Project Parasomnia - Animated Teaser & Comic Dub
Project Overview
Synopsis: Parasomnia is about Edgar, Kali, Mara and Syren, four orphans living in the Lakeside orphanage. When the city is plagued by a surge in nightmares, they get appointed as the Nightmare Kids. Using their powers, led by the technical brain Kali, they enter nightmares and defeat the phobias inside.
Genre: Supernatural, mystery.
Age Group: Young adults and older.
Project info: Project Parasomnia is an indie webcomic and physical comic (currently in Belgian stores only) with a planned comic dub and a planned animated pilot. The project itself has been in the works for 3 years, with multiple comic issues planned. While currently something I do in my free time, it’s intended to be a long term project and to keep growing.
Tone wise Project Parasomnia has the same vibes as early 2000s cartoons and games such as Pajama Sam, Psychonauts, Recess, KnD, Danny Phantom, Ben 10,... it tackles heavier subjects while looking fun and bright in appearance. The acting style I am looking for more realistic reads with comedic moments rather than overly cartoony.
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Thank you all for the wonderful auditions! We'll be going through them soon and will keep you updated. Due to the large amount of auditions we'll be unable to personally contact those who were not selected with individual feedback, but we'd like to thank you for the time and effort. To the talents we'd like to move forward with, we'll be reaching out to you soon! Kind regards, Cas Lofthus & Parasomnia Team

EDGAR, the most level headed one of the group and also the most recent addition to the orphanage out of the four. When he’s not trying to unravel some mysteries, Edgar spends his time hanging out with friends, reading books or looking at cat pictures. With his dad-joke humor he often isn’t up to speed with the others but he still enjoys his time with them.
VOICE TYPE: Medium pitch, young-adult sounding. Edgar is in his twenties and sounds pretty young and androgynous for his age. Calm, does not raise his voice often. (Example; Danny Phantom, Dipper Pines)
(casual) Sounds good to me, what do you think?
(anxious) What if… we’re just falling into their trap just like they wanted us to?
(angry) This is for all the damage you’ve caused. I’m no longer going to stand by and watch everything we’ve worked for get destroyed by you.

KALI, the mysterious left hand of the director and technical brain. Generally pretty shut off and keeping to herself, over time she opens up to the other Nightmare Kids. What she says doesn’t always come out the way she wanted it to, often keeping things to herself, when it’s about something she likes, however Kali is able to excitedly talk about it for hours.
VOICE TYPE: Lower to medium pitch, nasally sounding. Sounds cold at the start, grows warmer over time. (Think of Peridot from SU or Entrapta from She-Ra)
EXTRA: This character is South Asian, she/her/any.
(matter-of-factly) Not that it matters, but that’s beside the point.
(excited) This is an extraordinary replica… It has no cast lines, all the bolts are in the right places, and it even has the sticker Maverick put on in episode 23 of Nebula Necromancy!!! Ahum- Sorry, I got carried away.
(menacing) That. Is Project Parasomnia.

MARA, the big sister type who has made it a point to always be there for the others. She’s sweet, supportive and soft spoken yet can be extremely cold when she’s pissed at you. Has been crushing on Syren for years but doesn’t say anything about it.
VOICE TYPE: Medium pitch, soft and gentle voice, can get sassy/cold when needed. (Think: the English equivalent of the onee-san voice, Blue Diamond from Steven Universe, somewhat Gwen from Total Drama)
EXTRA: This character is Southern European (Latina), she/her.
(comforting) Hey, you don’t have to push yourself into doing this if you don’t want to.
(anxious) This is all because of me… Isn’t it?
(scared) Every hallway I walk into, every corner I turn, it’s there… It’s always there, no matter what I do. I don’t know what to do anymore, please…

GERTRUDE, the stern cafeteria lady who secretly walks around at night doing god-knows-what. She’s been there in the start and though she wouldn’t admit it, has always cared for the orphans - in her own way.
VOICE TYPE: Lower to medium pitch, strong sounding. She’s in her 50s.
NOTE: This character is a transgender woman, trans VAs Only Please!
(sorrowful) I miss how things used to be like, back then. Back when you were still… you.
(stern) All orphans to report in the cafeteria, pronto.
(caring) …That sounds nice. I’d like that.
THE DIRECTOR, a ruthless woman who lost touch with her humanity. All she cares about is money and status, under the guise of doing it for a good purpose. The worst thing is she genuinely believes she’s doing a good thing.
VOICE TYPE: Lower pitch, sounds forcefully sweet.
NOTE: This character is a transgender woman, trans VAs Only Please!
(gentle to menacing) This is all for you, don’t you realize?
(angry to gentle) If I catch any of you lurking around here again you’ll regret ever having set foot here. Now, is that clear, kids? Off to bed you go!

