RECASTING! From A Dream (Original Video Game)

RECASTING! From A Dream (Original Video Game)

Project Overview

Important Notes:

Casting for these roles will encompass a Primary and/or Understudy VA. Due to this being a recast, roles may be open for One Or Both of these. However, anyone who is cast, regardless of position, WILL HAVE LINES in the finished game.

Characters marked with an asterisk (*) have the potential to be closed prior to the formal end date. These decisions will be made prior to July 1st - after this, no additional role closures will happen until the Casting Call closes.


From A Dream is an original game, based on the actual dreams of myself and some of my friends. A surreal thriller plot combined with a large and diverse cast will (I hope!) make this a memorable and enjoyable game to play!

The story follows the protagonist, S, as they try to navigate the town they know so well turning into an unusual - and sometimes frightening - landscape of puzzles and mystery, on a quest to find their closest friend, Z. Along the way they meet K, A, T, and F, who join them on their quest simply to survive the day. Many other characters will also make appearances, and some may actually have a bearing on the ending depending on how you interact with them, so I hesitate to call them "minor"... but they don't follow the main character.

Be aware that although this is not an 18+ project, there is likely to be some foul language in the final game. If this is something you are not okay with, please do not audition!

Auditioning requirements:

Please have a Discord account, since that is where all of the detail work will be done for this project.

Please have a decent mic. It can be any microphone you want to use, but if there's too much static/background noise, it will be hard to work with!

Please audition for as many characters as you want! There is a chance that I might even cast some people as more than one role, depending on the size of the roles.

Please Do Not send more than 3 takes of any one audition. If you have a few ideas of how to interpret the character, I would love to hear it, but any more than three becomes a pretty major time commitment. I will also consider all auditions from one person when casting a role, meaning I will look at your range before making a decision!


Thank you for reading! I hope this will be a fun project for everyone involved!

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Latest Updates

  • Casting Delays

    Apologies for the delay in casting results - some unexpected life issues got in the way, but we are back on track now. Casting will be completed by this weekend!

  • Casting

    Thank you to everyone who auditioned! The casting process is underway, and final decisions will be made in the coming days.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
K (Companion)
cast offsite

K is incredibly witty, but in a quiet and hard-to-notice way. She spends most of her time drawing or listening to music, which makes people feel she is not paying attention, but she is incredibly observant. Everything she does is with a subtle twinkle in her eye, reserved for her few friends.

Age: 14

K is transgender, so transgender (particularly transfeminine) VAs are heavily encouraged to audition!

Voice: medium to medium-high pitch, quiet but warm, low/medium emotion, laidback

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • transgender
  • (relaxed, friendly) Hey, S! Oh, I wouldn't go in there if I were you. Something is seriously weird about that room today... Sure, whatever, see for yourself. Your funeral.

  • (solemn, remembering something painful) Yeah, well, I'm used to it. I only stopped getting looks about a month ago. Carat's the only one who hasn't slipped up on my name this semester.... and it's only been a few weeks!

  • (mostly to herself, a witty mumble, poking fun in a subtle way) Pirates, huh? I like pirates.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
T (Companion)
Role assigned to: LightMTHW

T tries to be a tough guy, but he is actually pretty easily unnerved. He is fiercely loyal to the people he cares about, especially his grandmother, but it takes him some time to trust most people to have good intentions. Although he comes across as grumpy, T wants to make a positive change in the world.

Age: 24

Voice: medium-low to low masculine voice, medium inflection, guarded but not unkind

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • (gruff and a bit offended) I'm not leaving my grandmother behind. What if something happened? I am staying here with her.

  • (initially scared, then trying to play it off) Did any of you see that? Over there, behind the tree, there was-..... something. Nevermind, if you didn't see it, then let's just move on.

  • (conceding the point) Maybe it is better to be in a group right now. I hate to say it but... I probably couldn't have protected her anyways. This isn't something that you can fight...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Kas is incredibly awkward and short on confidence, but has a shocking amount of medical knowledge. This has led to him shifting between his typical nervous personality and a more businesslike intensity when faced with a medical problem. He wants to help and heal others more than anything else, and has plans to become a paramedic. He also has a shift during the course of the game into a more unbalanced and slightly unnerving (but ultimately well-intentioned) persona.

