Stylized Story Based Shooter Game Inspired by Team Fortress 2 & Overwatch
Maganda Marie for Trylos Redd

NOTE: Character image was made using Picrew as the model isn't finished and I didn't feel the concept art was good enough to show. The look of the character is subject to change.
Basic Info:
Trylos is the identical twin sister of Erika. She is one of three side characters the player will be able to interact with throughout the game.
Age - 24
Gender - Cis Female
Accent - General American
- To audition, you must be at least 18 years old.
Okay, technically, there is a small catch. With this audition, you need to audition for two characters. Check out the page for "Erika Redd" for more info.
Personality & Traits
Trylos is almost like the complete opposite of Erika, as she acts very energetic and optimistic most of the time. However, despite being energetic, she also rarely raises her voice. Contrasting her cheerful personality, however, is the fact that she suffers from schizophrenia. Most of the time, she's able to just shut it out and ignore it or treat it as not a big deal, but there have definitely been some low moments in her life as a result of it. Her cheerful attitude is actually a coping mechanism in some ways. She is genuinely a very happy person overall, but sometimes she presents herself as more cheerful than she actually is. She's also afraid of ever showing herself upset, as she's worried people won't think of her in the same way if she does. Trylos also naturally loves helping people. Her lifelong goal is to become some sort of therapist in the future, so that she can help other people get over their issues.
Voice References
Below are a handful of videos showing characters from other media which have a voice similar to what I think would fit this character. - Watch Ned in this scene, this is about the same vocal range Trylos is supposed to have.
[These lines we're specifically created for the audition to show off the range of emotion needed for the role. Think of it as a hypothetical interview type situation.]
(Trylos walks into the room, being very excited to be there, she has a huge smile on her face.)
"Hey- woah this room is huge! Hey, can I keep this nametag? ...Oh right, you wanted to ask about me.. Umm.. What do you wanna know? I mean, I'm not really that special [laughs]. I guess... I like walking around the town and uh- talking to people? I don't really have a job yet, still working on that- but if everything goes well I'm going to have one soon. I can't wait to start helping people! (Trylos would suddenly start to calm down and shift to a more serious tone.) ...Hey uh... you talked to Erika right...? What did she say? Is she doing okay...? I mean... I know she's going through... stuff....... yeesh is it just me or did everything just get more... sad... in here...? [nervous laugh]."