OFFICIAL Souris Comic Dub [Supporting Characters/Extras]

OFFICIAL Souris Comic Dub [Supporting Characters/Extras]

Project Overview

Trigger Warning: This project delves on themes regarding sexual assault, pedophilia, abuse, and heavy violence.

Project Info:

This is a comic dub of the Webtoon Canvas series Souris, created by little.moths and pammy.pants which we have received special permission to produce and post.


October braves a virus-ridden island, joining a notorious militia to reunite with his family. Amidst the danger, he meets Andy, a mysterious orange-eyed boy with a sinister past. As October grows closer to Andy, he finds his mission shifting. Not only is he determined to uncover the truth about the island, his family, and the deadly virus, but he also grapples with the burgeoning feelings he has for Andy. 


Zombie Thriller/Romance


  • Must be at least 18+ to audition!

  • Please have a good mic with little-to-no background noise! (XLR mics preferred!) 

  • Please record at least 2 takes of each line in ABC format (Ex: ABC ABC).

  • Please upload files onto casting call club as an mp3 to avoid your audio being compressed.

  • DO NOT do any editing with your audition. Noise reduction is fine though!

  • Please DO NOT slate at the beginning of your audition!

Final Notes:

  • Deadline is October 10th at 12:00 AM PST! Any submissions after that will not be accepted!

  • After the deadline closes, casting will take place 1-3 days after! 4 days at the latest!

  • If cast, you will be informed on the casting call club website. All communication after casting will be done on Discord for efficiency. (No exceptions)

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Voice Actor
Voice Actor

While not a character we still need a person to voice the narrator for the cast reveal video. We are looking for a smooth clear voice. Both masculine and feminine voices will be accepted.

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • male senior
  • female senior
  • male adult
  • female young adult
  • male young adult
  • (Narration) In the middle of a vast ocean lies Île Luciole (eeleh Luci-yole)—the Firefly Island. A remote paradise, famous for its lush landscapes and pristine beaches—a place where life was easy, and visitors marveled at its beauty. But now, it’s just a shadow of its former self, overtaken by a deadly virus.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Willow (Supporting Role)

Willow is Molly’s mother and a self-proclaimed mother figure to Andy. She presents a sweet and gentle demeanor but harbors a fierce protectiveness over her children and the group members she considers family. Willow lost her husband to a tragic incident at a river, where he drowned after trying to save Felix’s kids that were being attacked by infected. In his memory, she raises her daughter with the help of their group, emphasizing kindness and love—values her husband held dear.

Voice Type: mid/mid-high

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • (Calm/Reasoning) I think he should go too. I am serious. If Andy has the camp's best interest in mind, I have no doubt he will de what is best for us.

  • (Concerned "Like a mother would be") Andyyy!! Oh my god I heard what happened! Are you okay?!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jackson (Supporting Role)

Jackson, a former military man, is both intimidating and wise, with scars that tell the story of his past. As the leader of the camp within the prison, he commands respect and loyalty from those around him. To Andy, Jackson is more than just a leader—he’s a father figure, offering guidance and support when Andy needs it most. It was Jackson who found Andy after his father abandoned him, saving his life and earning his deep respect. 

Voice Type: mid-low/low

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (Calm/Reasoning) I'm not his father. I can't really force him to stay. If Andy wants to go, he can. He is an adult.

  • (Stern) What happened here? Is this true Andy?

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Felix (Supporting Role)

For this character, we are strictly looking for a Hispanic voice actor!

Felix is a reserved and cautious member of Andy’s group, often acting as the voice of reason when things get out of hand. His skepticism and careful nature make him the one to call out bad ideas before they lead to trouble. Felix's caution is rooted in tragedy—he lost both of his sons in the same incident that claimed Willow's husband. This loss shapes his outlook, driving his protective instincts for the group.

Voice Type: mid-low/low

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • (Cold) So why are we here?

  • (Calm/Reasoning) I agree with Grace. I don't think it's safe to go with someone you don't even know.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Grace (Supporting Role)

For this character, we are strictly looking for a Black voice actress!

Grace may present a hardened and brutal exterior, but this toughness conceals a deep concern for those she cares about. Driven by the loss of her brother Isaiah, who was bitten by the virus, Grace fears the pain of losing someone again. Her experience and strength make her one of the group's best fighters, but it's her protective instincts and caring nature that truly define her. To Andy, Grace is like an older sister, always looking out for him and the rest of the group, determined to shield them from further grief.

Voice Type: mid/mid-low

  • english
Voice description:
  • female adult
  • (Showing concern) Are you hearing yourself, boy? How is an 18 year old going to find a whole new location on his own with HEV's troops this close?

  • (Stern) No you're not! You don't even know this freak!

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Jeff (Minor Role)

Jeff is the second youngest adult in Andy’s group, just ahead a few years of Andy. With a preference for facts and a tendency to trust Andy's insights, Jeff often aligns himself with Andy's decisions. His background in veterinary medicine allows him to offer some medical care and advice to the group, though he acknowledges that Andy is more skilled in human medicine. While generally timid, Jeff doesn't hesitate to speak up when it's important, particularly when it comes to backing up Andy.

Voice Type: mid

  • english
Voice description:
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • (Calm/Reasoning) He's right. There has been a shortage for weeks now. And the people we send out on runs sometimes go missing.

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

There are various unnamed extras with dialogue that we need voices for so if you would like to provide voices for those, please feel free to submit your demo/sample reels or past auditions you have submitted!

  • english
Voice description:
  • female child
  • male teen
  • male adult
  • male young adult
  • male child
  • female teen
  • female adult
  • female young adult
  • female senior
  • male senior
  • Demo/Sample Reel or Past Auditions


Public Submissions

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