Kas is transgender, so transgender (particularly transmasculine) VAs are heavily encouraged to audition!

Voice: medium-high masculine voice, varying from slightly flat/sarcastic to extremely emotive - VA must be able to capture a wide range of vocal inflection and tone

Optional Voice Notes: A faint hint of an English accent

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • transgender
  • male young adult
  • (flatly) You used an ace bandage. As a cast. For your broken arm. That's-....... Alright, follow me, we can fix this.

  • (on the verge of a nervous breakdown, alternating calling out and speaking to himself) “...Feronia..? Please, I… I only looked away for a second. People don’t just… disappear, like that. Typically. …It’s alright. She’s… nearby. I can feel it. I was seeing things, she’s not a-actually-... it doesn’t make sense. What I saw? It… c-couldn’t be…… uhm. Alright. It’s fine, I’m… fine. Feronia?? Please just- just answer! I know you’re there - please! I-I can’t-… oh god.”

  • (somewhat lilting with slight emphasis on words where it doesn't make sense, **unintentionally** creepy and a little too emphatic - but with a friendly tone) Anyways, I *can* actually disinfect the wound now, which is *very* exciting! But also... it will hurt. More *than* before!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Taryn Kay Langona

Cael (she/they) is a spitfire, but she means well. Their temper is always close to the surface, but so is her joy and enthusiasm - in essence, all of her emotions tend to be turned up to 11. She will gladly fight anyone, but if they decide they care about someone, that person will have her protection for life, and it takes a lot to make her change her mind about a person she trusts.

Voice: Anywhere from medium to high feminine voice, very high emotions/inflection, enthusiastic

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female young adult
  • (excited) You're never gonna fucking believe this! I went in to kick his ass, as usual, and he wasn't even there! Isn't that nuts?! I think he finally learned his lesson!

  • (slightly annoyed, a "great" idea just got shot down) “Wow, okay. Clearly nobody around here understands how to think on their feet! Jeez.”

  • (friendly and casual - despite the content of the conversation) “Pff, fucking tell me about it. That was weird! I think I got like… possessed? I woke up in a tree this morning, which wouldn’t be weird - except I don’t remember getting *in* the tree! My stupid cut didn’t even get infected, though, so take that, Kas!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: AutumnHeatherVO

Mysti is not the friendliest person, and some might even call her... well, a bitch. She is sarcastic and difficult, but there is something about the way she doesn't seem to care that is respectable. And in a rare moment, her kinder side will present itself - particularly when her girlfriend is around.

Voice: medium to medium-low feminine voice, smooth, high inflection

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • female adult
  • (flatly) Can I do something for you, or are you just going to stare all day?

  • (annoyed, scared but refusing to show it) Listen, I'm not saying that you're lying, but I don't see what I'm supposed to do about it! If this is the end of the world, fine. Let me die in peace.

  • (slightly playful but trying to play coy) Didn't I tell you never to come in here? Mm, no - I'm sorry, miss, but I'm going to need you to leave. Perhaps I could escort you to the door? ;)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Chi

Riid is the soft spoken worker at the local cafe. Though he doesn't talk much, there is a lot going on inside his head, and he will use his extensive vocabulary to prove it... because he is a bit insecure. He is fiercely protective of his younger brother, but otherwise prefers to stay far away from any kind of fight. His weapon is his wit.

Voice: medium to medium-low masculine voice, low vocal richness, low emotion and inflection, pleasant but detached-sounding

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male adult
  • (pleasantly, but not overly so) Welcome. If you would like to order, I will be here.

  • (teasing) I am afraid I cannot help you. You are clearly overwhelmed, but alas - I am an entire two feet away. There is no possible way for me to reach you in time. This tragedy will be spoken of for generations to come.

