Retribution - A Fallout: New Vegas Quest Mod

Retribution - A Fallout: New Vegas Quest Mod

Project Overview

Retribution is a quest mod for the post-apocalyptic video game, Fallout: New Vegas. It adds an entirely new adventure for the player to go on in the existing game, filled with characters to meet, enemies to fight, and choices to make. If you're unfamiliar with quest mods, feel free to take a quick glance at the most famous work in the community, New Vegas Bounties.

In Retribution, over three hundred slaves stage a revolt and escape the hands of the militaristic Legion, massacring the Legion-occupied city of Bullhead before settling in the frontier region of New Vegas. The Legion refuses to let this stand, so they hire the Player Character to track down the ones responsible for the revolt and bring them to "justice". But as the player confronts more and more of those who had a hand in the revolt, they must question who the real villains are.

The mod is essentially finished, written, developed, and playtested. All that's left is for the cast to be voice acted.


Only hard requirement is for all applicants to be 18 years of age or older. Also, this mod features heavy profanity and deals with sensitive subject matter including war crimes, prostitution, and suicide. Not all roles will feature dialogue regarding these topics, but it is still worth mentioning.

Knowledge of Fallout: New Vegas is definitely welcomed but not required.

Feel free to apply for as many roles as you want! It is common for a single voice actor to voice multiple roles in the modding community.

For anyone unfamiliar with the Fallout New Vegas universe, here's a quick rundown of key terms to aid with your auditions:

Legion: A militaristic slaver organization in the post-apocalypse notorious for its brutality.

NCR: A militaristic organization in the post-apocalypse positioning itself as the rebuilders of America. Despite their claims of democracy, many communities shy away at their rapid expansion.

Freeside: A slum-like city in post-apocalyptic Nevada.

Caps: Post-apocalyptic currency

Chems: Post-apocalyptic drugs

Thank you for your time! Best of luck!

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

A decanus (Military Officer) put in charge by Caesar to hunt down several hundred slaves who escaped from the city of Bullhead. The primary quest giver of the mod. Sextus is a stoic, well-spoken man whose more self-aware than other legionnaires. However, his occasional bursts of anger in regards to the escaped slaves insinuates he has a more personal stake in their deaths than he lets on.

# of Lines: 162

Demo Line 0 Context: Sextus speaks gravely, being sure the player understands the severity of the situation)

Demo Line 1 Context: Sextus explaining to the player why he's grateful for the Legion. He's softer here, nostalgic, almost sad)

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • nostalgic
  • stoic
  • Soldier
  • "If your idea of slaves are the Weathers family, strike that from your mind right now. These slaves from Bullhead are battle-hardened gladiators and guerilla fighters. They'll show no mercy, so be sure to do the same."

  • My instructor would always say that a man without a goal is naught but a beast. I think about those words a lot. Think about what I might be if the Legion never took me in. Probably wouldn't be anything at all."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Joseph Bozlinski

A former chem (drug) dealer from Freeside whose found himself fallen on hard times. While noticeably rough in both his appearance and speech, no doubt due to his upbringing on the streets of Freeside, Keith's ingenuity and smarts for long term business separates him from the common thug.

# of Lines: 43

Demo Line 0 Context: Keith tempts the player to go into business with him after taking out the thugs who took over his operation.

Demo Line 1 Context: A frustrated Keith grumblingly tells the player of how he lost his business.

  • english
Voice description:
  • Dangerous
  • male adult
  • gritty
  • Streetwise
  • "Well, like I said, they took over my old place. I'd very much like it back. And if you plan on taking them out, Freeside's gonna have room for some new dealers. Could be a very lucrative opportunity for you."

  • "Used to be one of the top dealers in the city. Had my own shop, set-up, and everything. Was about to run posers like Dixon out of business when, out of f*#@in' nowhere, these hobos show up. And I ain't talkin' "please just gimmie a cap, kind sir" hobos. I'm talkin' "give us all your s#*! before we s#*! on you, shithead" hobos. They roughed me up, took my shop and product, and now they're the ones makin' my caps."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Major Jane Scully
Role assigned to: Savannah Love

An up-and-coming NCR (Military) Officer responsible for evacuating the slaves out of Bullhead. Despite being promoted and regarded as a war hero, Jane finds herself tired from the new pressure put on her by the brass and shies away from further accolades. Its clear she had a negative experience with the Bullhead mission, an experience she desperately hides behind a smile.

