League of Legends - Voices for my D&D Game - Session 1

Project Overview
I run a D&D game set in the League of Legends universe for some friends. I'm not the best at voices, so wanted some important characters to be voiced by the good people on here!
Good mic, ability to submit the files in a high quality .wav format.
These will be used in a private discord game only. No profit is coming from this project.
I prefer paypal, but I can work with anything you're comfortable with.
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Azir is the recently resseructed god-emperor of Shurima, a large mostly forgotten kingdom in the sands. His voice should be strong, noble and somewhat young Emperor. Below are the links to his voice in the games.
You don't have to do the voice modulation for the audition, but you can if you'd like.
- english
(Proud, thinly-veiled threat to potential political enemies) I have risen and with me, Shurima!
(commanding soldiers) Arise! Onward!
(Speech addressing people from other kingdoms who have to see the rise of a city from the sands) Greetings my subjects. Just as the sun rises each morning, the rise of this city will be the dawn of our empire. Join me. Join US and be elevated. I will return Shurima to greatness. Behold! The power of the sun disk!

Very audacious, extremely charismatic, full of himself (but can back it up) and always tries. He used to be a troubled youth who got into trouble and is now a vigilante that seeks justice to all wrongdooers. He has a soft Indian accent (check video) as shown in the videos below.
He is trying to kill a warlord who killed his teacher in hopes of bringing her back.
- english
- indian
(matter of fact, a little angry) Didn't want to die? Then you shouldn't have done terrible things
(Desperate, on the verge of tears, trying to bring back his teach, in the other room) Shadiya? Shadiya, please.... *slams something against a wall*
(sad, but composed and trying to play it off as a joke and as if nothing happened as he returns to the main room) *sigh* I guess I can't bring back *everyone*, thank you for your help. Omar will have your reward at the door.
Public Submissions