Stylized Story Based Shooter Game Inspired by Team Fortress 2 & Overwatch
Maganda Marie for Erika Redd

NOTE: Character image was made using Picrew as the model isn't finished and I didn't feel the concept art was good enough to show. The look of the character is subject to change.
Basic Info:
Age - 24
Gender - Cis Female
Accent - General American
- To audition, you must be at least 18 years old.
Okay, technically, there is a small catch. With this audition, you need to audition for two characters. Check out the page for "Trylos Redd" for more info.
Personality & Traits
Erika is the secondary protagonist of the game. She is the head police detective for the police department in Mirem - the town that Petremay takes place in.
Erika can be described as someone who's very moody. She typically keeps to herself and notably smiles less often. Although, this is less in a "constantly frowning, always in a bad mood" kind of way and more like a "just bored with life" kind of way. Erika managed to get everything she wanted in life, she's the head detective in the police department, her mother is no longer in her life, and her sister is safe... But... what now?
Erika notably has had suicidal thoughts in her past, and while those thoughts no longer occupy her head, her depression never went completely away. Over the current years, she has started to take care of herself more. She's started to smile more, and has found more things to be happy about. But even after all of this, she still struggles with not knowing what to do with her life.
Voice References
Below are a handful of videos showing characters from other media which have a voice similar to what I think would fit this character.
[These lines we're specifically created for the audition to show off the range of emotion needed for the role. Think of it as a hypothetical interview type situation.]
(Erika just walked into the room, she is relaxed and ready to talk - if a bit disinterested.)
"Sup... Let's not bother with introductions- you wanted to know about me and what I do right? I'll just be honest with you, shit suucks. Everyone always thinks it's gonna be super exciting stuff all the time, right? Wrong. I mean, I've been doing this stuff for a couple years now, everything's just kind of blending together now. I'm not even entirely sure what day it is. If you asked me how last week was different than this week, then I couldn't tell you."
(Erika noticed something on her phone, and started to become noticeably stressed out.)
"Shit... We have to cut this short... Something came up... I have to go, sorry."

Hi there, Do you have a Discord we can talk on? - Kris

Yes I do! Maganda Marie#0102

Friend request was sent. - Kris