  • (unimpressed and a bit displeased) Hm. Unfortunate.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Esher is Riid's younger brother and a big ball of energy. He is always there with a smile, ready to gush about anything and everything that crosses his mind. If anyone is upset, he will do everything in his power to cheer them up. The only problem is that he is not a very good listener...

Voice: Childlike, medium-high to high masculine voice, pubescent, fast paced (the fewer breaths, the better), extremely high energy and inflection

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • male child
  • (super fast, breathless excitement) There's a frog in the back and I almost caught it but it was slippery - you know how frogs are all slimy and hard to hold - so it jumped out of my hands but it was so big it almost didn't fit in my hands - and maybe that's also why it was able to jump out - but the point is it was really cool and if you come quick you can maybe see it!

  • (slightly panicked) So I think I might have grabbed too many dishes and they're starting to slip could you maybe grab a few before they all smash on the floor please???

  • (very sincere, shocked) This is really for me like you didn't just find this somewhere right it's for me and it's true you promise?? Oh wow. I don't know what to do - what do I say I mean no one has ever given me a note before and it's so nicely written and everything what do I say back I don't know!!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Chortle

Olli has his own quirky little speech pattern, which only seems to match their bouncy friendliness. She seems a bit larger than life, but never in a way that implies he wants to put himself above anyone else. Their laidback attitude has earned him very few enemies but many friends, which pleases them greatly.

Olli is nonbinary, so transgender/nonbinary VAs are heavily encouraged to audition!

Voice: Androgynous, medium voice range, confident and strong, high inflection

Please Note Accent Requirements

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • androgynous
  • new zealand (kiwi)
  • male teen
  • (casual and friendly, slightly teasing) You planning on saying hi, then? Not that you have to, just saw you looking over!

  • (playfully offended) Oi! Bit below the belt, there, don't you think? Never did ask for your input, did I, but there it is in any case!

  • (quiet and haunted, Posh English Accent) ...I could have relented. I should have, and spared myself the pain, and yet… I was simply too stubborn, I suppose. It would have been so easy. It would have, so then... Why did I insist…”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: StarBQSauce

Aone is a very happy and good-natured kid - the only thing that truly upsets them is being treated as broken or stupid, neither of which is remotely true! Their halting speech is due to needing an extra moment to process their thoughts, but otherwise they speak clearly and with purpose.

Aone is nonbinary, so transgender/nonbinary VAs are heavily encouraged to audition!

Voice: medium-high to high pitch, melodic and childlike, medium emotion

Voice Notes: Please note that the pauses between words are them trailing off, rather than a hard stop.

Voice description:
  • child
  • androgynous
  • (making a suggestion) ...hmmm............go....left..?

  • (pleased as punch) ...I won..!

  • (offended and discouraged, grumbling a bit) ........not....stupid....

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Taryn Kay Langona

Miko is the timid but good-hearted younger sister of Takeo. She feels a bit overshadowed by him, but at the same time, she wants nothing more than to see her big brother succeed - and will say so to anyone who will listen. Little does she know that he wouldn't consider it a success unless she was there with him.

Voice: medium feminine voice, high inflection, slightly naive-sounding

Voice description:
  • female teen
  • female child
  • (surprised) O-Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't see you!

  • (proud little sister) My brother is like, super talented. He’s gonna be the most famous musician ever! He’s just gotta finish high school first.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Lucas

Dylan is a good kid, but he still has a solid mischievous streak, which has left him branded as a prankster at best... and a troublemaker at worst. Despite this, he generally tries to do the right thing, and he wants nothing more than for his older brother to think he's cool enough to tag along with him. This is hampered by Dylan's sometimes-creepy love of criminal forensics. However, for the purposes of the plot, one of his primary roles is to essentially have a breakdown, so it is important that the VA is good at crying noises.

 Voice: medium-high pubescent male voice, medium inflection, young and energetic

Voice description:
  • male child
  • male teen
  • (matter-of-fact, but with a childlike innocence) Generally, the advice has been to inject air between the toes, since it will look like a natural death and most likely be overlooked. But that's been spread so much that it really isn't practical anymore - they're gonna look between the toes and then you've got no excuse.

