PARCHED - Animated Series (Side characters, Extras here.)

Project Overview

[WARNING: Vulgar language, sexual references and depictions of violence. PARCHED isn't NSFW but makes implications of NSFW topics]

While I have the leads now, I am looking for extras and minor roles here. There might be some more characters that appear for more than one episode.

What is PARCHED?

For years, KAM has always been the wild card for DAHLIA. However, things change when she’s placed into a crew with SKINNER and ZAFT, two seasoned criminals. Now, she’s forced to learn the proper ways of a killer to catch up to her fellow members.

All the while, a moral storm brews within her head.


Supporting roles

+ More characters to come as the story progresses. 


Audition if you:

+ are willing to swear and say vulgar shit.

+ are willing to do this for free. This is a passion project, sorry. 

+ got a microphone (quality can be anything, just as long as you're coherent.)

+ are able to commit to this project long term.

* Accents are okay! 

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Latest Updates

  • PARCHED as a Paid project - Hiatus for until Mid-Late July

    Hi! I've been pretty quiet about PARCHED here.

    I'm still working on it - we all are but I've been running into some trouble with some stuff but for now, I wanted to keep everyone here up to date.

    I will be making PARCHED into a paid opportunity as I feel it is only right to and I feel as if I could achieve it. I've had this thought for a good while and even told this to the ones on PARCHED right now about this a while back. If you have provided work to me, I will be compensating you for the work you've done. When time comes, I will be personally contacting each of you about this.

    However, I encountered an issue with my bank which I need to resolve possibly in person. Which would mean I'd probably have to wait until I'm able to travel back to the UK (since I live in Canada now.) This will probably be until Mid-Late July.

    I apologise for the silence about this. It's been a whole mess. Hopefully the next update will be one of better news rather than this whole thing.

  • Thanks for auditioning + Finalised roles!

    Thank you to everyone who auditioned!

    It was quite enjoyable just going through them. You all did amazing and I hope to see you guys here again for future characters!

    Casting Call Club's recent update is pretty weird... It shows I've casted offsite but that isn't the case. In my settings, it says I've casted specific people.

    The finalised roles:
    KAM - Renroki
    SOLEIL - Voiced by Briana
    AZUL - Lucas Sarquiz
    LAKE - ZandyrWolf

    We're still deciding on BOW so you'll have to wait a little bit longer.

    Congrats to them!
    As always, thank you so much for supporting PARCHED!

  • Recasting KAM, our main character now!

    Wow, there's been quite the boom of auditions (especially for LAKE, the lucky man himself.) It hasn't been that long since I put those characters up but right now, I gotta announce: We're recasting our main character KAM and are trying to find a new VA for her quickly! Think you're up for the task? Shoot us an audition or share the link around!
  • New Characters!

    New characters for you to audition for! SOLEIL, BOW, AZUL and LAKE! AZUL and BOW do have Spanish lines so fluency is encouraged. We're building up what the series will be looking like and sounding like pretty well and a lot of experimentation is underway! Thank you so much for supporting PARCHED!
  • Thanks for auditioning + Finalised roles!

    Thank you for auditioning! Again, you all did an amazing job and I hope to see many of you come to voice some of the other roles I have lined up soon. I'll extend the deadline for SOLEIL and put in new roles alongside her too. The finalised roles: SKYLAR - latte-artsu KAY - rekhova I'll reach out to you two shortly! Congrats to them! As always, I'm still looking for new characters to cast so keep looking at this page for more if you're interested in PARCHED <3
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Ren

KAM is impulsive, never thinking ahead to the consequences and tackling things head on. She is a very childlike woman, oftentimes never truly paying attention to what is happening with the Blue Monarch crew. She finds it difficult to understand people and is shy (though displays it through annoyance) about conversing directly with strangers. Despite her struggle with people, she has no fear when it comes to fight for those she cares about, violently displaying her loyalty to the Blue Monarch.

Her voice is orotund, high-pitched and childlike. While she's shy, when she's speaking with someone she's comfortable with, the way she speaks is almost playful. She's very emotive and changes her tone a lot as she speaks. 

Refer to:

Harley Quinn

Nora Valkyrie

  • Go in the next car if that's the case. This one doesn't have enough space for all the ego stored in your big head. (laughing.)

  • (Worked up. Angry.) Fine! Insult me all you want! I don't give a shit about it but if you DARE drag her name down with me, I will spray your fucking blood against the wall. 

  • [KAM is struggling to amend some miscommunication she's had with a teammate.]

    It's not like I don't want to- I-I mean I just-! Ugh, just shoot me now...

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Voiced by Brianna

[Looking for Black/Afro-French VAs!]

