Sonic.exe: Post-Crisis (Unofficial Title)
JJGoldFalcon for Shadow the Hedgehog
All Hail shadOW THE hEDGEhog. Sonic's perfect adversary and probably second, if not first without his inhibitor rings, most powerful character on Mobius. He's calm when he needs to be and even when he's pissed, just like Knuckles, he's able to hold some type of "chill" to him.
[Calm; "Well actually" type tone] "Hmph. Make no mistake. I'm only here to ensure the Master Emerald doesn't get captured again."
[Cocky; condescending] "Infinite was light work. The only thing he had going for him was the Phantom Ruby and even with it, he still lost. How pathetic."
[Angry/Cocky but keeping some cool] "You think just because you warped reality a bit you can take us on? You clearly don't know who you're up against. Let me show the power of the Ultimate Lifeform!"
[Insert your own line here; optional]