Nick Reedy

About Nick Reedy

Hey there, I'm a Los Angeles based voice actor with a background in stage acting and improv. I've had the opportunity to lend my experience to a few different projects - live action dubbing, character work, and short films to name a few. For samples of my work, including my demo reel and resume, feel free to check out my website at!

Recording Specs:
Microphone - RHODE NT1
Audio Interface - Solid State Logic 2
DAW(s) - Reaper/Audition
A sample of my booth can be heard on my website!


I mostly work off the VAC guidelines for indie rates, which are:

$2 per line

$0.3 per word

$100 per hour

However, if you're interested in casting but don't think you can afford these rates, feel free to drop me a line and we can totally work something out!
I adhere by these rates to avoid undercutting working actors while also offering pricing options for new, smaller studios or independently funded projects.

What Nick Reedy is looking for

I would love to work on original animation, games, or any character work that comes my way. I'm also interested in lending my voice to other storytelling mediums such as podcasts or audiobooks - there are a ton of cool projects out there I'd love to be a part of!