Songs of War: What If...? Voiceover Casting [Wave 3]

Project Overview

Songs of War: What If...? is a Fanmade spin-off series based off of the medieval fantasy production called Songs of War by Squared Media. Songs of War was about a land called Ardonia, where the story of an outcast species rises up to take revenge on the world. One Ardoni, titled the Deathsinger, set out to ensure his people were never persecuted again.

Songs of War: What If...? is a series that dives deep into the hypothetical scenarios of different results of a certain event that happened in the original Songs of War story. Different stories take place each episode, and different endings to the original Songs of War based on if something happened differently than how it did in the original Songs of War.

This casting call is looking for all roles in the series. Some of them may need to be recasts of the original characters from Songs of War. Many of the original voice actors did reprise, but not all of them. If you have any questions about this production, please don't hesitate to contact me!


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  • 3 Roles Remain: Open Roles Moved to Top

    Hello everyone! Thank you to all who have auditioned, this project could not be possible without your help! There are only THREE roles remaining in the entire project, out of nearly 50 characters. I have moved the open roles to the top of the listing, best of luck to those who audition for the last 3 remaining roles.

    Once again, thank you all for your support and for auditioning. Even if you did not make the final cut, I appreciate every recording. Happy auditioning to the rest of you!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 3 USD
Role assigned to: David Bryson

Gor'ren is a prophesized being with powers beyond comprehension. He shows no emotion, except for one time. That is all I can reveal here.

His voice should have a lot of weight, it should be monotone and emotionless. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • all american accents
  • all english accents
  • animation/character
  • powerful being
  • deep
  • monotone
Other info:
  • emotionless
  • *Powerful* I am Beginning and End, you will die as you lived.

  • *calm* You are the Great Sympathist... the Champion of Loss... I mourn your journey.

  • *the tiniest ounce of fear* He is the one behind the End... and I am simply here to bear witness.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 3 USD
Role assigned to: PatrickJV

Borgen is the pacifistic leader of K'arthen. His species is Magnorite, a creature made of rocks. Magnorites only live a very short amount of time, so Borgen makes the most of his life by ensuring that K'arthen is at peace. Though, as a magnorite, he is a natural-born fighter. 

His voice should be deep but gentle, he is a gentle giant and does care about his people. He is a very reasonable and likeable character.

  • english
Voice description:
  • deep
  • gentleman
  • male young adult
  • all accents
  • kind
  • animation/character
Other info:
  • grunts
  • *sorrowful* K'arthen's mines have run dry. If we don't tend to their needs now, the government will shut down and the kingdom will fall.

  • *menacing* Going somewhere? *grunt as you punch someone*

  • *kind* We will gladly share our crops in return for raw materials from your mines. Consider this as an act of peace, my friend.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: NECROSHVDE

Kriltane is a Netharan who is close to Vulcannus, he has very few lines. 

As a Netharan, his voice should be deep.

  • english
Voice description:
  • deep
  • animation/character
  • male adult
  • all accents
  • *concerned* Are you sure you want to do this?

  • *proud* This ends here! We fall under your command no longer!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 4 USD
Role assigned to: JasperVA

Glacians are the oldest living species in all of Ardonia, they are the keepers of history and the writers of the Walls of Time. They are some of the wisest known people in the entire world, and they are only found in the northernmost points of Ardonia. They provide useful information and are often seen as all-knowing creatures in which people go to in order to find answers to long-asked questions about the universe. They are creatures seemingly made of ice, and have lived for centuries, even longer than the Netharan Royal Family (and they live up to 1000). 

Their voices should sound old, ghostly, and wise, their voices should be on the low side with some weight. Whenever they speak, it should make the scene feel calming. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • all accents
  • wise
  • male adult
  • calm
  • old
  • mysterious
  • animation/character
Other info:
  • emotionless
  • *calm* We are the oldest living species in any world. We are the keepers of history, and the writers of the Walls of Time.

  • *condescending* We have lived for centuries longer than the day your grandparents were born. We know all, including you.

  • *relaxed* If you kill me here, you will no longer have access to the knowledge you seek.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 2 USD

Cydric is a good friend of Grarth, he joined the necromancers around the same time as him. He has a similar behavior to him.

He should have a mid-low gruffy voice. 

  • english
Voice description:
  • warrior
  • gruff
  • animation/character
  • all english accents
  • male young adult
  • all american accents
Other info:
  • grunts
  • *hungry* Are you gonna eat that? Xaria threatened to force-feed me rotten flesh if I asked for seconds.

  • *angry* I came here because you told me that you'd help me! I came here with nothing, and you exploited that!

  • *ecstatic* No blood will shed from us! We will soon take Felden, then the world!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Paid: Flat Rate 2 USD
Role assigned to: Shawn cooper

Yokoshi is the Captain of the Guard of Felden during the First Great War. He is also Captain Kiyoshi's grandfather. 

His voice should sound similar to Kiyoshi, but must be deeper due to the age gap. 

  • *informing* Scouts indicate three withers northeast approaching the front wall. When they get passed, arm the cannons.

  • *yelling* The Nether strikes Riverstead, reinforcements move out, now!

  • *fighting* You're strong, rockhead. *grunt as you stab someone* But not strong enough.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Herald
Role assigned to: JasperVA

A prominent voice that announces through stone that there is an incoming major threat. You can use this audio as a reference:

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • female adult
  • animation/character
  • all accents
  • He is wind, he is fire. He will bear witness to the End...

  • He has returned... the myth of a thousand worlds. And his true name is...

  • He is a God amongst men, Ardoni, and creatures alike. He is life and he is death, he will judge upon the worthy and unworthy, and leave behind only his wrath.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Mal'ren & Mal'reth
Role assigned to: ClaytonMathisVO

These are Magnorite twins during the Great War, they have a deep voice. One person will voice both, with a slightly different voice for each of them. 

They should just have a deep and threatening voice.

  • english
Voice description:
  • all accents
  • male adult
  • deep
  • animation/character
Other info:
  • yelling
  • *angry* We follow your orders no longer, kill him!

  • *yelling* The Nether is approaching the gates, take defense positions now!

  • *aloud* This is who you choose to be our leader? One who does not believe in the strength of Magnorites? One who bows to the will of the humans?


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