Original Anime Animation (VAs Needed!)

Original Anime Animation (VAs Needed!)

Project Overview

I have decided to make an original fantasy animation! I wrote the story, created the characters, and am now excited to start an animation that I will post on my youtube channel! I will be holding auditions per episode, so please keep tabs on new auditions for characters appearing in later episodes!

Please check out my youtube video and the portraits I drew of each character to get a feel for the project and my style.


- Please list your discord in your audition

- Please list the microphone you use

- Please do not slate


Requirements: Please be at least 12 years old to audition

Accents: Because this is fantasy, I have not decided what kind of accents I would like. Most likely, I would like American, but if you'd like to also include other accents (British, Irish, etc.), then please feel free!

Payment: I am making this show for fun and will not be paid, so unfortunately I cannot pay the actors. But actors chosen will be fully credited in the video and in the description on youtube.

Questions: Please feel free to message me with any questions you might have!

Thank you so much for auditioning and have fun!

**There are some minor roles I have not listed in the audition. So, if I'm unable to use you in one of the roles listed, don't get discouraged, because I might still like to have you for one of these smaller roles!

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Latest Updates

  • Future Episodes

    Hello and thank you all for auditioning! You all made it very hard for me to choose from all the wonderful auditions that you sent in. I only casted the main roles in this first episode, so if you were not cast, please audition for future episodes! There are still many important characters that appear later in the story!

    Thank you all again and stay tuned!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: KoltJolt

The main character of this story, an innocent and caring boy. Being the only survivor of the recent war, he attempts to start a new life while simultaneously discovering who he is.

  • english
Voice description:
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • male teen
  • I hate to bother you, but would you be so kind as to point me in the direction of the nearest village?

  • I’m not sure. All I know is that I was orphaned at a young age. With no family, I decided instead to give my life to the crown. Being a soldier gave my life some meaning, I suppose. But the war… never mind.

  • Perhaps I could… stay. Help you here. At least until the harvest is completed. If I left you here alone, you might perish.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Role assigned to: MagicFist

The supporting lead, a serious and seemingly indifferent boy. Being an orphan and having lived alone for many years, Rain finds Griffyn's presence to be a test to his lack of sensitivity. 

Voice description:
  • animation/character
  • male teen
  • animation
  • You’re impatient, I see. Yes, I live alone. Now, if you’re going to stand there, you could at least help. I’m not a wizard that can just make food appear.

  • It’s an old map, but still accurate. If you head north east you’ll find a village here. They can guide you back to Elkaria, if that is what you so wish.

  • We've done this all before, you know... Don't you remember? I think I've lived this evening a million times and yet this time I understand what you meant by "family."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lord Korion
Role assigned to: SquireForHire

The supporting lead and apparent villain of this story, a dark, mysterious, and murderous character. Having slaughtered an entire army on his own, allowing Griffyn to live, Lord Korion now attempts to establish ties with the Elkarian crown, most likely for his own sinister plans.

Voice description:
  • male teen
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • So, you’re the one they speak of? It wouldn’t do either of us any good for you to die this early in the story.

  • The army you sent was useless against me. There are no survivors.

  • Quite the contrary. All I ask is to be knighted and granted a seat on your council. There need be no more bloodshed, Your Highness.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
King Fantom
Role assigned to: Tyler

A small role, a stubborn and cold-hearted man. As the King of Elkaria, Fantom faces the new threat of Lord Korion making his way onto his council. 

Voice description:
  • male adult
  • animation
  • animation/character
  • You really think it wise to insult me, Korion? Bow.

  • What is it you want now? To kill me and take my throne for your own?


Public Submissions

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