SPIKED EGGS PODCAST (Season One - Holiday Pilot)

SPIKED EGGS PODCAST   (Season One - Holiday Pilot)

Project Overview

SPIKED EGGS : Deliciously twisted, darkly comic tales with a foot in both the present and the reimagined past

This is audio theater. Season one will consist of 10 stand-alone episodes. We celebrate richly-layered sound design. We celebrate quirky characters, and the situations they get themselves into. We celebrate the work of the actors who join us to create these characters and their worlds. 

THE HOLIDAY PILOT:  Imagine a holiday tale which takes place in a Guy Ritchie/Quentin Tarrantino-esque world of loansharking elves, sociopathic reindeer, and one bad ass gang boss named Santa Nicola.

WHO WE ARE LOOKING FOR: In addition to this audition, we will be reaching out directly to actors on the CCC site who flourish in character work. You are a special group and we're interested in you. We've scouted you out. We've listened to your submissions to other projects. You will eventually hear from us. If it doesn't work out for this season, we will keep a roster of potential actors for Season 2. If character work is your love, if you feel comfortable occasionally working in improv, please, please reach out to us.

Part of our decision making in casting an actor is whether the actor would be a good choice for another character in a following episode. For instance, we are hoping that the actor cast as Santa Nicola (bad ass gang boss of the elves)  would be a good candidate for, say, the role of a rural midwestern farmer in Episode 2. The idea is to pair episodes in a way which really highlight the range and talent of our VAs. As such, we are looking for serious VAs who are interested in working with us on multiple episodes. We are invested in creating an acting troupe for the project.


Disclaimer/Content Warning: This project contains the occasional mild profanity and some amount of violence now and then. In the Holiday pilot, a reindeer is accused of biting an elf. The podcast as a whole could not be considered suitable for family listening, but there is no gore or excessive bad language.


OUR SCHEDULE:  The holiday pilot will be released in the week between Christmas and the New Year.  We realize everyone's schedules get crazy during this time of year, but because it is a holiday-themed episode, the schedule for the pilot is firm. The audition period will take place from the morning of October 27, 2023 through to midnight of November 10, 2023. We will strive to keep up with reviewing submissions each day, so that we will reach a firm decision on each role by Saturday, November 11th. All actors who are cast in roles will be contacted via the CCC messaging system and Discord by Sunday, November 12th and will be given a script at that time. It may be impossible to do with the holiday pilot, given the tight schedule, but we'd love to do a virtual table read with the cast if at all possible. We'll see what everyone's schedules look like. In any event, We must receive back your final recordings by Monday, November 27, 2023.  If you cannot meet this schedule because of Thanksgiving, please do not audition for the pilot. We'll be glad for you to join us at another audition later in the season.



1) Strict adherence to the deadline. Please take this seriously. It's a holiday pilot.

2) The audition submission: can be an MP3 or a WAV, but it must be clean. Any background sounds, echoes etc will automatically disqualify you. We're also making casting decisions based on the sound quality of your audition submission. The quality of your mic makes a difference to us. Please advise us of your equipment setup and DAW system you will be using when you audition. 

3) Final recordings:  Must be submitted as one WAV file.  Please don't add any special effects to your lines. 

4) Please be available to provide re-dos/pickups: We will do everything we can to work around any issues, especially for the holiday pilot that's on a tight schedule. If we simply can't make something work, we will need your help in providing a pickup.

5) We communicate through:  Discord, WhatsApp  and email are our preference.  Discord will be important for you to collaborate with the other cast members. 

5) You must be 18 years or older to audition



Performance clips : After the holiday pilot is launched, each cast member will receive a clip of their performance for their portfolio. As we mentioned above, sound design is of primo importance to us. The clip we give you will most definitely stand out on your sample reel.

Go For It !    Really ... When performing your audition takes, have fun ! Use your skill and imagination. We've indicated in the roles where there is room to play. We're giving you permission to come up with something.. a stutter, a lisp. If it makes sense to you, given the description of the characters we're casting, give it a shot. We want to get a sense of your creativity. Just make sure that it makes sense for the character. Make sure to edit out those takes you don't want us to hear. Give us your three best takes if you want.. or do it in one take. It's up to you.

