are subject to arrest and imprisonment. Your loyalty is greatly appreciated. A reward of….”
Male or female; serious tone; Bothan; Speaks to the Scarlet before she's allowed to land on Bothawui. This position is important, as all space traffic must be assessed, checked for credentials, and routed into different Bothawui docks. Lines should be a bit rushed, as there are many incoming and outgoing starships to check and process.
“This is Bothawui Port Authority, what is the name and crew size of your ship?”
“State your intentions for your arrival at Bothawui.”
“You are cleared for entry. Welcome to Bothawui. Please proceed to docking bay number 31 at Capital City Drev Starn.”
Male or female; 25-45; human; yelling as they see Scarlet's group. A hardened soldier who believes the enemy is an threat to peace among the galaxy.
“Hey! Blast ‘em!!”
Male or female; 25-45; human; yelling as they see Scarlet's group. A hardened soldier who believes the enemy is an threat to peace among the galaxy.
“There’s someone over here! Let’s get ‘em!”
25-55; human; does a check on status of fleet before jump; volume should be somewhat loud, apprehensive, yet professional; he/she is calling out to the entire fleet before they are heading to battle.
“This is the Errant Venture. Check in, fleet.”
“Prepare for the jump to 3..2..1.."
Male or female; speaks with group as they dock in orbit over Rakhuuun; official sounding and very busy working to accommodate all incoming ships as well as check for threats.
“This is Freedom Flight Control to unidentified starship, please identify yourself.”
“State your intentions, please, Scarlet.”
“Hold while we get confirmation." The voice replied… A moment later returning: “Scarlet you may proceed to docking bay X-94, sending coordinates now. Follow your escort.”
Male or female; unspecified species; 25-55; checks in for jump to hyperspace; a pilot leader aboard their starship.
“Copy, Gold Leader standing by.”
Male; bothan; speaks with group aboard Scarlet about news among the galaxy, accepts slicer gear sent by Gresk Linaz; a double agent working against the government he's employed by; a carefully speaking official who deals in intelligence.
“I assume you know who I am?”
“This will come in great need very soon…Your group…are you all for hire? Good mercenaries can go a long way. I can put you to use.”
“Fosketter’s ‘dog’ Kavikon is doing the dirty work on the Outer Rim. He was last seen on the planet Vandor.”
Male or female; calls Killik by comlink to tell him Gotham Nisala is ready for appt; should sound official and like he/she is giving good news; like a receptionist.
“Hello, this is Secretary #56-1, Mr. Nisala is ready for you. Please proceed to the Victory Enforcement Central Command Center at your earliest convenience to secure an appointment.”
Human Female, Sets the Scarlet up with new ship ID; she's adept at hacking, black-market slicing, etc; speech should be cool, collected, smart.
“So you've got a new ID number…and I've just erased the previous name of the ship.. I just need the new name; have you guys figured out what you're calling it yet?”
“Okay,” (she says as she's finishing up typing) “You're all set.”
Male; human; aprox. 33 years old; a jedi known for his reckless nature as a young man, now a Jedi master; he has honed his abilities and prowess, and his nature, although still showing an aggressive disposition toward obstacles at times, has been refined.
“Ambassador Skirata, I believe these men need to be prepped for battle. Would you mind relaying your plan to them?”
“The Ascendants’ fleet is not even here! The Mandalorians have been against us for too long to be trusted.”
“How many of us have they killed?” -said in anger, a rhetorical question
Male or female; 25-55; Mandalorian; speaks to Tord the Sith in pillared room at Central Command Station; surrenders to Scarlet's group; gives up to Mandalore. This Mandalorian is strong, but has given up due to the situation of being overtaken. He/she is in the middle of a heated argument to say the least when this scene starts. His/her lines go from him yelling at Tord, pleading for him to stop his rage and admit defeat, to him talking to the group of main characters once they've killed the Sith, raising his/her hands in surrender.
“Tord! The battle is over.”
“I’ll call my forces off… Don’t shoot.” (said as he's raising his hands in surrender)
“I have surrendered. I’ve called off my people. I am at your mercy.”
Male; 25-55; necromancer; unspecified species, though sounds human; giving orders, then angrily yells at subordinates. This character is a mysterious Force user who also has control over his life force. A dark being who is unyielding. Voice should be menacing, evil.
“Do not lose this battle! We are too close now. Mandos - the two of you each split with a party of five troopers. Make your way to the lower levels quickly. Do not-”
“Give support when needed and above all hold the central command station…”
Male or female; conveying details of upgrades needed; robotic, staccato, pleasant voice. Speech should sound as if it is translating as a Wookie is speaking Shryiiwook. Certain words are said closer together as others are further apart. The rhythym of speech is imperfect.
“Electronic Counter-measures, and a Concussion Missile Launcher…Yes, those can be prepared, give us about two standard hours. That will be 4,850 credits.”
Male or female; unspecified species; 18-25; checks in for jump to hyperspace. This character is a young hotshot pilot leader, and I'd like the voice actor to do a bit of speculation as far as how the character may talk. Feel free to give several auditions with different takes on the character if you'd like.
