Xander Alsip

Xander Alsip

18-year-old voice actor, audio engineer, and composer. (he/they)

Joined Sep 2021 143 Following4 Followers
About Xander Alsip

An 18-year-old voice actor and audio engineer. Most notable in the horror genre.

Known For:


The Horror Attraction - Battington (2024)
Dreams Of An Insomniac - Pastraspec (2024)
Harmony & Horror: RE - Battington (2024)
Sins of The Past - Forky (2024)

RADAR - LyraHorrorz (2023)

The Midnight Show - St4tic (2024)
MONOCHROME - VideoHorror (2024)

JR's: Enter The Flipside - JR's Team (Coming Soon)
Shadows Awaken - Kyesen (2024)
Fazbear Facility - Phantron (2024)
FNAF: Blood & Gears - JDBRYANT (2024)

This list refers to both my audio engineering & voice acting work.

Demos & Samples
Character Demo 2024

An example of my best characters! A dorky young male, snooty little gremlin, flamboyant villain, psychotic scientist, and plenty more!

My range spans far beyond what's presented, so if you like the tone of my voice, but none of these fit what you're looking for, please feel free to reach out! I'd love to give your character a shot!

Commercial Demo 2023

0.50 cents per word (doesn't apply if I audition for your project on my own accord)

  • @keyonnaimani

    Can I just say.....this is a god-level voice actor. He´s going places he never thought he could go to. Please consider Xander for a project! 

  • @retrotech2000

    Seeing as in my project (so far), he's literally God, that should show you his acting ability.

    This man can be so many different things, it's insane. One of the funniest and down to Earth people I've ever talked to, and seeing as I'm legit friends with this person, it's like when you have a musician for a friend and they make an entire orchestra for your birthday.

    But I'm going on tangents. Xander is one of the greatest actors I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, and I absolutely recommend him for a project you may want.

  • @general_skaza

    they are a great voice actor, i am working with them right now, i recomand them so much

  • @deyoku

    Xander though be young, has a voice of a handsome 30ish year old hollywood star. He works well, understands what is expected of him and executes it perfectly. 

  • @otakuxshawn

    He’s very talented and knows how to put a charecter voice on fasho fasho⛄️

  • @jayncrawler

    met xander through voice acting servers on discord and friends :) i’ve always thought of him as somebody til go to if major talent is needed LMAO i recommend this fool for his talent and overall human decency 🫶

  • @ceracat

    Xander is an outstanding voice actor. His own personal twist on characters never seems to disappoint! His emotion is absolutely outstanding and breathtaking. I've known Xander for quite some time now, and throughout our time knowing one another he has been a delight to be around, he is overall just a kind-hearted soul and an amazing person to be around. He is always willing to lend a helping hand without any complaints. Cast Xander for your projects, his talent will make a great addition to your team!

  • @kaksikasvoinen


    This is a long overdue recommendation. A while back I recruited Xander to voice a character for me in a project, and all I can say is that he is amazing to work with, has a fantastic voice range and is overall very adaptable. Xander exceeded my expectations by far, and thanks to his talent, my project is way better off.

    Xander is capable of following instructions and potentially improve your script with improvisation where needed. On the technical side, smaller productions will definitely benefit from his editing skills, as he will provide you with ready to use recordings on request.

    Thank you Xander, and the best of luck with your future endeavors.

  • @seraphimva

    Holy shit. An actual legend in the making here. Xander is really awesome to work with and I can't believe he was actually in one of my projects. He was Nurse Doom for the Sparklecare Comic Dub and he gives off a moody, dramatic performance that I don't think would be replaced with this character. And I already knew him from his various FNAF projects, but this proves that he can still be a great voice actor without the FNAF community. In conclusion, would recommend.
