Justice League Fan Script (Female Voice Actors Needed)

Justice League Fan Script (Female Voice Actors Needed)

Project Overview

This is a fan-made comic script with full narration and voice-acting of DC's Justice League.  The story focuses on building the Justice League from scratch and watching the group grow into the most powerful team of defenders Earth has to offer.  It will be separate from any DC continuity/timeline in an effort to smooth out the wrinkles in backgrounds and motives from the many reboots the heroes have seen over the years.

The comic will be published on YouTube.  One 5-10 page comic will be posted every month.  While the videos will not be monetized through YouTube due to copyright law, a Patreon will be started to help fund the project.  Once money begins to come through Patreon, it will be distributed to everyone involved in the project accordingly.

Thank you in advance to all who apply!  Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. :)

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  • Deadline Was Pushed Forward Another Month

    Thank you for everyone who has auditioned! There is so much incredible talent and I am excited to be working with you! I decided to push the deadline back another month because of the lack of female voice actors. If the roles are not filled the project will be cancelled. Also, due to the lack of artists I have decided to change the project from a digital comic into a comic script. Thank you to everyone for your patience!
Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Superman (Clark Kent/Kal-El)
Role assigned to: MikeCochran2794

No one expects mild-mannered news reporter Clark Kent to be the heroic alien known to all as Superman.  Whether trouble be in Metropolis, Los Angeles, Brazil, or the Philippines, people count on Superman to arrive and stop it.  Superman gains the nickname "Boy Scout" for being notorious for following the rules and his kind demeanor.  Despite being one of the strongest- if not the strongest- beings on earth, Superman is not arrogant or flashy.  He treats everyone he meets fairly and with respect. Superman is the face and leader of the Justice League.

  • "Tell you what, pal, I'll give you one more chance.  Give me The Stone and nobody has to get hurt."

  • "Excuse me!  Excuse me, ma'am, this is Clark Kent from the Daily Planet!  Can I get a quote?"

  • "The people need more.  They need someone to look up to, someone to aspire to be.  I thought Superman could give that to everyone.  It turns out I was wrong.  People need more than me to find inspiration in.  They need a League of people- a Justice League."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Batman (Bruce Wayne)
cast offsite

Billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne by day, detective vigilante Batman by night, this man is the protector of Gotham.  Brooding, calculating, and intimidating, Batman isn't the most well-liked member of the League as far as the media goes.  He serves as the brains of most of the operations, able to come up with a plan for any situation.  While teamwork isn't his strongest trait he is a valued member of the League.

  • "Not exactly.  The blood sample hemolyzed before it got into the centrifuge.  Without another sample it's going to be impossible to determine, even for me.  I'm going to keep digging.  I'll let you know when I've found something."

  • "I wouldn't jump to any conclusions just yet."

  • "Check the perimeters and keep any civilians out of here.  Now."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Wonder Woman (Princess Diana of Themyscira/Diana Prince)
Role assigned to: LunaLock

New to Man's World from Paradise Island, Diana is naive, fierce, and cunning.  Sent as Champion of Themyscira to teach mankind the Amazonian ways of love, peace, and compassion, Diana is learning the customs of this new world while also trying to lead its people into a new age.  Diana quickly becomes a public icon as Wonder Woman, learning to balance the politics of Man's World with her own beliefs.

  • "No, you are wrong.  My people are warriors, but we are warriors of love, not hate.  We draw our swords to protect innocents.  We are not the savages you believe us to be."

  • "Merciful Minerva!  I pray their ignorance can be remedied."

  • "Hold strong, my friends!  Their defenses are failing!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Flash (Barry Allen)
Role assigned to: Ignis

This is a young portrayal of Barry Allen, somewhere in his mid-twenties.  He is incredibly intelligent and a spark of hope on the team.  He follows his heart in everything he does, especially when it comes to the tough choices.  When not in costume, he works with Central City's detective units as a Forensic Analyst.  While not as popular and established as other heroes, the Flash handles as much crime as he can in Central City and surrounding areas.  Now he is beginning to notice his own rogue gallery appear.

