Stylized Story Based Shooter Game Inspired by Team Fortress 2 & Overwatch
Project Overview
About Our Game
What do you get if you combine the art style of Team Fortress 2 & Overwatch, with the gameplay of Half Life 2, and a story inspired by the Far Cry games in one single-player experience? Petremay [Pronounced "Peter May"] is the result.
Petremay is a new upcoming Stylized First Person Shooter game developed by Spekktrum Studio. There is currently no planned release date.
In the game, you take on the role of a rookie police officer who must take down a cult that had formed in the American town of Mirem. Throughout the game, the player will be able to collect new special abilities that you can use to take down enemies. These abilities include, but are not limited to: Teleportation, Freezing Time, Echolocation/X-ray, Invisibility, and more!
Link to our Steam page:
Link to our Discord:
Content Warnings & Other Info
Petremay will be directed towards a mature audience. As such, Petremay and any future spin-off games may include content some may find disturbing. If you are uncomfortable with the following topics please do not audition:
Graphic Violence
Light Gore
Heavy Use of Curse Words
Mentions of Suicide/Suicidal Thoughts
Mentions of Characters Being Burnt Alive
Mentions of Mental/Physical Abuse
Additionally, two of the characters in the game are LGBT. If you do not support LGBT members, which includes trans & non-binary identities, kindly look for a different project. If you are later discovered to be making discriminatory or controversial remarks about another's Race, Religion, Sexuality, or Gender Identity then you will also be immediately kicked off our team and banned from our Discord Server without warning.
As a voice actor for Petremay, there are a few things we would like you to keep in mind as well as some things we generally expect from a voice actor. For starters, we would like to specify right away that Petremay is a part of a series of games that are planned out. If you audition for the role of a character in this game, please keep in mind that we are looking for someone who can work with us in the long term across multiple games, short films, or YouTube series that may stretch across years. This is to keep reoccurring character voices consistent across all of our projects. We would hate to have to bring someone on for our first project, only to find out that they won't be available for the second game, as we would have to re-record all of the lines for the first game as well as the second game.
We understand this may sound intimidating or even a lot to ask, however as our project sizes get bigger and our budgets start to grow, so will the compensation you get for your work. You will also be allowed to take part in other projects while working with us, and we are very understanding and flexible of your needs which includes giving out extra time and resources. We will also be available to answer questions the entire time.
We also require that every voice actor own a Discord account as well as actively participate in Discord. If you have a Discord account but do not use Discord often, this may not be the right project for you. This is due to the fact that all discussions of the game, as well as voice recording sessions, will be held entirely on Discord.
Currently, we are able to offer payment for every three takes of a scene. What this means is that you will get paid upfront based off the amount of lines in the scene to do three takes for the scene. After that, every three takes of each line you will get 10$ more. Example: If a scene was 4 lines long, you would get 40$ upfront to do three takes... But say we wanted a different take for a certain line, you would get 10$ more upfront to record it. Prices are also slightly negotiable, but keep in mind we have a very small budget at this point in time.
When you are logged in, you can comment, add submissions, create projects, upvote, search open roles, and way more. Login here.

NOTE: Character image was made using Picrew as the model isn't finished and I didn't feel the concept art was good enough to show. The look of the character is subject to change.
Basic Info:
Age - 24
Gender - Cis Female
Accent - General American
- To audition, you must be at least 18 years old.
Okay, technically, there is a small catch. With this audition, you need to audition for two characters. Check out the page for "Trylos Redd" for more info.
Personality & Traits
Erika is the secondary protagonist of the game. She is the head police detective for the police department in Mirem - the town that Petremay takes place in.
Erika can be described as someone who's very moody. She typically keeps to herself and notably smiles less often. Although, this is less in a "constantly frowning, always in a bad mood" kind of way and more like a "just bored with life" kind of way. Erika managed to get everything she wanted in life, she's the head detective in the police department, her mother is no longer in her life, and her sister is safe... But... what now?
Erika notably has had suicidal thoughts in her past, and while those thoughts no longer occupy her head, her depression never went completely away. Over the current years, she has started to take care of herself more. She's started to smile more, and has found more things to be happy about. But even after all of this, she still struggles with not knowing what to do with her life.