PRISCILLA, the head nurse of the Lakeside hospital. She doesn’t seem to have any empathy for the patients they treat, only carrying out her job.
VOICE TYPE: A full warm voice, stern when needed.
EXTRA: This character is South Asian.
(stern) Make sure no one comes in here, got it?
(fake-sweet) Celia? Oh! Isn’t she just a sweetheart?
As long as I am the head nurse, you will be listening to me. Not the other way around.

JAMAL, the nurse with his head stuck in the clouds. Jamal lives on expired energy drinks and plays games late into the night, blurring the line between reality and fiction. Nowadays, he doesn’t even realize that what he does to the patients is in fact reality, treating them without the needed care.
VOICE TYPE: Gritty, young adult-sounding voice. Speaks slowly and zoned out. (Think: Jude Lizowski from 6teen, but not nasal)
EXTRA: This character is North African (Tunisian).
(out of it) …Fran and Todward? You’re up next.
This new drink from the cafeteria is freaking awesome, what is it? There’s nothing inside anymore? But then… what’s… Eh, well.

VLADIMIR, the gentle giant. Very fond of collecting dolls and puppets, he’s another nurse from the hospital. He’s generally quite brusque when it comes to the patients, although most of the time he follows Priscilla around and does what she asks. Soft spoken.
VOICE TYPE: Low, soft voice.
EXTRA: This character is Slavic.
..This is none of Vladimir’s business.
All Vlad wants is to go home and look at his dolls.
Yes ma’am.

VEL, avid fan of the occult and frequent DnD player. They like spooking the others and playing pranks, or performing as evil characters in a fantasy setting. Vel always knows how to have fun, if you’re up for some games or stories you’re at the right address.
VOICE TYPE: Androgynous, medium-pitch. Deadpan tone.
EXTRA: This character is Scandinavian.
(ghost story voice) They all left the room slowly, shivering in fear, and then right as they turned the corner… BANG! There the monster was. Then they got eaten, the end.
This stinks. It could’ve been a wizard, a witch, maybe even a werewolf. This is just a kid!

TODWARD, frequently called the coward of the group, he has a lot more going on than you’d think looking at him. This doesn’t take away the fact that Todward is scared about pretty much anything you could think of, frequently passing out.
VOICE TYPE: High pitched, young voice. Often speaks like he’s scared even when he isn’t.
EXTRA: This character is Middle Eastern.
(cautious) H-Hello? Is anyone here?
Please don’t make me go alone, I’ll do anything!!

CHICKEN, inhabitant of the first nightmare realm Syren enters in the pilot. All he does is screech and make loud noises.
VOICE TYPE: Pterodactyl-like screeching.
(alarmed) SKREEE!
(confused) SKREE?
(idle) SKREEE.
- Able to work with After Effects or Premiere
- Compositing where needed, visual effects, color grading
- Able to edit a comic dub (panel transitions, text appearing, possibly moving elements)
Filling in this role would be a luxury for me, meaning there isn't a budget for artistic roles aside from voice acting. To compensate I'd like to offer my own services, if there's any art needed (profile picture, a header, a character design,...) I can be of service!
Say something you think would fit
- Do rough 2D animations ready for line-art
- The program you'll use is up to you, I'd request the PNG/JPEG files or mp4 to start with the line-art.
Filling in this role would be a luxury for me, meaning there isn't a budget for artistic roles aside from voice acting. To compensate I'd like to offer my own services, if there's any art needed (profile picture, a header, a character design,...) I can be of service!
Say something you think would fit
- Edit sounds onto the animation
- Mix sounds
Filling in this role would be a luxury for me, meaning there isn't a budget for artistic roles aside from voice acting. To compensate I'd like to offer my own services, if there's any art needed (profile picture, a header, a character design,...) I can be of service!
Say something you think would fit
Public Submissions