“Affirmative. New Rebellion standing by.”
Male; Verpine; 25-55; our liaison for navigating the Hive; an humanoid insect-like creature who naturally speaks in a chittering, clicking language but who also speaks Basic as well. Imagine this creature to be a bit strange, as he appears to be more insect than human. He is no warrior, and serves his purpose instead as an intelligent communicator between his colony and other species.
“I am Roffine. Your reinforcements are greatly needed. I will take you into the bunker.”
“Ahh, I see.. Well... I hope they are well equipped. Follow me, please.”
“The Mandalorians and we had a falling out of sorts…We were brought here by them in number, as they needed workers to help build and maintain the bunker, as well as another task, which you will see momentarily.
Our colony’s Hive Mothers are displeased with what we have done here. But we have had no other choice, with the exception of subjugation. There was supposed to be a mutually beneficial relationship, but it has quickly turned into what you see before you.”
Male or female; addresses crew as they disembark from the Scarlet, escorting them to briefing room where Kyp Durron and Ambassador Skirata are waiting; Professional, concise, respectful tone. The Sergeant is onboard the lead ship of a ragtag fleet, Freedom Flight, dedicated to the freedom of slaves across the galaxy. As there are many preparations to be made before the upcoming assault, imagine Sergeant Casper to be in a bit of a rush, with a lot going on surrounding them. Somewhat of a younger officer, he/she has risen to their position quickly, and was told to stop what he/she was doing to go greet the crew of the Scarlet (Killik and the other three main characters) before returning to his/her tasks. Lines should be said like there's much going on and in somewhat of a hurry but still trying to follow protocol and be courteous.
“Killik Faz?”
“Sergeant Casper. This way to the briefing room.”
“Master Durron, Ambassador Skirata, this is the crew aboard the Scarlet Estoc. They've just arrived from Bothawui.”
Male or female; unspecified species; 25-55; registers hits taken over comms. This character is an experienced pilot, but is not necessarily human. Lines can be interpreted by the voice actor as far as how the character's voice sounds. Feel free to give a few different takes on possible voices for the character. However, the character should sound like they are conveying somewhat of an emergency, as they need to immediately retreat from a battle they've just engaged in only moments earlier, before being pummeled by enemy forces.
“Shields are badly damaged! I repeat, shields are badly damaged! This is The Beckoning, we’re pulling back!”
Male or female; English accent; conveying details of upgrades needed; robotic, staccato, pleasant voice. Speech should sound as if it is translating as a Wookie is speaking Shryiiwook. Certain words are said closer together as others are further apart. The rhythym of speech is imperfect. For reference: C-3PO
“Electronic Counter-measures, and a Concussion Missile Launcher…Yes, those can be prepared, give us about two standard hours. That will be 4,850 credits.”
Speaks to us momentarily as we're trying to enter the Center, then hands us ID's; Also sees us approach later on for our appt and hails us. Voicing should sound like a gruff guard in front of a high-security government facility.
“State your business.”
“You'll need to speak with his secretary. In the doors, to your right. Put these on.”
“Killik Faz? Right this way.”
Male; Wookie; speaks ONLY Shryiiwook; a liaison on Kashyyyk that the Scarlet's group meets with, guiding them to the The Hive; this Wookie is wearing a translating device, so many of his lines are being interpreted by the device and written as they are heard through the device. Therefore, for the lines in English (or Basic, the Star Wars equivalent), a loose interpretation is needed, accuracy is not important so much as just acting like you are speaking something in Shryiiwook as the translator is doing the work to communicate in English. There are a few lines written in Shryiiwook however, and I'd like the voice actor to do their best to interpret them. Again, accuracy is not so important, as Shryiiwook is a complex language that very few comprehend, but just getting the sounds of a Wookie speaking is what is needed.
“Greetings allies. I am Zil.”
“Thank you for coming. We must move quickly however, if we are to reach the destination in time. We must move on foot since you beings have no way of traversing the wroshyr.”
“Muawa, hrrryaa. Wyoorg.”
Male; robotic, young voice (see D-0 from Rise of Skywalker movie for reference). Speech should sound as if you are translating for a Wookie speaking; meaning, the rhythym or cadence of the words spoken should not sound perfect. The thing I love about this part is that this elderly Wookie is wearing a translating modulator to communicate with others during a battle for his species freedom, and the voice of the translating modulator is quite the contrast to what you'd expect. Instead of an older voice to match the Wookie's age, we have this young, strangely optimistic voice translating his words for readers and listeners. I'm hoping this will create an oddly humorous experience. D-O from Rise of Skywalker is done with a younger voice, though the droid is shy and a bit fearful. I'd like to instead have a younger voice for this modulator that is somewhat oddly positive and optimistic-sounding.
“Greetings allies. I am Zil.”
“Thank you for coming. We must move quickly however, if we are to reach the destination in time. We must move on foot since you beings have no way of traversing the wroshyr.”
“I am a friend.”