

Joined Jan 2016 48 Following51 Followers
About webemez

 Nice to meet you.Thank you for checking out my page! My name is Natalie An.I love to Voice over.It makes me Happy that there are people that support me enought to look at my page if you are intrested in having me voice act.. Please contact me!!

I also like memes and idols

Demos & Samples
Please contact me at @Anenzmann on twitter or natalieaenzmann@gmail.com
  • @renatus_lupus

    I'm not the writer/director of this project (though I know he feels the way I do), but I did some art for a silly Touhou voice drama, for which Web did voices of the main characters, Alice and Momiji. I feel she did a wonderful job as both of these characters and she gets my praise for her work. The YouTube upload is nearing 3,000 views as of approximately 24 hours after uploading, while the NicoNico upload has gotten over 4,000 views. I hope this helps her career as a voice actress get further!

  • @joshuatobackva

    Web is one of the most talented VAs I know, with a diverse range, great mic setup, and quality singing voice. She is fantastic to work with and I can't recommend a VA more.