  • (annoying little brother mode, whiny and mischievous at the same time) Jace, you promised I could use the computer hours ago! Jace, come on! Jace! Hey! Jace, you promised, come on. Jace. Jaaaaaaace-

  • *variations on crying/sobbing noises*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Jon AlexDragon232

Rhett is a laid-back and casual guy, who tends to always be in a good mood. That being said, he's not about to let anyone hurt those he cares for most, and he's ready to fight tooth and nail when necessary. He's incredibly friendly, and wants to make people happy, so he's usually cracking some sort of terrible joke.

Voice: Very light-hearted and jovial, casual, semi-deep masculine voice, "big brother" type

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • (friendly, with a smile) “You look like you could use a pick-me-up. How ‘bout we go get something to eat and you tell me what’s up?”

  • (serious) “Fuck with them again - no, just try it. I dare you.”

  • (herding cats about lunch plans) Fuck, I hope they have pizza. I said it once and now like…*I want pizza.*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Hiro is roughly six-foot-five, very muscular, and covered in scars, giving him the extremely grizzled appearance that makes him intimidating to almost anyone to meets him. However, while his deep voice may usually be laced with swears, it hides a soft kindness behind it. He often acts as an older brother or father figure to others, and is fiercely loyal and protective to those he loves. Works with animals and has a major soft spot for cats.

Voice: Deep, gravelly tone, the kind of voice that carries, slightly imposing but with a warmth behind his words.

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • (Intimidating, but subdued) Oh, the scars? Workin’ as an animal trainer goes south sometimes. But I’m still breathing, I won’t go down that easy.

  • (Warmly, fatherly) Hell yeah, you won kid! You did awesome, I’m proud of ya. You're tough as a lion.

  • (Aggressive) You got a fucking problem? You want to say some shit again? I’ll break your goddamn jaw, then we’ll see how much you wanna talk.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: wingsofthemoth Turgize VA

Kat is highly energetic, and incredibly friendly. They love to make people laugh more than anything, and are usually pretty good at doing so. They don’t let their disability slow them down, and move around fast, whether on wheels or on foot. It’s rare not to see them without either a friend or their boyfriend at their side, as they tend to attract others with their infectious laugh. Certainly a bright spot.

Voice: Medium to medium-low masculine voice with a lot of enthusiasm to it. They can talk a little fast at times, especially when excited. However, they can tone it down when need be. A possible example to draw from could be Jake Peralta.

Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • Masculine
  • (Happy and bright) Yo, what’re you up to? Nice! Go out there and kick some ass today, okay? You’ve got this.

  • (More subdued, but friendly) Oh yeah, a lot of people said that crash would end my career. But hey, here I am! Can’t get me to give up easy!

  • (Protective and loving) Hey, look at me. Let ‘em say what they want, they don’t matter. I still think you’re awesome.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Chi

Tadashi is a model student. Or rather, a model of what to never become, according to the school. Delinquent by nature, he is never seen without his signature baseball bat, Agatha. But what people don't know is that underneath the rough exterior and leather jacket lies someone with the same misty-eyed wonder as a child, who makes up for his lack of book smarts with a hell of a lot of street smarts. Those who take the time to know him become fast friends, and often have the backing of an entire gang, run by Tadashi himself.

Voice notes: Medium-low masculine voice, authoritative when necessary but also capable of goofiness

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • male teen
  • (shocked, then immediately goofing around. Context: a close friend is actively drinking from the cup in his hand) Wh–Hey! Dude! Rhett, you’re… Well, I mean. I swap spit with this one anyways, you’re practically next on the list. C’mere you big hunk, you. Kiss me

  • (motivational - but also deeply unserious) Tell them two plus two equals fuck you, then write your music! In their faces!

  • (Wistful, delighted) Hell yeah! That's what I'm talking about. No worries, just endless sands and a drink in your hand... That's the life, y'know?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Chieko is a very unimposing figure, one who really prefers to stay out of sight. They’re not at all sociable, and struggle to make it through small talk, tending to find other people irritating to be around. They’re an expert criminal hacker, who doesn’t like to go outside much, and gains energy from being alone around technology. So it’s a wonder that they can usually be found with a very friendly hiker who loves the outdoors.

