Slime the VA

Slime the VA

I voice act for anything!

Joined Feb 2023 17 Following11 Followers
About Slime the VA

Along with making my own series, I am also just looking for other voice acting projects to work on to keep me busy. I also use an audio editor if my voice needs to be deeper or higher (Don't worry, it doesn't change all that much)

If needed, my discord is @slimeboyo. (with the period. as its my main account. If you use it without the period, it's still me, but I dont check it often)


I'm free at the moment.

What Slime the VA is looking for

Any scripted project as a male character.

  • @crazygcore

    Myself and Slime have been working on projects together. I will definitely say he is quick and efficient in every part he has. Turning lines in as soon as he gets the script. It honestly leaves me amazed.