Voice References
Below are a handful of videos showing characters from other media which have a voice similar to what I think would fit this character.
[These lines we're specifically created for the audition to show off the range of emotion needed for the role. Think of it as a hypothetical interview type situation.]
(Erika just walked into the room, she is relaxed and ready to talk - if a bit disinterested.)
"Sup... Let's not bother with introductions- you wanted to know about me and what I do right? I'll just be honest with you, shit suucks. Everyone always thinks it's gonna be super exciting stuff all the time, right? Wrong. I mean, I've been doing this stuff for a couple years now, everything's just kind of blending together now. I'm not even entirely sure what day it is. If you asked me how last week was different than this week, then I couldn't tell you."
(Erika noticed something on her phone, and started to become noticeably stressed out.)
"Shit... We have to cut this short... Something came up... I have to go, sorry."

NOTE: Character image was made using Picrew as the model isn't finished and I didn't feel the concept art was good enough to show. The look of the character is subject to change.
Basic Info:
Trylos is the identical twin sister of Erika. She is one of three side characters the player will be able to interact with throughout the game.
Age - 24
Gender - Cis Female
Accent - General American
- To audition, you must be at least 18 years old.
Okay, technically, there is a small catch. With this audition, you need to audition for two characters. Check out the page for "Erika Redd" for more info.
Personality & Traits
Trylos is almost like the complete opposite of Erika, as she acts very energetic and optimistic most of the time. However, despite being energetic, she also rarely raises her voice. Contrasting her cheerful personality, however, is the fact that she suffers from schizophrenia. Most of the time, she's able to just shut it out and ignore it or treat it as not a big deal, but there have definitely been some low moments in her life as a result of it. Her cheerful attitude is actually a coping mechanism in some ways. She is genuinely a very happy person overall, but sometimes she presents herself as more cheerful than she actually is. She's also afraid of ever showing herself upset, as she's worried people won't think of her in the same way if she does. Trylos also naturally loves helping people. Her lifelong goal is to become some sort of therapist in the future, so that she can help other people get over their issues.
Voice References
Below are a handful of videos showing characters from other media which have a voice similar to what I think would fit this character. - Watch Ned in this scene, this is about the same vocal range Trylos is supposed to have.
[These lines we're specifically created for the audition to show off the range of emotion needed for the role. Think of it as a hypothetical interview type situation.]
(Trylos walks into the room, being very excited to be there, she has a huge smile on her face.)
"Hey- woah this room is huge! Hey, can I keep this nametag? ...Oh right, you wanted to ask about me.. Umm.. What do you wanna know? I mean, I'm not really that special [laughs]. I guess... I like walking around the town and uh- talking to people? I don't really have a job yet, still working on that- but if everything goes well I'm going to have one soon. I can't wait to start helping people! (Trylos would suddenly start to calm down and shift to a more serious tone.) ...Hey uh... you talked to Erika right...? What did she say? Is she doing okay...? I mean... I know she's going through... stuff....... yeesh is it just me or did everything just get more... sad... in here...? [nervous laugh]."

NOTE: Character image was made using Picrew as the model isn't finished and I didn't feel the concept art was good enough to show. The look of the character is subject to change.
Basic Info
Jaiden is one of three side characters in Petremay that helps out the player. They don't know how to fight yet, so they act more as a guide to the player - showing them where to go.
Age - 16
Gender - Non-binary [AFAB]
Accent - American with a little bit of an English accent, if you weren't paying close attention it would be pretty much impossible to tell that they were slightly english.
- You must be at least 16 to audition.
Personality & Traits
Jaiden is a tough, though somewhat naïve kid. Their lifelong dream is to join the police department and to help make the world a better place. They are non-binary, but assigned female at birth, and their voice still sounds notably feminine-sounding. However, when they talk, they sometimes try to do things to make themself sound more 'masculine', such as trying to artificially lower the pitch of their voice. Being a young teenager, they tend to act very impulsively on things, and they get really excited about having the opportunity to help out the police. They can also act somewhat awkward at times, they don't know how to keep a good conversation going as well as others can. They can be very confrontational towards people they disagree with, despite the fact that they aren't very strong themself. When they were younger, they used to go around exploring as much as the town as they could which eventually ended up with them knowing the layout of the town really well.
