Project Parasomnia - Animated Teaser & Comic Dub
Maeve for Kali
KALI, the mysterious left hand of the director and technical brain. Generally pretty shut off and keeping to herself, over time she opens up to the other Nightmare Kids. What she says doesn’t always come out the way she wanted it to, often keeping things to herself, when it’s about something she likes, however Kali is able to excitedly talk about it for hours.
VOICE TYPE: Lower to medium pitch, nasally sounding. Sounds cold at the start, grows warmer over time. (Think of Peridot from SU or Entrapta from She-Ra)
EXTRA: This character is South Asian, she/her/any.
(matter-of-factly) Not that it matters, but that’s beside the point.
(excited) This is an extraordinary replica… It has no cast lines, all the bolts are in the right places, and it even has the sticker Maverick put on in episode 23 of Nebula Necromancy!!! Ahum- Sorry, I got carried away.
(menacing) That. Is Project Parasomnia.