SOLIEL, being the oldest, is a responsible second in command. She feels an intense protective instinct over the group. This instinct is so intense that she is probably one of the only members of Primer Arms to actually consistently confront DAHLIA even when she threatens her. She’s blunt with her words, meaning she can come off as incredibly pushy and uncaring but those close enough to know, this is out of love. 

SOLIEL is very straight edged and serious even to those she is considered close with. She speak bluntly and honestly with little thought for how brash her words are but it makes her good at leading the conversation.

  • [SOLEIL almost turns a corner when she sees two men.] (Alert.) SKY, heads up. There’s guards ahead. They have our AKs in hand.

  • (Commanding.) Get back up on the beam! If you keep complaining, you won't get any better!

  • (Complaining.) You guys are being too loud... I'm heading to bed.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Bella Sappho

(Please keep in mind BOW is Colombian and is fluent in Spanish and will have Spanish lines within the series!)

BOW is as sweet as she is short tempered. She is a very loving person, teasing her friends as a way to express her closeness with them, especially with AZUL who she has remained friends with for the longest time before joining PRIMER ARMS. BOW is a damn good hacker, bypassing most security systems that she comes by. She gets frustrated and annoyed quickly when someone tries to undermine her work and holds a strong grudge against those who do.

BOW is a very playful and emotive even through the most casual and relaxed of conversations. She's a very honest person and can be surprisingly blunt at times. BOW feels no shame in voicing and showing her emotions so she tends not to be subtle in how she feels when she speaks.

  • “Esa maldita perra de nuevo.Vengan hay que irnos, ya antes de que nos vea..” (Annoyed, whispering.)

  • “Ya escucharon a la Jefecita! Alright, we’ll help you out. Guide us through, Bomboncito.” (Happy, excited.)

  • “Don’t you dare look down on my work! I work just as hard as you mindless gunslingers!”

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Lucas Sarquiz

(Keep in mind that AZUL is Mexican and speaks fluent Spanish. Again, there will be Spanish lines within the series.)

AZUL, despite trying to go for a confident, cool guy persona, is very cowardly and shy in reality.  He shows this awkwardness through his (attempts at being) flirtatious with people which can come off as incredibly flimsy when it comes to relationship. Because of this, he tends to be the butt of the joke or the first person to accuse when something is amiss within PRIMER ARMS. Despite all of that though, he takes this in stride and feels secure within the group as their guy to turn to when they're in a fight.  

His voice is smooth and cool when he tries to flirt but is incredibly awkward in other times. Often times, if you're able to bounce the conversation back to him, his genuinely shy attitude starts to appear. Unlike others, he's the kind to really beat around the bush or keep his complaints silent. 

  • (Flirty.) Ey~Esa chaparrita es linda no? ¿Crees que ella se interesaria en mi?

  • (Offended.) Esta está mintiendo! I don't even touch your stuff!

  • [AZUL is speaking to some people, whispering as he's afraid of someone hearing.]

    I feel bad for you guys, really. Having a tyrant like that as a boss… (shivers) I couldn’t imagine the pressure.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: ZandyrWolf

LAKE is a very lazy individual who would rather stay inside and drink energy drinks all day than talk to another human being again. However, PRIMER ARMs is a very difficult group to hate being in and so despite all his reservations, he allots some time to them to strategise or just spend time with. Despite not coming off as it, he's an incredibly intelligent individual, a once ethical hacker who worked for big companies and teaches BOW regularly on different tactics.

LAKE has a very deep, powerful, raspy voice which contrasts his look very much. It's a surprise when he raises his voice as it quickly fills a room despite not being much of an authority like others are.

  • [LAKE is about to raise his voice until he notices someone else enter.] “Blue, how many times have I told you to-! Oh- it’s you guys.” 

  • “Y’hear that BOW? I think she likes you.” (teasing.)

  • “ES! Your stray dog is here again!” (calling out to ES.)

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Joanne Brandon

SKYLAR is the leader of Primer Arms: a guns-smuggling gang under the Blue Monarch Syndicate. Despite how scary the title may come off, SKYLAR is a very casual person who loves nothing more than to just have fun with her friends and teammates. She comes off as a very trusting person, welcoming anyone warmly and has somewhat of a godlike patience with people, making it a rare occurrence for her to be mad.

When SKYLAR speaks, she speaks lazily, almost slurring her words together. She speaks casually, sounding like you're talking with a friend. Her voice is kind of deep and raspy and even though her voice is pretty soft due to her lazy way of speaking, there's a subtle power in her voice. Her powerful voice is present especially when she speaks authoritatively to her team.

Casey Gardner

  • (Almost laughing) Is that you, Z? You look even more pretentious than before! And here, I thought the 50ft stick up your ass couldn't grow any longer.

  • (Commanding.) C'mon ES, stop smothering her. [Turning to the other person.] (Apologetic) I'm sorry about her. She's very excited about new people. 

