Sonic.exe: Post-Crisis (Unofficial Title)
Project Overview
Above is a little preview of what I'm working on.
Plot: "Following the events of 'Sonic.exe: Spirits of Hell', .Exe escapes the destruction of his world perpetrated by "The Highest" through a warp ring. He ends up in another dimension far different than his own (Modern Sonic's world) and has the goal to demonize the inhabitants of this Mobius in order to fight back against The Highest and avenge his world."
I'm considering adding voice acting, but I'm not all that sure. However, I do wanna see what some people have to offer in case I do decide to add voices (hey, maybe your sexy ass voices change my mind ;))
The characters are below so have at it and show the true power your voice possesses!
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On either January 19th or the 20th, roles will be officially finalized. Thank you to everyone who's auditioned or will audition on during the time of this update.
Final Audition Extension
Alright, I know I've extended this like twice (I think; my apologies) but this will be the final extension. Roles and scripts should be finalized by January. Again, my apologies for those who've already auditioned.

You know who he is. SEGA's speedster. The Blue Blur. The Fastest Thing Alive. He goes by many names. This is going to be a major role, because, y'know, "Sonic". Anyway, if you do get the role, you'd have to voice .Exe as well. Feel free to use filters for .Exe. Sonic is described as a carefree spirit with a love for adventure and lives by his own rules. He gets serious when the situation calls for it ( and, oh boy, it will) and stops joking with his enemy.
Sonic: [Mocking; Cocky tone towards Robotnik] "So, what number are we at again with Death Egg Robots? Because I lost count at this point."
[Annoyed] "'Someone' wouldn’t have to destroy them if 'someone' would stop threatening the planet!" ['Oh yeah...' type tone] "Oh, yeah. There’s also the one I destroyed in the E.G.G. Station after that battle for the Master Emerald in space."
Sonic: [Annoyed, angry tone] "All your cunning tricks make me sick! You won't have it your own way!!"
[Kind yet teasing] "Sorry about my friend here. But since you’re technically me, I guess your Knuckles is just as boneheaded, huh? "
[Insert your own line here; optional]
Sonic.exe [Demonic voice]: [Sad & regretful] "I’m sorry, Negagan… I’m sorry, Sonic… I’m sorry, Mobius… I will avenge you someday!"
Sonic.exe (Demonic voice): [Relieved] "*huff* *huff* I… actually made it… [confused tone] But where am I? (looks around) It looks like… Green Hill? But it actually looks. . . alive? [disbelief] That’s impossible... unless…"
Sonic.exe [voice disguised as Sonic]: [confident yet malicious] "However, once they get demonized like the others once were on MY world, I have no doubt they’ll be able to crush the Highest in my name. Then I can finally be rid of them forever!"
[Insert your own line here; optional]

Miles Tails Prower, but everyone calls him Tails. Sonic's best friend who helps him when he's in a pinch. He's smart, kind, but lacks self-confidence (despite how much of a badass he really is]. He'll be part of the main story, of course.
[Reminiscing, excited tone while talking to Sonic while fighting Robotnik] Well, there was the first one you destroyed on our first adventure together.
[Excited yet modest] Oh, sure, I build lots of things! I even built this battle mech once! I may not be as great as Sonic, but I do try my best to help him and everyone else when needed.
[Confused, concerned] W-What's happening?! Reality's starting to warp! Sonic! You have to stop him!
[Insert your own line here; optional]

Here he comes: rougher than the rest of them, the best of them, tougher than leather. You can call him Knuckles. Unlike Sonic, he doesn't chuckle. He rather flex his muscles. Also, he's Sonic's rival (one of them anyway). He's has a short-temper, but he's anything but stupid, gullible maybe, but not stupid. He actually has a "chill" to him; able to not go completely off the rails when angry.
[Annoyed; just meeting .Exe who is disguised as a normal Sonic, but doesn't know his true form] Great. Just when you think we’re done with having multiple Sonics in one dimension, you just happen to show up.
[Bitter yet calm and questioning] Still not understanding why this ‘get-together’ has to be on my island.
[Angry; ready to fight] You think you can just waltz into our dimension and take us all down?! Let me show you the power of my fist!
[Insert your own line here; optional]

Amy Rose is Sonic's love her own mind. However, after the events of Forces, she's actually gained some maturity and isn't as crazed for him anymore (thank god for that). This is an Amy who has matured a bit so I wouldn't expect much fangirling. Some, but not a lot.
[Excited/loving, yet keeping some type of calm as she sees Sonic; think of IDW Amy] "Sonic! You finally made it! I saved a chili dog just for you! ^_^"
["Oh, brother"-like tone] Two Sonics again, huh? Don't get me wrong, Sonic, I love you, but I don't think the universe can handle having multiples of you in one place. Even I'm not that in love.
[Concerned, some fear] W-Who are you? You can't be Sonic! Sonic would never do anything to harm his friends!
[Insert your own line; optional]

All Hail shadOW THE hEDGEhog. Sonic's perfect adversary and probably second, if not first without his inhibitor rings, most powerful character on Mobius. He's calm when he needs to be and even when he's pissed, just like Knuckles, he's able to hold some type of "chill" to him.
[Calm; "Well actually" type tone] "Hmph. Make no mistake. I'm only here to ensure the Master Emerald doesn't get captured again."
[Cocky; condescending] "Infinite was light work. The only thing he had going for him was the Phantom Ruby and even with it, he still lost. How pathetic."
[Angry/Cocky but keeping some cool] "You think just because you warped reality a bit you can take us on? You clearly don't know who you're up against. Let me show the power of the Ultimate Lifeform!"
[Insert your own line here; optional]