Voice References
Below are a handful of videos showing characters from other media which have a voice similar to what I think would fit this character.
(Jaiden notices the main character, they immediately call out to her to try and get her attention.)
"Hey! You police...? Any chance I could help out with what you're doing? I mean, I know my way around town maybe I could help guide you around it-I mean that's not to say I think your lost-Well... are you lost? Just- well- [sigh] ...Do you need a guide? I know where everything in this town is! I mean, all I really want is the chance to work with an actual police detective- you are a detective right? ...Also I dunno maybe you could uh... tell people around the station about me...?"

Basic Info:
Kayce is the main villain of Petremay. His ultimate goal is to make the town safe to live in, but in the process he's become apart of the problem due to his extreme methods.
Age - 25
Gender - Cis Male
Accent - General American
- To audition, you must be at least 18 years old.
Personality & Traits
Kayce is a calm man, he rarely ever raises his voice if at all. The rare occasions where he does raise his voice, he tends to be extremely loud and aggressive. He is a smart man, everything he does seems to be thought of way ahead of time and he does not do anything without thinking about the best strategy first. He tends to act distant towards others, only speaking to his soldiers & superiors if he has to. However, he is not above making a few jokes or jabs at the protagonists' expense. Kayce also understands that people hate him. He knows that most people don't like what he's doing, but he keeps insisting that it's the only way and that his methods are the only way the town is ever going to get better.
Voice References
Below are a handful of videos showing characters from other media which have a voice similar to what I think would fit this character. - like Ryan Gosling's character here.
[Quiet but stern voice, almost aggressive tone. He can't believe that the protagonist isn't taking his side.]
"You know, you should be thanking me. I’m basically doing your job for you! If it weren’t for me, all those criminals would still be running around free. I'm just... so fucking tired... of you... of this town... I'm doing everything I can to make this place safe... to keep everyone happy. And what do I get for my efforts...? Nothing... You're all a bunch of ungrateful pricks! [sigh] I just.. I want there to be a day where you can walk outside without having to worry about if your life is going to be threatened... I want there to be a day where we have a mayor who's actually interested in helping the town... But I guess all dreams have to die some day."
[He's speaking calmly. At this point in time, the protagonist isn't much of a threat. He genuinely believes in his cause, and wishes that the protagonist would take his side.]
"I’m only going to tell you this once: Stand down. You may think that me and my organization are the root of all evil... But I promise you, every action I take is for the greater good of this town. I’m the fucking savior here, not you."

NOTE: Character image was made using Picrew as the model isn't finished and I didn't feel the concept art was good enough to show. The look of the character is subject to change.
Basic Info:
Age - 23
Gender - Cis Male
Accent - General English/Cockney
- To audition, you must be at least 18 years old.
Personality & Traits
Vicktor is a mercenary who prides himself on his fighting abilities. He loves explosives and uses them all the time when fighting. He often acts really cocky and overly confident in his abilities. He also charges a ton of money for his services and gets really angry when someone tries to pay him less than he thinks he's worth. He once even killed someone just for trying to underpay him. He tends to be really unstable and even somewhat bloodthirsty as well. He doesn't believe in Kayce's cause whatsoever, the only reason he's even working with Kayce is because he was offered a ton of money. Unknown to him, Kayce was actually planning on killing him if he successfully killed the player.
Voice References
Below are a handful of videos showing characters from other media which have a voice similar to what I think would fit this character. - like Boomerang's voice here but English instead of Australian.
[Addressing the player, from atop of a building, currently shouting so that they can hear him. He's very cocky, he thinks he's hot shit, and he wants the world to know.]
"Oi look what we have here! Name’s Vicktor luv, and I’ve been sent to kill ya. Now, I could come down there and kill ya myself, but I ain't getting paid enough for that. Instead, I think I'll have my troops handle it."