SPIKED EGGS WEBSITE: Will be built while we are in production. Once finished, all of our cast with receive credits and an opportunity to place their headshots etc on the episode's webpage.


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Latest Updates


    FIRST LET ME SHARE WITH YOU ALL THAT OUR BINGO EPISODE HAS BEEN CHOSEN AS AN OFFICIAL SELECTION BY THE SWEDISH INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL ! You can visit the SIFF website and Facebook, and X accounts to learn more.and to see the CCC cast members involved.

    Now, more good news. We've released episode 5, "LOTTERY" today.


    Maggie: Carrie Drovdlic

    Grace: Shayla Tharp

    Gertrude: Kisara Garalde

    Katz and the Truck Driver : Zach Brown

    Receptionist: Jessie Forrest

    Dock Worker: Salathiel Reagan

    As always, you can find the Spiked Eggs Podcast on Apple, Spotify, Audible, Amazon, YouTube and wherever else fine podcasts are served.....

    Very warm thanks to my cast. Thank you to the CCC community for all of your support.

    Jane and Frank

  • SPIKED EGGS PODCAST "State of the Union Address"

    Well, we've launched Bingo After Dark (Episode 3) yesterday and you can find it here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/spiked-eggs-podcast/id1722874630?i=1000648449384


    Ellen: Nancy O'Fallon

    Marie : Ash Albiniak

    Bingo Caller: Adam Robinson

    Camille: Colleen Arnold

    Tommy G: GM Hakim

    All are CCC actors, of course !

    We now have an Imdb page. For all of the CCC community, if you appear in one of our episodes, we'll need a link to your Imdb profile to add you to the episode's cast. Please send us an email with your Imdb link.

    Finally, we will be casting for the season's finale. Please watch for updates from us. It will be our largest cast.

    Thank you to the CCC community. There would be no Spiked Eggs Podcast without this community.


  • We've launched !

    Hello Everyone ! We have launched the Spiked Eggs Podcast. The pilot's teaser is live now up on Apple, Amazon, Audible and Spotify, for starters. We'll add more as we go along. We'd like to congratulate the cast of A Yuletide Hustle (pilot). They did an outstanding job. The CCC community has been incredible to work with. If we haven't started working with you just yet, don't worry. We have seven more episodes to work on. You can also find us now on Instagram, X and You Tube.

    We'll be casting Episode #4 A Parsnipian Dilemma starting January 8.

    A Yuletide Hustle (the pilot) will drop on January 5th !

    In the meantime, here's a link to the teaser. Please congratulate your fellow actors. Really wonderful group of artists.


    Happy New Year, Jane


    Good Morning Everyone. The auditions are now closed for our pilot "A Yuletide Hustle." You all really channelled your gangster elf and gangster reindeer inner selves! Just amazing work you sent in. We've listened to every single submission and if you got our attention, we went over to your demo reels and to the other submissions you've sent to other projects. We've made notes about you and we'll be sending you out some private messages. If you weren't selected for the pilot, don't worry, we have nine more episodes with completely different characters. We'll be casting again after the New Year. Happy, safe, and healthy holidays to all of you. It's been a blast listening to all of your work. Thank you, thank you for the great performances you turned in.

  • Relax and have fun with the characters

    Hi Everyone!

    We've received messages with questions about how far you should take it with a character, are we open to you trying something different with the character... the answer is yes!

    The pilot episode is poking fun just a bit at holiday characters and poking fun just a bit at mobster tales. If I listen to your audition and you make me laugh out loud, then I know the audience will react the same way. If I sit up and take notice of what you've sent me, the audience will also. We can always dial something back if it's too much, but don't be afraid to give us something different. Thanks again, Jane

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Santa Nicola
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Nancy O'Fallon

Role: Lead

Payment: $50 USD flat rate

Santa Nicola- She controls most of the loansharking business in her town. Tough, savvy, and an MMA-skilled gang boss, she also enjoys verbally sparring with her competition. She's worked hard to rise to the top in a male-dominated business. Always in control of the situation, she'll do what's necessary to stay in charge. She can be charming, but never, never underestimate her.