  • "There's ten of them and six of us.  Maybe they should call for backup."

  • "I'll run these over to the labs!  Be back in a flash!"

  • "I know, I know!  I get it!  You expected the big man with the 'S' on his chest, or the guy who dresses like a bat and I'm not either of them.  I'm just the guy who runs fast.  But trust me, you need a solution, *fast*, and I'm the one who can do it!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz)

Jessica Cruz is a new Green Lantern.  She is a very shy and timid woman who struggles with PTSD after watching the brutal murder of her friends.  As a survivalist, Cruz hoards an abundance of food, water, and other essentials in her apartment.

  • "In brightest day, in blackest night,

    No evil shall escape my sight.

    Let those who worship evil's might,

     Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!"

  • "This is Green Lantern Jessica Cruz, come out with your hands where I can see them!"

  • "My friends are in trouble- they need me!  I'm not going to be afraid anymore!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Hawkgirl (Shayera Hol)

Shayera Hol is a Thanagarian from the planet Thanagar.  She is a strong, tough warrior who is quick to solve problems with her fist.  Her temper is short and she is incredibly aggressive.  Despite this, when someone is able to pass through her hard exterior, she is a very caring woman.  Shayera has good instincts, able to see through false pretenses before trouble starts.  Her humor runs heavily on sarcasm as she is incredibly sharp-tongued.

  • "It's made of Nth metal, genius.  Good luck."

  • "You know, there's nothing better than flying.  When I fly, I'm free.  I can go where I want, see what I want, and I can *be* who I want.  It's more than traveling, it's living."

  • (sarcastic) "Oh yeah, because you're so good at lying."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Lex Luthor
Role assigned to: Nelluc The Great

Lex Luthor is one of the smartest, most cunning mortal men.  Unlike most of the world, Luthor sees Superman as a threat.  His desire to be a man for the world to look up to- a Superman in his own right- spawned a jealousy for the Man of Steel.

  • "Please, if I wanted to take over the world I would have done so already right under your nose.  What do I want?  More than you could ever hope to understand."

  • "Superman, Superman, Superman!  I am so tired of these buffoons worshiping him!  I'll find a way to show them their precious hero isn't all he's cracked up to be!"

  • "Nancy!  Cancel my meetings!  It appears I have a date with destiny."

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Joker
Role assigned to: BaileyAmburgy

  • "Batsy brought his friends along to play!  My my, I *am* a lucky boy!  Welp, let's get this show on the road!"

  • "And I thought *I* was the psychopath!  I would never walk outside with my underwear over my pants!  What fashion disasters."

  • *laugh*

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Ultra Humanite
Role assigned to: crimsoncharlie

  • "Your lack of ingenuity is absolutely nauseating."

  • "Oh no, you are clearly mistaken.  You see, my time in this country's lousy excuse of a holding cell taught me more than I could have ever expected.  While the simple-minded fools contained in Belle Reve cannot hold a candle to my intellect, they can to *yours.*"

  • "Go quickly you idiot!" *sigh* "Must I do *everything* myself?"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
Gorilla Grodd
Role assigned to: crimsoncharlie

  • "Inferior species, all of you!"

  • "Stubborn oaf, I am the perfect balance of mental and physical prowess.  You couldn't dream of stopping me!"

  • "Without Solovar to control his precious little army, Gorilla City's defenses will fall!  No one will stand in my way!  Not even *you.*"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor
The Cheetah/Barbara Ann Minerva

  • "The pretty princess finally knows how mean the big world is?  How touching.  Maybe you should run home to your mommy!"

  • "Come closer.  I don't *usually* bite."

  • "I don't need Urzkartaga anymore.  I chose this, I chose to be a goddess!"

Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Extras may include ordinary people, family members, minor villains, and even minor heroes.  Have fun with this!

  • Go ahead and say anything!  Show me what you can do!


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