Ruby & Teardrop (BFDI Phineas & Ferb Parody)

Ruby & Teardrop (BFDI Phineas & Ferb Parody)

Project Overview

Hello! This is a Casting Call for an episode of Ruby & Teardrop! A BFDI Phineas and Ferb Parody! Ya know Phineas, ya know the Characters.

Flower (Candance) wants to bust Ruby & Teardrop cause they keep doing stupid and dangerous stuff in their Backyard, of course always telling the things to Lollipop, who owns the house that also has the backyard.

IMPORTANT: The voices don't need to be SUPER accurate, just close enough! Of course, Audio Editing is enough, if Cary and Michael did it, why can't you?

We will mostly contact through Discord, but CCC itself can work too.

We need YOU to help voice these characters to bring the Viewers the BEST VIEWING EXPERIENCE!!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ruby (Phineas Flynn)
cast offsite

Ruby is a bubbly and curious contestant. She enjoys playing around with other contestants, notably Bubble and Flower. She has been shown to look up to characters with leadership roles such as Match and Pencil, although she can display these traits on her own quite well, as seen in BFB 13 and 14.

  • Man, ever since Flower won BFB, things started to get booooring! We don't even do challenges! What else can we do?

  • We have these things called "Legs" and with them, you can walk!

  • Teardrop, I know what we're gonna do today!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Flower (Candance Flynn)
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Flower isn't everyone's favorite person to be around. She thinks she's soooo beautiful. Flower is like the kid in class who thinks they're better than everyone else, but she's always angry.

Flower thinks very highly of herself and hates it when people don't say she's beautiful. Flower wants to be respected, and she's learning how to gain respect by listening to what others have to say. 

  • Lolli said I have responsibility, don't crash or make anything dumb in our backyard! (happy)

  • RUBY! What the BLOSSOMS are you doing!? (angry screaming)


Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lollipop (Sort of like Mom)
Role assigned to: Jordan Tae

Lollipop thinks very highly of herself and is a little arrogant. She judges people by their looks and calls them names. Because of her brash personality, many people are offended by Lollipop, whom they resort to calling "Lollipoop". Despite her occasional disrespect, Lollipop writes excellent, heartfelt tributes to those she cares about.

  • Flower, there's no need for responsibility.

  • Can anyone explain why there's a Street in our Backyard leading to a Mountain?

  • Don't see anything wrong, making a street to a mountain isn't dangerous.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Taco (Mailman)
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What's your favorite type of Taco? Fish? Beef? Chicken? If you're a lover of fish, then Taco is the girl for you. She's a soft shell stuffed with fish, lettuce, and tomatoes.

Taco naturally acts as a leader, but this doesn't mean she's a good one. She wants her problems resolved quickly, so she often looks for hasty solutions. This leads her expecting too much from the people she leads

  • Alright, here are your parts for the Bus and materials for a Street.

  • Say, aren't you a little too young to build a Bus?

  • Well, whatever.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Golfball (Major Monogram)
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Golf Ball, sometimes known as GB, is bossy... but most of the time she's right. She often puts herself in a position of authority because she always has a grand plan on how to execute each challenge.

  • Hello Agent R, it's me, General Golfball.

  • Dr. Purpleschmirtz has been up to no good again.

  • He has invented this machine that teleports Items to a certain Location. Which he will use to steal all the Items from Yellowface's Warehouse and then sell again.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Match (sort of Isabella)
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Match is the typical spoiled brat. Like, for sure! Match is a wooden matchstick who never burns out when she's on fire. Match is caring when it comes to her friends, but she might also seem lazy or selfish because of her constant "Break Times". She also complains a lot.

  • Hey Ruby, whatcha doin~?

  • We're GIRLS!

  • Wow, Ruby, that was super cool! Can we do it again?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
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Pencil is a typical No. 2 pencil with a graphite tip. You probably have one in your backpack! Pencil is a born leader, but she can be very demanding.

Pencil uses Lightning to shock anyone who annoys her, especially Flower, Fanny and Spongy. Pencil is an expert at staring contests, even managing to out-stare the legendary David himself. 

  • Agreed. They are super weird.

  • Aw man, I've been DULLED!

  • WOAH! (shocked)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lightning (sort of Baljeet)
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Lightning isn't supposed to strike the same place twice, but don't tell that to Lightning. He loves to zap people—especially Flower! In fact, he'll zap her over and over again. This might make him seem mean, but he's just following orders to please others.

  • Hey Ruby, SB let go of me, can you tell him to stop?

  • Hey, it's not really that long-

  • You know, I could zap you, but I'm not gonna, so be nicer!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Snowball (sort of Buford)
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Snowball is very proud of himself and thinks he's better than everyone. Due to his enormous physical strength (such as ripping apart neckties), he thinks people would be helpless without him. Pssh!

Golf Ball can't stand Snowball because she believes that Snowball's brain is "tiny-teeny-tiny." Although Coiny and Snowball consider themselves friends, they rarely hang together anymore. 

  • Nope.

  • Geez, you freak out way too much.

  • I feel no difference.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Purpleface (Dr. Doofenschmirtz)
Role assigned to: Jordan Tae

In his first appearance, Purple Face is shown to have some sort of hostility towards Yellow Face, calling out his products for being outdated and telling the customers to boycott them. He also has a voracious appetite to the point of devouring contestants and other characters indiscriminately, which is most likely derived from his imprisonment or how he was killed by Yellow Face. However, he's not without reason as he is shown to have a kinder side when he calls out Flower for her rudeness and cheers her up by complimenting her sweater. Additionally, he can also be full of optimism when it comes to hosting and singing, which he is defensive about when criticized for such action being preformed not to the standards of the contestants.

  • Ah, Rocky the Rock! Have you come to defeat me again?

  • Haha! Got you in my trap! It's made out of glassè Which... is bad since you're a Rock...


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Must have a decent skill at animation, Lip-Syncing is not always needed :) (Only cause I have stress with them too.)

MUST BE USING ADOBE ANIMATE! An exception can be made, but show a video of your animation and I'll think about it.

  • Say something you think would fit

Background Artist
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Make the background like Phineas & Ferb, BFB, or... even both mixed!

  • Say something you think would fit


Public Submissions

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