We first meet Santa Nicola in her office. She is laying down the law with a customer, "Tiny" Tim, who is 44 days late with his loan payment.

We next find Santa Nicola in a meeting with her rival loanshark, Rudolph (Rudy). She and her lieutenant, Mary (Frosty) are in the cramped offices of Rudy, surrounded by Rudy and his gang.  The "sit-down" between her and Rudy is not going well.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • (Santa is addressing her delinquent client "Tiny" Tim. He's late in paying, and has asked for more time. He tells her he knows being 44 days late is not good). SANTA NICOLA: "You know? That's a relief." (Beat. Then firmly)"I'm sure you also know this isn't a charity. It's a business. The way it works is I give you money; you pay me back. You want to make a big splash with the wife and kids, buy expensive gifts for Christmas, that's your business. My business is making sure I get every..penny..back. On time. With interest. Word got out I'm a soft touch, well, that'd be bad for business. Very bad. You understand?"

  • (On first meeting Rudolph, a rival loanshark, Santa does some cat-and-mouse sparring with him, but ultimately lets him know who's in charge.) SANTA: " Been quite naughty lately . Haven't you, Rudy?" (Beat) "Hmmm.. you know what naughty boys get for Christmas?" (Rudolph scoffs and is sarcastic to her. Santa responds back cooly) "No. Two pennies. One for each eye."

  • (Afterwards, things get tense and Santa takes control of the room. Santa's emotions go from anger to a softer, playful tone. Frosty is her lieutenant.) SANTA :(stands up, whistles loudly, and takes control): "Sit down! Everyone! Sit down! (Beat) Frosty, go ahead. Sit down. (Beat) Rudy, you too. Go on, sit down. Let's all take a seat. (Beat) Everyone calm? Good. (Beat) It's a little hot in here. How about opening a window, Rudy? (teasing) Frosty is about to melt down."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Emily Cratchit
Paid: Flat Rate 50 USD
Role assigned to: Laura Mirsky

Role: Lead

Payment: $50 USD flat fee

Emily Cratchit - "Tiny" Tim's mother. Middle-aged, English. A doting mom. She frets over Tim's gambling and ties to loansharks. She's irreverent and "cheeky". She knows full well who Santa Nicola is and doesn't hide her disdain for Santa. Emily serves as a sort of narrator for the episode and confides with the listening audience. Emily will speak with both a working class British accent in some spots and later in a more "posh" PBS narrator style accent (think Julie Andrews in Bridgerton).

We first meet Emily in the recording studio. All other cast members are present and ready to begin recording, and Emily runs in breathless and very late. Her British accent is more average, working class.

We later find Emily interrupting the podcast production, shutting down the power, whispering confidential warnings to the listening audience, and defending her son Tim and his reputation. Her British accent here is again, average, working class.

Lastly, we hear Emily in her "official" role as narrator for the podcast production. Her British accent should be smooth, posh and very "PBS" sounding. (think Julie Andrews in Bridgerton).

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • british
  • british (highbrow)
  • british (posh)
  • neutral british
  • (Emily runs into the recording studio breathless, late for production, and speaks to the Stage Manager) EMILY: I'm here. OK? God ! Some people! Relax. You'll live longer. (under her breath) Unfortunately.

  • (Emily turns away from the Stage Manager and the cast, and in a whispering tone, addresses the listening audience). EMILY: Hello? If you're out there listening to us, a word of warning: This isn't the warm and fuzzy holiday story you might be expectin.' In other words, it's no Christmas Carol. (Beat) And if I can give you one word of advice - Be Careful who you trust. (Beat) Me, I don't trust the lot of them.

