Sonic.exe: Post-Crisis (Unofficial Title)
GojiGamesImproInc for Knuckles
Here he comes: rougher than the rest of them, the best of them, tougher than leather. You can call him Knuckles. Unlike Sonic, he doesn't chuckle. He rather flex his muscles. Also, he's Sonic's rival (one of them anyway). He's has a short-temper, but he's anything but stupid, gullible maybe, but not stupid. He actually has a "chill" to him; able to not go completely off the rails when angry.
[Annoyed; just meeting .Exe who is disguised as a normal Sonic, but doesn't know his true form] Great. Just when you think we’re done with having multiple Sonics in one dimension, you just happen to show up.
[Bitter yet calm and questioning] Still not understanding why this ‘get-together’ has to be on my island.
[Angry; ready to fight] You think you can just waltz into our dimension and take us all down?! Let me show you the power of my fist!
[Insert your own line here; optional]
Its good. Only thing I'd change is that "Let me show you the power of my fist" needs more emotion & attitude.
Thanks for the feedback! I delivered it that way, because I wanted to shout it while maintaining Knuckles' calm personality from the Sonic Adventure series.
I like the way you think, my dude.
Good job!