The latest game in the One Piece franchise currently released on consoles is the 3D fighter, One Piece Burning Blood. The game has received generally positive reviews and praise from fans; however, one such thing was disappointing across the fan base, that being the lack of an English dub from Funimation. So much so, that there was even a petition to try and get a dub into production... sadly, that never happened, and the final game only came with the original Japanese audio.
Even if the English cast never recorded for the game, there's nothing stopping us fans from wondering what might have been, and that is exactly what this project is all about! The goal is to dub over the intros, outros and special attacks from the entire roster, but dubbed in such a way that mirrors the official One Piece dub from Funimation. If you're interested in auditioning, here are some things you should know before auditioning:
1.Before you audition, please take into consideration that I'm looking for impressions of these characters (when possible). Each applicable role has a reference clip to help you match the character's voice from the official dub.
2.Please (if possible) use a high quality mic, without any background noise, echo, etc.
3.Any auditions that apply voice alteration effects such as pitch modification or reverb will not be accepted.
4.When you are cast for a role, please send me your email address so we can stay in contact and you can receive updates on the project via email.
5.If you would like to record your lines while I help direct your performance, feel free to send me your Skype username in your initial email, along with a preferred time you'd like to record with me.(This is highly recommended to ensure the highest quality performances and an overall more professional product.)
6.If you are casted, make sure to stay committed to the project and submit your lines within a week after receiving them (unless otherwise specified.)
7.For the auditions listed below, things in-between [square brackets] are how you should perform the line, while things in-between (round brackets) are for things such as grunts, screams and laughter.
I've currently only listed the main characters and some other characters that appear in the game, but expect the rest of the cast to be added over the course of the auditioning process. With all of that said, good luck and have fun auditioning!