Shatterproof (Destiny Machinima Short Film)

Shatterproof (Destiny Machinima Short Film)

Project Overview

This project is a short film (20-40 minutes) created within and based off the lore of the video game Destiny. It revolves around a team of three Guardians (Kabr, Praedyth and Pahanin) who attempt to break into a mysterious structure on Venus, and the struggles they face within. The release date for this project is early September 2018. Note that although familiarity with the lore of Destiny helps with understanding the overarching plot, it is not essential for auditioning. I've already cast two of the seven roles, so that's why they're not listed here. This is my third Destiny machinima film, and although this one is on a slightly smaller scale it should not be any less enjoyable to complete or watch. It will be uploaded to YouTube when it is finished. If you have any questions feel free to PM me here at CastingCallClub. 

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: civil_styles

Number of Words Spoken: 1,118 Approx.

Number of Lines: 101 Approx.

The main protagonist of the movie. Kabr is a headstrong, brash Titan, who is nonetheless an incredibly capable fighter, being equally comfortable with his fists or his assault rifle. Although he is obsessed with Vex technology and seeks to use it to make humanity prosper, he does not understand it very well and tends to underestimate his enemies in combat. This trait, combined with his stubbornness, means he is often unwilling to back out of fights he cannot win.

  • Now I’m starting to regret bringing you along.

  • [Disdainfully] I doubt that. Scan the Conflux again. Try to find out what exactly it’s connected to.

  • [Hollow] What will happen, I wonder, when I die my final death?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: John Patneaude

Number of Words Spoken: 740 Approx.

Number of Lines: 75 Approx.

A levelheaded, calculating Hunter with a talent for sniping, Praedyth is a mercenary who is recruited to Kabr's team with the promise of monetary gain. Unlike Kabr, he is adept at manipulating Vex technology and is wary about its dangers. 

  • I was just making a point. About why we’re doing this. Why we fight. Why we die.

  • My Ghost is having trouble describing what it’s seeing, and I don’t like engaging unknown targets. We should scout them out before making our move.

  • He had no idea what he was doing. But we’ve pulled stunts like this before, remember?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Kabr's Ghost
Role assigned to: GeorgieDonn

Number of Words Spoken: 660 Approx.

Number of Lines: 34

A Guardian's companion and faithful guide, a Ghost is a small floating cube of machinery, imbued with an artificial intelligence that renders them with human-like personalities. Kabr's Ghost is optimistic and typically chipper, and supports the team by manipulating Vex technology. However, although an adept hacker, Kabr's Ghost is unfamiliar with Vex technology and subsequently has little defense against it. 

  • I don’t know what comes next for me. But I hope I see you again.

  • Some things you can’t fight against. This is one of them.

  • I can’t describe it. It’s a hydra of some sort, but… it’s extraordinary. I’ve never encountered anything like it before.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Praedyth's Ghost
cast offsite

Number of Words Spoken: 109 Approx.

Number of Lines: 15

A Guardian's companion and faithful guide, a Ghost is a small floating cube of machinery, imbued with an artificial intelligence that renders them with human-like personalities. Praedyth's Ghost is an expert on Vex technology, surpassing even Praedyth's knowledge. He is minor character, only appearing when Praedyth needs to hack Vex technology that Kabr's Ghost can't.

  • That’s not possible. According to my scans, we’re still in the Vex network.

  • Wait. I’m detecting something attempting to teleport into the room.

  • I’ve got about 3.8 petabytes of data from that hydra. I’m compressing it to what we need as we speak.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wei Ning
cast offsite

Number of Words Spoken: 148 Approx.

Number of Lines: 11

A powerful and respected warrior, Wei Ning is a fearsome fighter and has a boisterous and larger-than-life personality. She appears in only one scene in the film, although this may become a recurring role at some point in the near future.

  • You can stop flirting with me. It didn’t work the last twelve times you tried it, and it won’t work now.

  • Then you’re even crazier than you look. I’ve seen dozens of Titans like you who tried to crack the Vault. None of them ever returned.

  • The others said the same thing.


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