Ruby & Teardrop (BFDI Phineas & Ferb Parody)
Cessie for Match (sort of Isabella)
Match is the typical spoiled brat. Like, for sure! Match is a wooden matchstick who never burns out when she's on fire. Match is caring when it comes to her friends, but she might also seem lazy or selfish because of her constant "Break Times". She also complains a lot.
Hey Ruby, whatcha doin~?
We're GIRLS!
Wow, Ruby, that was super cool! Can we do it again?
Same comment for the Taco one, not exactly the voice for Match, but I'll still accept you!
hello! what would you like to add from match :)
I guess your voice is a bit higher than match
that isn't my voice! i made it higher, i can make it lower if you can
Sure, can you please make it lower? Also are you trying to say that you didn't record these lines? And can we talk at discord? I friends you and I'm still waiting
no no, i did record these lines myself. i'll accept your friend req