# of Lines: 45

Demo Line 0 Context: A tired Scully is brightened by the player's simplistic and downright goofy pick-up line, not knowing they're actually a legion spy.

Demo Line 1 Context: After being interrogated by the player, Scully finally talks about what went wrong on the mission, filled with regret and horror over what she caused, and contempt for herself.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • grizzled
  • Brooding
  • military
  • "Heh, wow. I haven't been hit with a shitty pick-up line since the bars in basic. Bold as well to say that to a commanding officer. You're lucky I like bold. What's your name, soldier?"

  • "They skinned people alive, hanged them naked in the streets. Not just Legion, but other slaves too. Slaves who didn't want to fight, slaves who couldn't fight, slaves who were just unlucky to be there. So yeah, you better believe I told most of them fuck off when we reached the Mojave. Those weren't refugees. Those were bandits at best, and I led them here. I get to be called "hero" everyday for orchestrating a slaughter. Hoo-rah."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Quesitonable Sanity

A decanus assigned to assist Sextus in the operation, he is as ambitious as he is brutal, strutting about with a sense of invincibility. Nox does not trust the player, never letting them forget that they are a profligate (outsider), and antagonizes them throughout the mod.

# of Lines: 36

Demo Line Context: Nox greets the player with a smug smile and belittling tone

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • Callous
  • mocking
  • Antagonistic
  • "Well, well, what's this? Another profligate prick to taint the ground the Legion walks on? We're too lenient with you lot, letting you waddle around our camps. If I ruled, you'd have to bring me the head of a ranger before I'd even consider an audience. You? I doubt you could bring me a bloatfly."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Strange_Gary

The former grand champion of the Bullhead arena, Icarus was famous for his charismatic showmanship. Inspiring the masses of slaves in Bullhead, Icarus orchestrated the revolt and now leads the remaining slaves. He postures himself as a larger-than-life hero from legend, prone to inspirational speeches and theatrics. However, he must eventually face reality. He is the main antagonist of the mod.

# of Lines: 23

Demo Line 0 Context: Icarus finally confronts the player, threatening them with lines straight out of an old world comic book.

Demo Line 1 Context: When the player confronts him with his past actions, a defeated Icarus finally drops the act and sorrowfully reveals his doubts.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • Gloating
  • Heroic
  • obnoxious
  • Sorrowful
  • "Your slaughter ends here, pawn of the Legion! I am Icarus, I am the one you seek! Use these next words to make peace with your God, for they will be your last!"

  • "I...had the suspicion that this was all for naught in the back of my mind. When I saw Viscera and Crixus butcher Bullhead, and when the NCR turned us away. But I always assumed it'd work out. I had the right of cause and unmatched sword-arm. A hero never needed more in the stories. Mira warned me otherwise, but I never listened. She was right. I am a fool."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Private Theon
Role assigned to: AbroadHawk

A young and brash soldier in the NCR, Theon is captured by Nox and his men who plan on torturing him for information. Theon puts on a strong exterior, but a trained eye can see how scared he is on the inside.

# of Lines: 20

Demo Line 0 Context: Theon putting on a tough act upon meeting his torturer, the player

Demo Line 1 Context: After being tortured, an exhausted Theon is overcome with pain and finally breaks down and agrees to talk

  • english
Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • Combative
  • Soldier
  • Duress
  • "Another one, huh? And you look like an even bigger pussy than the last. You can go right back out the door you came in, asshole. I'm not talking!"

  • "Alright, alright, I'll talk! Just stop! Please, just make it stop!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Marcellus Varo
Role assigned to: Tom Demont

The former Centurion (Commander) of Bullhead who flipped to the NCR. Varo is a prideful, regal man who sees himself as a beacon of justice in the Mojave. This mask is tossed aside when antagonized, however, and Varo's rage and contempt will pour out in a venomous manner.

# of Lines: 16

Demo Line 0 Context: Varo talks down to the player like an old sage, attempting to coerce them away from the Legion

Demo Line 1 Context: After being called a coward by the player, Varo loses his temper and lashes out

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • Regal
  • male adult
  • Hot headed
  • "Listen, boy. Even if you kill me, which you won't, the NCR here will definitely kill you. I know you've been brainwashed into having no regard for your own life. They did the same to me. But I assure you, you can break away just as I did."

  • "Scared? Scared!? You want to know how "scared" I am, you inbred tribal shit!! Meet me at the bridge just south of Freeside, free from any police or securitrons to save you. Its there I'll show you the meaning of "scared"!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jae-in Hwan

After getting betrayed by her "friends", Zelda found herself on her own in Freeside needing to find a way to get by. With no other options, she turned to prostitution. Despite her circumstance, Zelda remains strong willed, putting up an unapologetic exterior to stave off her inner trauma.

