Misao (Definitive Edition)

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I'm sorry to inform you all but without further notice I'm putting this project "on ice" for now. There's a Nekopara project I want to focus on and to complete so I will relaunch this once that is done

Aki is noted as being an ordinary high school student. Unlike most of his/her classmates, he/she lives alone off-campus. The player is given the choice to name the protagonist themselves; however, Aki is the default name.
[Gleefully] Oops! Totally forgot about saving Yoshino! Tee-hee!
[embarrassed] I-I never said I liked anyone! I just think Tohma is kinda cool...
Kudoh! You're hurt! Are you alright?!

Misao is an obedient girl who develops a dark side after her death. Her appearance is simple, as she wears the same uniform as the other girls. Her long, dark hair is kept straight, her bangs falling below her brows and just above her amber colored eyes. After she goes missing, Misao's body is dismembered. Her head, legs, and arms are all cut off and her heart and brain ripped out. A clear target for bullying. Even after death, she shows obvious desire for appeasement.
Die! Die already! Spineless! Die, die, die! Die in a fire! Burn in hell!
[Middle School Misao] (panting) Why are you getting ahead of me? Let's go home together!
[Young Misao] (Crying) Takeshi kept teasing me...

Tohma is a minor/supporting role in Misao. He was the classmate of Misao until she mysteriously disappeared. It is hinted that he returned the romantic feelings Misao held for him.
[Mockingly] Misaaao, please don't curse usss! The rest are fair gaaame, thooough!
You make the best lunches, Otome! You'd make a great wife. Mine, obviously!
[Yelling/Shouting/Running off after seeing monster near Saotome] A-Ahh...Gh...WAAAAAUUUUUGH!

He is known by his students to be a "kind and caring" teacher, when in reality this is false. He is described as a suave and handsome man. He seems to have a hand fetish as well. Sohta wears a suit as his work uniform and parts his sand colored hair. While he was still attending high school, Sohta was considered unattractive and was bullied for it in school.
It's alright Ayaka! The monsters are gone now.
Why... Why does no one accept me?!
[Teenager Mr. Sohta, nerdy] A cat? It's wounded. You look so fragile...I need to get you to a hospital...! Hang in there! I'm going to help you!

Saotome was a classmate of Aki and Misao. She was also the then-girlfriend of Tohma before he abandoned her to die at the hands of a monster.
[Playful/Teasing to be scared to Tohma] Eeeek! I'm scared~!
[Monster approaching her, scared and yelling] YAAAAH! S-Stay awaaay!
[Pleading help] Tohma! HEEEELP!

Ayaka is a minor/supporting role in Misao. In the Truth, she was resurected by Onigawara.
Did you hear? I did! Apparently Mr Sohta has a hand fetish. So maybe if I wash my hands and keep them clean constantly he'll like me more!
Phah! You have no eye for men, Aki. Like, seriously, what do you see in a seducer like Tohma?
[Scared, yelling from fear] A-Ahh...H...Help...!

There was also the glass in the third floor hallway being broken from the inside...
[beaten up/hurting] When I learned that Misao was being bullied, I didn't help her... And now... I'm sorry, Misao.. Sorry I couldn't help you... I'll be there soon...

She is the fictitious vice-president of the Student Council and most likely the assistant of Onigawara. She is also a guiding force in the game much like Onigawara and a minor/supporting character.
It's messed up and gunked up and funked up! The foundation and everything is wrecked, and I haven't been able to find any exits! Plus, evil spirits are going and attacking people! I saw a student killed before my eyes! I'll never be able to eat hamburgers again! Oh, it was frightening...
Then give me a name, Aki! A wonderful name!
But I mean, I love books, so I'm always in the library! Heheh... I guess it runs in the family!

Onigawara is the fictitious student council president at Aki and Misao's school and a supporting character in the Misao game who guides the player in the same manner as Library.
Well...It's a curse.
She is always in the library, so we call her Miss Library!
Allow me to introduce myself. I am the student council president, Onigawara.

Yoshino was the leader of the bullies in Aki's/Akito's and Misao's school. She can be considered a minor/supporting character in the game, but she was a major player in Misao's disappearance and eventual death.
[faking innocence] Me~? Whatever did I do?
[Being tied up on a operating table, Scared] Aki! W-Whew...! H-Help...!
[Crying and screaming] Forgive me! Forgive me, Misao! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!

Hanako is a ghost who is encountered in the girls' bathroom at Girl's Bathroom. She is based off of the Japanese Urban Legend of Hanako-san.
[Creepily] Leeet's plaaay~!
[Disgusted, seeing Aki covered in blood] Y-You smell awful!
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