[Vicktor is heavily injured, he just had a long fight with the player where he is on the losing end.]
(Vicktor is breathing heavily now, not only was he exhausted - but it is also somewhat hard for him to breath as his lungs have been damaged - he also sounds really pissed off now and is leaning against a wall trying to rest.) "Damnit... You bastard... I know you think... You've won... But I'm telling you... You don't want to fuck with these guys... I may not believe in this cult shit... But they've done so many crazy things.... Maybe there IS some truth to it.... Too bad we won't be around to find out... [Suddenly, Vicktor would stand up and try to rush the player with a grenade - only for the player to grab his arm and shove him back. He would let out one last scream as the grenade explodes in his hand - killing him in the process.]"
The cultists are the main antagonists of Mirem, they are very soldier-like and coordinated unlike the typical example of cultists. However, they aren't professionals and can slip up very often in the heat of battle. It is not uncommon to see a cultist lose their cool during battle.
[Upon spotting the player character, cultists will sometimes shout out lines to alert their colleagues.]
"She's over there!"
"There she is!"
"I see her!""I've spotted her!"
[Upon losing sight of the player character, cultists will sometimes announce this fact to their colleagues.]
"Shit, I lost her!"
"She's gone!"
"Damnit, she's gone!""I've lost her!"
[If nothing is happening around them, they will occasionally announce this fact.]
"Area secure."
"This area is clear."
"Nothing to see here."
The cultists are the main antagonists of Mirem, they are very soldier-like and coordinated unlike the typical example of cultists. However, they aren't professionals and can slip up very often in the heat of battle. It is not uncommon to see a cultist lose their cool during battle.
[Upon spotting the player character, cultists will sometimes shout out lines to alert their colleagues.]
"She's over there!"
"There she is!"
"I see her!""I've spotted her!"
[Upon losing sight of the player character, cultists will sometimes announce this fact to their colleagues.]
"Shit, I lost her!"
"She's gone!"
"Damnit, she's gone!""I've lost her!"
[If nothing is happening around them, they will occasionally announce this fact.]
"Area secure."
"This area is clear."
"Nothing to see here."
NOTE: We are accepting multiple people for this role as there is multiple male citizens in the game.
[We don't have any specific lines from the citizens that stand out - for now just audition with your demo reel.]
NOTE: We are accepting multiple people for this role as there is multiple female citizens in the game.
[We don't have any specific lines from the citizens that stand out - for now just audition with your demo reel.]

NOTE: Character image was made using Picrew as the model isn't finished and I didn't feel the concept art was good enough to show. The look of the character is subject to change.
Basic Info:
Age - 23
Gender - Cis Female
Accent - General Latino
- To audition, you must be at least 18 years old.
Personality & Traits
Vivian is the main character of Petremay and the character the player controls. Her personalities depends on the player's actions. In the good guy playthrough, Vivian is a kind hearted person who wants to help out the town, but she also has very good fighting skills. She somewhat doubts her abilities to be a confident police detective and isn't even sure if she's able to really accomplish what she needs to do.. But eventually she's able to overcome this and take down most of the cult.
In the bad guy playthrough, Vivian starts out as a kind hearted person who wants to help out the town. Kayce, however, is eventually able to convince her that she's actually on the wrong side and that Kayce is the one who's truly able to help out the town. She's hesitant to join him at first, but by the end she becomes a full on member of the cult and helps Kayce take over the town.
[These lines we're specifically created for the audition to show off the range of emotion needed for the role. Think of it as a hypothetical interview type situation.]
(Vivian walks into the room and sits down immediately without even saying anything. She pauses for a moment before letting out a small sigh.)
"I don't even know where to start... I only got this job a couple weeks ago, and I already feel like I'm failing. If I fuck this up, hundreds of people could die.. And it will be my fault. They really don't prepare you for this kind of stuff in police academy. Sometimes I wish I could go back to the way things were before... Back when I was still just a naïve kid, those were simpler times... Those were good times. I realize now just how much responsible there is... I guess what I'm trying to say is... I hope I don't fuck it up."
Public Submissions