# of Lines: 25

Demo Line 0 Context: Zelda attempts to solicit the player for sex.

Demo Line 1 Context: When asked if she needs any help, Zelda becomes bitter and lamenting, telling the player of the last person who tried to "help" her.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • Cold
  • seductive
  • Sassy
  • female adult
  • "Interested in a good time? I'm cheaper than what you'll find at the wrangler."

  • "Hmph. I've heard that one before. Had a friend who said he could help free me when I was enslaved. Just had to fuck him, and he and his friends would get me out of here. Fuck him just like I did my master."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Wittchyn

One of the escaped slaves, she claims to have been taken from Bullhead against her will by the other slaves. The young girl is frightened in this new land and begs the player for mercy.

# of Lines: 9

Demo Line Context: Frightened after having just witnessed the player slaughter the slave gladiators.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • Scared
  • Bewildered
  • "Ah! Please don't kill me! I-I'm not a fighter, I've never done anything to the Legion! Please, I didn't even want to leave but they forced me! I-I'll go back into servitude, work twice as hard, I swear! Just please don't kill me!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

One of the older slaves, Steve had no choice but to separate from the larger group. Frustrated and tired, he now wonders the streets of Freeside with a bum leg, looking for chems (drugs).

# of Lines: 18

Demo Line Context: Steve tells the player how he ended up on the streets, being a former slave. He remains bitter and sad about how everything ended.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male senior
  • male adult
  • tired
  • Withered
  • Grumbling
  • "The plan was to go to the NCR after we escaped. It was they who helped us out after all. Promised us food and shelter. What they didn't mention was that their refugee centers were already full to bursting when we got there. So, to get a spot, you had to earn it, either by paying your first month's taxes up front or with labor. And because of my bum knee, which I got fighting those Legion-fucks I'll add, I can't do labor. And because I was a slave, I didn't have any money. So they kicked me out."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Strange_Gary

The bumbling son of a Brahmin Baron (Cattle Baron), Henry has known nothing but soft and cozy living. That was until he found himself taken captive by Vipers (A gang) who wished to hold him for ransom. Luckily (or possibly unluckily) he's indirectly freed by the player.

# of Lines: 9

Demo Line Context: Henry is beyond grateful after the player, telling him he works for the NCR, frees him from the captivity of a vicious gang

  • english
Voice description:
  • Naive
  • Redneck
  • male young adult
  • texan
  • "Oh, thank you! You know, my daddy doesn't put much stock in the republic these days. Says all they're good for is a thumb up the ass. I'll make sure to tell him that ain't so!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

A former slave, Nicky now runs a gang in Freeside. He's a fast-talking thug with combat experience, and he isn't afraid to flex it to get what he wants, such as shaking down the player.

# of Lines: 10

Demo Line Context: Nicky is happily intrigued by the player's inventory, and attempts to intimidate them into handing it over.

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • Rough
  • Gangster
  • Conman
  • "Well, would you look at that, boys? You know, I think we will have some chems, at the affordable price of free. Just hand them over. We fought in Bullhead, made kids like you into radroach meat. Don't fuck with us."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Strange_Gary

A man in freeside claiming to be a chem addict, but in reality he's an undercover NCR operative looking for chem dealers to arrest. Quinton has little patience for undercover work and doesn't do a great job at covering up his more well-spoken speech patterns and solider-esque mannerisms.

# of Lines: 9

Demo Line 0 Context: Quinton attempts to fool the player into thinking he's a chem addict, and doesn't do well.

Demo Line 1 Context: Quinton is caught in a lie and struggles to talk himself out of it, before just dropping his cover and pulling out a gun

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • no nonsense
  • Soldier
  • "Hey, man. I'm really hurting for fix. Wouldn't happen to have anything, huh?"

  • "Well, uh, good one, heheh. Oh, fuck this."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Private Jory
Role assigned to: cyanVA

A young NCR soldier put in charge of guarding Camp McCarran's command tent. Really doesn't wanna be there, like your average taco bell employee.

# of Lines: 10

Demo Line Context: An annoyed Jory explains to the player what he means by "Papers, please"

  • english
Voice description:
  • annoyed
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • Lazy
  • "Yes, papers. Only Captains or those with papers stamped by a Captain are allowed in the command tent. Since you have to ask, I'm guessing that's not you."


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