  • (Emily now in her "official" role as narrator of the podcast. She speaks in a posh British accent, as if in a PBS documentary) EMILY: Rudolph. A rival loanshark and Santa's newest nemesis. Crude and mercurial, he's muscled in on a slice of Santa's turf. And wants even more. He calls his associates reindeers. Apparently, it's a Russian or Norwegian reference. According to rumor, one of those reindeer took a bite out of an elf last week in Pine Square. Now, did he actually rip off a chunk of flesh or just push her around? No one is saying for sure. But Santa isn't ho-ho-hoing. She's arranged a tete-a-tete with Rudolph to settle things... Perhaps once and for all.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mary (Frosty) Frost
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
Role assigned to: Melissa Bowens

Role: Supporting

Payment: $30 USD flat rate

Frosty - Santa's loyal lieutenant. She and Santa have known each other a long time and are comfortable with each other, but Frosty knows who's the boss. She's rough around the edges compared to Santa, but also intelligent. Perhaps a little quick tempered. We encourage our actors to have fun with this character and see what they can come up with in terms of her accent or distinct speech patterns, her tone of voice and her laugh.

We first meet Frosty at the opening of the episode as a member of the podcast's cast. Frosty is standing around in the rehearsal studio waiting for the recording to begin, and we hear Frosty doing vocal warm ups. She's not necessarily a good singer. Actually, she probably can't carry a tune. Fellow cast member Rudolph (Rudy) attempts to heckle and threaten her, but Frosty is not intimidated.

We next meet Frosty in her office in the midst of dealing with a client who is behind in payments.

Finally,  Frosty and Santa Nicola are discussing business and the threat Rudy poses to their loansharking empire.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • (Frosty is in the recording studio waiting for recording to begin. She is doing vocal warm ups). FROSTY: "Doh-Ray-Me-Fah-So-Lah-Tea-Doh" (Rudolph: "Hey, Karaoke Queen, this ain't a musical." ) FROSTY: "I'm stretching my vocal cords, clown." ( Rudolph moves toward Frosty menacingly. "That so? Want me to stretch 'em for ya?") FROSTY: "Get lost, Rudy."

  • (Frosty is putting the pressure on a customer who is over six weeks late with a payment) FROSTY: "I want my two grand, Tim. You're an office clerk. Where'd it all go? Not the gym, by the looks of you. How much you weigh now? Three-hundred pounds, if it's an ounce, I'll bet. Tiny Tim. Isn't that what they call you? Tiny Tim. (Taunting) Why do you think they call you Tiny Tim?

  • (Santa tells Frosty they are going to meet with Rudolph, rival loanshark and gang boss, at his place.) FROSTY: "His place? I don't like it, boss. Smells like a trap." (Santa says it was her idea.) FROSTY : " Your idea?" (Beat) (Frosty sees Santa dragging out a large sack) FROSTY: "Hey, what's with the sack?" (Frosty laughs conspiratorally) "Little surprise for Rudy in there?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Rudolph (Rudy)
Paid: Flat Rate 30 USD
Role assigned to: ZachBrown

Role: Supporting

Payment: $30 USD flat rate

Rudolph (Rudy)  - a rival loanshark and boss of a gang of sociopathic reindeer who are trying to muscle in on Santa's turf. His headquarters is located in the back of a chop shop. Rudy is a sociopath. He's crude and menacing. He laughs at his own bad jokes. Rudy's snicker is distinct and enables the audience to identify him immediately. (We look forward to seeing what our VAs can come up with for his snicker.) Rudy may have an Eastern European accent, but nothing over the top. Rudy thinks that Santa is trying to play him,  and he refuses to back down. We encourage our actors to have fun with this character and see what you can come up with in terms of an accent or speech patterns, and tone of voice for Rudy.

We first meet Rudy in  the opening of the episode as a member of the podcast's cast. Rudy is standing around in the rehearsal studio waiting for the recording to begin. Rudy is just being Rudy, heckling, making wise cracks and trying to bully his fellow cast members.

We next meet Rudy in his cramped and run down office at his headquarters. He's having a "sit down" with Santa Nicola. Things aren't going well.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • ( In the recording studio waiting for the recording of the podcast to begin. His fellow cast member, Frosty has (sort of) been singing as a vocal warm up) RUDY : "Hey, Karaoke Queen, this ain't a musical." (Frosty responds: I'm stretching my vocal cords, clown.) RUDY: ( moves toward Frosty menacingly and snickering) "That so? Want me to stretch them for ya?"