Voice: Medium-to-high, an afab nonbinary person who has been on testosterone for about 3 years. Their voice is typically very bored, and their words are kept very short. An example could be Albedo from Genshin Impact.

Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • (Slightly irritated) Did you…need something? I’m kind of, like…doing something. Important. So important. Best you just…go away.

  • (Flustered) I don’t know what you’re talking about…I’m really not anything special. I’m just good with computers…you’re much cooler…

  • (Focused, somewhat more confident) They’re…they’re counting on me. I’ve gotta shut it down so they can get in. I’m not gonna fail them…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: joe anne

Kyo is a young boy, about fourteen years old. He’s certainly in the stage of life where he’s trying to seem tough, and so he tends to be very standoffish with a foul mouth. He’s rarely seen without a phone or handheld game console in hand, catching and battling digital monsters. He’s not one for social interactions, much preferring to stay on his own. While he can come off as rude, he’s actually very lonely.

Voice: Medium, childlike masculine voice. Pubescent. Somewhat scratchy and immature. He usually sounds annoyed. An example could be Shiro Takaoji.

Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • male child
  • male teen
  • (Distracted) Go away, I’m trying to catch this Catachu. You wanna know what I’m playing? Obviously it’s Mini Monsters Go, dumbass. Now go away before I lose my focus.

  • (Blushing, nervous) You wanna…learn how to play? I mean, you can get your own game. Oh, you wanna play the game…with me?

  • (Passionate and frustrated) Tash Ketchup is a little bitch, I caught all the Minimon by the time I was eight, it’s not that hard! He’s just stupid and weak!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Danman99

Josiah Callas is a rather quiet, shut-in individual. He has a knack for fashion, despite his disheveled appearance, and the creations he makes are quite the stuff of fashion runways. Despite this, he's refused to bring his sketches to life, fearing the rejection and ridicule he believes would follow. Currently, he runs youth activities that are held at the church in town.

Josiah has a medium-high masculine voice, a bit timid but very kind

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (Pensive, friendly) Well... I can tell you this. If - And this is a big if - I ever have a fashion show... I'd love to have you there.

  • (Sheepish, quiet) There's a reason I like Opera music, you know... It's not that surprising, considering my sister is classically trained.

  • (Distraught, verging on panic) Where's my notebook? Please, I can't let anyone throw away my notebook, it's too important to me. It has everything.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

She is a very quiet and borderline reclusive woman. She doesn't really like initiating conversation or engaging in it much at all; she'll speak with others if they insist on it. If she's stressed, she can be quite direct, rude, and defensive. However, she's relatively tolerant to most in general conversation despite potential disinterest.

Hana is nonbinary and uses they/she pronouns, so nonbinary/transgender VAs are encouraged to audition!

Voice: Androgynous/feminine-leaning voice, Medium Pitch, Low Inflection, Dismissive and Quiet, Sometimes mumbles a bit

Voice description:
  • androgynous
  • female young adult
  • (shy and somewhat optimistic) You…would actually be interested in hearing what I’ve got to say…? Well…that’s a new one.

  • (dismissive and biting) Two’s company and three’s a crowd…though I’d much prefer it if it was always one. Leave me alone…

  • (distant and lonely) No one has ever come to me in moments of need, so I’ve learned to take care of myself. I’ve never needed anyone before, and I’m not looking to start now…

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: AlexDragon232

Ivan is a very carefree and friendly personality and it shows in his ability to easily make conversation and get to know someone! He’s very much a people-person and sociable, which seems a bit in contrast to his big and intimidating appearance. He can become protective over those he cares about deeply as well as those who seem as though they can’t defend themselves. He'd more than gladly put himself in harm's way for someone.

Voice: Masculine Register, Medium-Low Pitch, Confident and Bright

Please Note Accent Requirements

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • russian
  • (friendly and optimistic) I am quite handy! …What do you mean I should not phrase it like that? I would just like to offer…a helping hand is it - that is the phrase, yes? Do not be afraid to call upon me for it!

