Misao (Definitive Edition)
Alexis_Rose for Hanako

Hanako is a ghost who is encountered in the girls' bathroom at Girl's Bathroom. She is based off of the Japanese Urban Legend of Hanako-san.
[Creepily] Leeet's plaaay~!
[Disgusted, seeing Aki covered in blood] Y-You smell awful!

Kitty05 - Today at 4:45 PM Anyways. I wanted to tell you that you did NOT get the part, Also, Turn up the volume on your mic jesus I can barely hear you. You are a whiny child with nothing else to do but record your shitty recordings and never get casted because your voice is so super cringy. See ya Yeah no idc about what you say to me, doesn't affect me. Atleast I have a life unlike you, you probaly look like a fish with no eyebrows, you'd also be a better person if you didn't judge people right off the bat. Oh and dont forget I was the first one to Audition for your retarded roleplay and gave it exposure so you should be thanking me. So I guess you're just going to say that and block me knowing that you, "Hurt someones feelings" more like hurt your dignity lol posted that shit as soon as I got it yw :)

I see that you don't know how quotation marks work. And you didn't even give me exposure, wtf? I judge you by the only things I can get a hold of you. Also, I do regret sending you that message, But I don't feel that I'm wrong. I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings, I was trying to mess with you. And it was fun to see how petty you are, as to comment what I said on EVERY audition I've done.

Lol did i my bad XD

Hope ya keep up the streak dear friend.