About JDQuesenberry-
Father, Voice-Over Artist, homebody
SouthWestVoices - 2021
Intro into VoiceOver/Animation/Audiobooks
Instructed by Steve Corona & Michelle Campbell
Local Albuquerque Actors who started a coaching business, overall a great experience that helped me flourish into chasing my dream to become KING VOICE OVER
SoundOnStudios - 2023
Commercial Voice Acting/What Directors Want/Finding Emotion Connection in VoiceOver
Instructed by Tanya Possick/Cristian La Monte/Jesse Inocalla
great voice over company who are warm and welcoming and can produce demos if you're ready! affordable, too!!
great place for shows and laughs
Demos & Samples
Character Sample Reel
Character Sample Reel, till I get my Demo
DM me to discuss my rates
What JDQuesenberry- is looking for
Animation, Video Games, Commercials, Passion Projects