  • (Santa and her crew have arrived at Rudy's headquarters) RUDY: "You're late, Santa. Thought maybe you turned into a pumpkin." (Rudy laughs) (Santa mockingly refers to him as "Rudy') RUDY: "It's Rudolph, lady." (beat) RUDY: (lasciviously) "What's with the get-up? We going on a date?" (Rudy snickers).

  • (Santa asks Rudy why should she give him a bigger part of her action) RUDY: "I don't know." (Beat) "Maybe I'll take it all." (Santa proposes splitting the territory among various loansharks, with her controlling the largest area) RUDY: "But some get more than others. A lot more. Right?" (Beat) RUDY: (emphatically) "Right? We got nothing else to talk about here. Meeting's over."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
"Tiny" Tim Cratchit
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: BrianBallance

Role: Minor

Payment: $20 USD flat rate

Tiny Tim - A repeat customer of Santa and her loansharks. Probably in his late 30s, English. He's usually a little behind in his payments, but on this occasion, he's over six weeks late. He's an office clerk with a family, barely getting by. He's a decent man who tries to provide for his family and has turned to loansharks in a mistaken attempt to stay afloat. He does have a bit of a drinking and gambling problem. He's also understandably afraid of Santa and her gang.

"Tiny" Tim has been summoned to the loanshark offices of Santa Nicola and Co. Santa's lieutenant Mary Frost (Frosty) confronts Tim. Tim is shaken, but trying to reason with her.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • british
  • TIM: "I'm begging you, Ms. Frost. Give me another week. Two at most. That's all I need. Please ! I needed the cash for my kids. Christmas presents."

  • (Frosty asks Tim if he's taking advantage of her) TIM: " No! Never! I would never take advantage of you, Ms. Frost. I just don't have the money."

  • (Santa Nicola later joins the conversation and asks Tim if there are any problems) TIM: " Well, now that you mention it, I'm having a little problem getting the money together."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD
Role assigned to: John Kennard

Role: Minor 

Payment: $20 USD flat rate

Donder - One of Rudy's soldiers. A particularly violent member of the reindeer gang. Donder bites elves and probably other creatures too. Donder most likely has an impulse disorder. They are gruff, uncouth. Donder is a spitter.

We first meet Donder at the opening of the episode as a member of the podcast's cast. Donder is standing around in the rehearsal studio waiting for the recording to begin, and we hear Donder doing vocal warm ups.  We should clearly hear the contrast between Donder's rough, gruff voice and the vocal warm up line they are saying.

Later we meet Donder at Rudy's headquarters. Donder is present in the room at the meeting between Santa Nicola and Rudy.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • nonbinary
  • (At the opening in a recording studio. Donder is doing vocal warm ups before recording begins) Donder (in a mobster voice): "A big black bug bit a big black bear."

  • (Later, during the meeting between Santa Nicola and Rudy, Santa accuses Donder of biting one of her elves. Rudy asks Donder if they bite) DONDER (leering): "Depends on the menu. (Beat) What's on it? Elf? (spits). No, I don't bite no stringy elf."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Stage Manager
Paid: Flat Rate 20 USD

Role: Minor

Payment: $20 USD flat rate

Stage Manager- Heads up the production and tries to keep it flowing. Strives to be a voice of stability when things get hectic, with mixed results. 

We are open to any accent,  voice tone or anything the actors can come up with. The Stage Manager role is a blank slate. Be creative and have fun with it.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • male adult
  • nonbinary
  • "All right, people. Settle down. We're on in a minute. Places everyone."

  • "Good. ok. (Beat then realizing) Wait a sec. Emily? Where's Emily Cratchit? (calling out) Emily! Emily!"

  • (At one point, the power shuts down in the recording studio suddenly during production) STAGE MANAGER : "Oh for God's sake! Jessie! Go find out what happened to the power!"


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