  • (dejected and saddened) Friend, there is nothing that you cannot do, but I cannot help you if you continue to push me away…

  • (defensive and angry) I will let no harm come to anyone while I am around! Not while I live and breathe!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Random Opportunist

Jace is a young adult freelance programmer, whose face makes him look much younger than he is. He’s easily agitated, especially when he gets distracted from his work. A strong believer in the supernatural, and especially fanatical about the existence of life outside of our planet. Get him started on this, and he will talk about it for ages, with proof and sources. He’s also a little bit mean to his brother, Dylan, but actually cares about him a lot.

Voice: Medium masculine voice - sounds closer to a 16 year old than a 20 year old. Often sounds very irritated, can almost border on sounding condescending. He talks on the faster side. And example could be Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu.

Voice description:
  • male young adult
  • (Very focused, annoyed) I’m busy, Dylan. I’ve gotta get this done today or I don’t get paid. No, you can’t play Sims. You want me to get mom in here?!

  • (Passionate) Did you hear about the guy on the news who was talking about getting abducted by some kinda UFO not too far away? They were laughing at him but he was talking about some details like a cloaking mechanism and, like, what they were doing to him there. He was talking specifically about the trance-like state he was put into during experiments, which lines up with two other reported cases over the last twenty years-

  • (Soft, a little out of his depth but trying his best) Are you…doing okay? You look like you’ve been crying. Can I do anything for you? I’ll get you some ice cream.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

Fuse has an imperative voice or way of speaking and is confident and determined. She is very brash. She is very bullheaded and will speak her mind whenever she pleases. She doesn't care about making friends but if you happen to crack through her walls she is very caring.

Voice: Her personality shows through her voice as its very strong and has a slight growl to it as her voice raises. For the most part she doesn't show much emotion except for anger so her normal speaking voice sounds a bit bored. 

Voice description:
  • female young adult
  • (annoyed) Watch where you’re going, loser! There’s a thing called personal space. It’s a great concept. Maybe you’d be interested in learning about it.

  • (casual, standoffish) Geez, don’t look so shocked to see me in here - reading is normal. Besides, I need something to do in between dance lessons. Can’t just… sit and stare at the ceiling the whole time! I would literally die of boredom…

  • (embarrassed) H-Hey just cause I did one thing nice doesn't mean we are friends and all... geez

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Taryn Kay Langona

Ari is a very energetic girl, with sugar in her step and a tendency of getting distracted. She’s often described by friends as being full of life, and strangers as an overwhelming sugar rush. Energy is never rare in her, yet she tends to befriend anyone with ease

Ari is Fem-presenting, though Nonbinary VA’s are welcome to audition

Voice: High-pitched feminine voice, full of energy and the tendency to stutter when speaking too fast

Voice description:
  • female child
  • female young adult
  • female teen
  • (Energetic, welcoming) Hey hi hello!~ Welcome in! if you plan to come around here often you should come over here! We have cheetos, we have soda - oh oh oh! And we also have (insert random object)

  • (indignant) you mean to tell me in 5 MINUTES!…. you managed to commit a massive felony… AND YOU DIDNT INVITE ME? what kind of - now THAT is the criminal thing!

  • (calm, just caught stuck in a vending machine) heyyyyy….. come here often?…. nah, i’m just chilling, do you want a cheeto? granola bar?…. its free for another 30 minutes

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

This spot is exclusively for people who were previously cast as a Primary or Understudy role, who feel that the quality of their performance has changed since their initial audition and want to showcase a more current example. VAs who were previously cast and left the Discord server due to the hiatus are welcome to submit here as well.

Submissions will be monitored for new applicants, and anything submitted by a person not previously assigned to a role will be rejected. This applies only to this submission slot.

Please include your Discord handle and the role(s) you were assigned, along with a sample of your voice - preferably using at least one audition line from a character you were assigned, though ad-libbing is permitted.

  • *Please give At Least One example of a previous audition line and/or another sample of your vocal performance*


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