Yeah, she sexy, smooth, and increases the rate of furries-lovers in the world. Agent Rouge is quite a flirty character, but she's very much capable of getting serious when the situation calls for it. She'll be a supporting character with Team Dark.
[Flirty/cunning] "Oh come on, red. I only want to help you keep the Master Emerald on Angel Island. We wouldn't want anything like Metal Sonic to happen again, now do we?"
[Annoyed/"Of course" type tone] "Nothing ever changes with you. Even after all that, you can't even show a girl some gratitude. Where's the chivalry?"
[Concerned] I don't like the look of this. Reality's starting to shift!
[Insert your own line here; optional]

The Ultimate War Machine created by the fat man himself. In terms of character, think of Drax from Guardians of the Galaxy, but more violent and a robot with more weapons than he knows what to do with. He will be a supporting character. Filters are necessary, of course.
[Hostile] Malicious entity detected! Proceeding to eradicate target.
[Whatever tone you think fits] ] Negative. I only came here because G.U.N ran out of targets for me to destroy. I expected Robotnik to show up to steal the Master Emerald so that I can eviscerate him.
[Damaged] E...e...e...1-2-3...c-c-c-critical er-r-r-r-r-r...shutting...dooooowwwnnnn...
[Insert your own line here; optional]

A member of Team Chaotix and the most disciplined out of them.
[Calm; happy] It's great to see you, Knuckles. After Metal Sonic, I was afraid that was the last time we'd get to gather together again.
[Cautious] I sense some strange presence in this area. It feels...evil.
[Very Cautious, yet somewhat confident; 'A-ha!' tone] You! So you've finally revealed yourself, villain? Well, there's more of us and less of you. You're greatly outnumbered here!
[Insert your own line here; optional]

A member of Team Chaotix and the toughest (yet kind) one out of them.
[Excited] Aw, yeah! Team Chaotix together again! How's it going, rough Knuck?
[Embarrassed/Annoyed] Well...we were hoping someone here could help lend us some money to pay off our rent. We never got paid from our last investigation thanks to a certain bat.
[Concerned] Hey, hey, hey! What's going on?! Why is everything starting to get all blurry?!
[Insert your own lines; optional]

A member of Team Chaotix and the youngest/child-like out of them.
[Very excited] Ohhhhh~! You brought in cake?! Look at the size of that thing! It's mine!
[Annoyed; attempting to correct someone] Hey! I helped too you know! I'm not useless!
[Dizzy] Whoooaaaaaa...why am I...getting...soooooo...dizzyyyyy...
[Insert your own lines; optional]

The telekinetic kid from the future that for some reason can never stay fixed. He's kind, but can be awkward at some times and may not understand some sarcasm or when someone is joking.
[Hopeful; happy; relieved] Personally, I'm just glad that threat is over. Maybe stopping him changed my future for the better.
[Embarrassed] What?! No! Me and her are just friends, I swear! Nothing more! Nothing less!
[Cautious; ready to attack] I don't know what he's doing, but it's messing with reality, so we have to stop him!
[Insert your own lines; optional]

The burning queen from another dimension. She's a bit of a loner and highly prefers to work least until she met Sonic and his friends. She doesn't mind working with people now and would give her life if it meant protecting her or Sonic's world.
[Reassuring; prepared] "I can assure you: If your world is ever in danger, I will be here to protect it with my life!"
[Surprised; modest] Oh. How nice of you, Cream. Thanks a lot.
[Prepared to attack] Then what are we waiting for?! We have to strike him now!
[Insert your own lines here; optional]

A polite girl that hangs around Amy & the others whenever she's not with her mother. She'll have some impact on the story.
[Polite; soft spoken; excited] Mr. Sonic! You made it to the party! [confused looking at another Sonic beside him] Hey! You're the Sonic that helped Mr. Sonic save our world, right? Thank you so much!
[Polite, yet 'correcting'] Now, Charmy, it's not polite to chew with your mouth full!
[Scared; getting dizzy] W-What's happening? Why is everything getting so...blur...ry...
[Insert your own lines; optional]
Basically, he's a recolored, weakened Super Sonic who's just as sadistic & psychotic as Exetior (the guy possessing Sonic's body). Complete with energy projection and flight. He'll probably be around for one fight before getting destroyed by [redacted]. Has this sort of this tone that's give you chills down your spine. if you want a good idea on what to do with him.
"Just relax, honey. You'll be joining your friends soon."
"Silly rabbit. Let her rest for the time being. In fact, you should join her! I'll put you in a permanent rest!"
"How is this happening?! My control over Chaos Energy should be unrivaled!"

Sally Acorn AKA the leader of the Freedom Fighters. She got possessed before all of this and is still possessed prior to the story. This role will be majority voice modification in some program like Audacity until near the end.
*"Holy deity" type voice* Exetior! We know that you've retreated to this dimension! Come out and face judgement!
*"Holy deity" type voice* The knowing of our existence would cause problems for our kind. For that reason, we will destroy your planet just as we've done in the previous dimension.
*Normal voice* S-Sonic? Is... is that really you? If so, then that means there's hope! This may be our last chance for victory! I have to fight back!
This supposed younger Sonic with all his attitude, charm and charisma. He's possessed for a majority of the story
"Ugh, anyone get the number on that demon? It looked like me, but with black eyes and red pupils. Can't miss him."
"Get out of my body, you prick! Get out right now!!"
"Name's Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog! Don't wear it out!"
[Possessed by Exetior] "Well, well, well... maybe your friends aren't as useless as I originally thought. They were quite fun to play with, really. But alas, all things must come to an end just like my world. Come, Sonic the Hedgehog, face me with all of your might!!"
[Optional: Insert your own lines here]
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