  • (Annoyed, serious.) You're really starting to get on my nerves you know. Bring that shit up around me again and I might once and for all put a bullet in your head.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: Rekhova

[Looking especially for Black/African American VAs]

KAY is a fun person who enjoys to party and play around but when the time comes, he can be very serious. He's a calm man who is intelligent and tactical, making several backup plans in case anything goes wrong. While SKYLAR is the leader, she attributes much of their gang's success to KAY's thought processes and planning.


  • (Surprised.) A girlfriend?! Hell no! Do you really think we’re all that desperate here? I mean, maybe ES is but- [KAY is hit by ES.] Hey! Ow?!

  • (Terrified.) SKYLAR! WATCH OUT!

  • (Serious.) Put this on. [KAY holds out a black beanie.] Keep your head down and stick to the wall. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: FayeTheVA

[Looking especially for nonbinary Black/African American VAs]

Before, they were very loud and daring for adventure. They always itched for a fight because it was exciting for them. However, they grew to realise they weren't achieving anything in life. SUMMIT is a much more subdued, thoughtful individual. While remnants of their youth shine through like their humour and their hearty laughter, they understand that they must listen before speaking.

Because of SUMMIT's maturity now, they speak calmly and slowly so that when they speak, every word is clear. Whenever they speak, it sounds like they're taking control of the room.

  • (Smiling, surprised.) Woah, woah, woah! What's the rush? Thought you'd run by without saying hello?

  • I really missed you, y'know? There's not many people who are so honest with what they think... (Laughing but solemn.) Leaving me with all these liars, you're so cruel.

  • (Genuine.) If you think I'm letting my life sum up to this, then you're dead wrong. 

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Detective "Zak" Zakaria
Role assigned to: SuddenlySami

[Looking especially for Malaysian VAs!]

Detective "Zak" Zakaria, fully known as Hafiz bin Zakaria, is Detective Winters' partner. With kind, leading words, he can convince anyone to open up to him emotionally and even encourage a better beginning. Even when things get tough, he's always there to keep the ball rolling.

Zakaria is a calm and light-hearted man, often making jokes to ease up tension in high intensity situations for Winters. Unlike his partner, He has a way with people which often gently persuades them to open up to him which makes him an excellent detective in his own right but is too trusting in this way. More than Winters could ever be, he is somewhat of an unsung authoritative figure in the precinct with his sociability. 

Refer to:

Josuke Higashikata

Otani Hatori

  • [ZAK apologetically smiles at a young lady.]
    Excuse my partner here, Miss. This case hasn't been an easy one... If it's possible, could you provide some insight for us? It would save the hassle!

  • Lighten up, Alistair! You'll melt your hair gel from all that thinking. (Jokingly)  

  • (Coughing, strained) Shit- They're over here! Go!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: tristhorn

WINSTON only appears on this one episode but he is focused on quite a bit. 

He's kind, gentle and has an overall sunny disposition about him. WINSTON is your usual nice, rich guy who just wants to protect this girl and puts his whole focus on one person and one person only. 

  • "Part of the new Yefae collection, is it not?"

     "If you could excuse us, I’ve got a dance waiting for me with Miss…?"

     "Lovely name."

     "I apologise for being so intrusive, but you seemed like you needed saving."

     "Ah, I figured, but my offer for a dance was not in jest. If you would be so kind…?" 

    "Hello? Yes! You! Could you tell the musicians that we’d like some music playing? Thank you!" 

    (Chuckling.) "That person’s hair was quite awful."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
First Victims
cast offsite

These are just extras. I'll be taking the audio from your audition into the actual episode itself.

  • (Whispered.) What the hell?

  • (Angered.) Get lost! 

    We heard that you brat! Beat it!

    (Strained.) Sayonara… Bitch... 

    (Terrified. Disgusted.) WHAT THE FUCK!?

  • Who’s asking?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Party Guests
cast offsite

These are just extras. I'll be using your audition audio for the actual episode.

  • Your dress is absolutely magnificent!


  • (Condescendingly.) I agree! Who is the designer again?

  • Get her!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
cast offsite

This is just an extra. I'll be using the audition audio for the actual episode itself.

  • Get back--!

  • What took so long? We were supposed to switch two minutes ago- Oh.

    (Hesitantly.)Oh…? And what was it?

    (Suspicious.) Where are your name tags?

    (Nervous.)No, no, no. Nothing.

    If it's not too much of a bother, could you step asi--

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Police Officers
cast offsite

I forgot to include this role, sorry. 

I'll be using the audio from your auditions for the episode.

  • The car's empty.

  • Search the area. They couldn't have gone too far. Ask every person in the area.

  • Ah, sorry. I didn't see you.

    By any chance, have you seen anyone who came from that car?

    Thank you so much for the help.


Public Submissions

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